A knock at the door startled her for a second; the party was barely over yet, who could’ve come back now? She used most of her strength to push herself up into a sitting position, straining her voice as she called out, “..who..’s..the...re..?” A pause, “Lucifer.” Ophelia felt a shudder of cold dread go through her as she broke into a cold sweat. Mustering up as much more strength as she could to her voice she spoke, “Why..why are you...here..?” “I’m here to apologise, I didn’t know you were doing this for me. Can I come in..?” He sounded so uncharacteristicly unsure about it. Worried. Ophelia shook her head, the gentle shifts of the covers could be heard across the door.
“No..not yet..” “Okay.” Lucifer agreed, there was a silence before, “L..Lucifer..?” A hum came back in reply. “Wh..why did that..me..ignoring you..make you so..so upset..?” Ophelia struggled out, she wasn’t sure what words to phrase it in but she was willing to try it. She waited as a quiet gasp could be heard from the other side. “I..” The Demon began, “It’s because you’re both our bonds..I just felt as though you should be with both me and Elijah.” Ophelia nodded again, the shuffling passing to Lucifer’s ears.
“But..But why..did me being..secretive..make you upset..?” And this, this is where it all went downhill. You see, Lucifer is a Demon, he can’t really help being full of himself and ridiculously proud of that fact. Neither Elijah or Ophelia could change his mind about it. “Simple, you’re my bond too so you HAVE to tell me EVERYTHING.” He stated, putting hard emphasis on certain words, Ophelia was starting to shake again, growing back into her small sad shell. When no reply came, the pale Demon thought it was an okay to go on, and so he did, “You’re mine to do whatever, I don’t care what they think. You’re mine and you should always tell me everything. You hear me?” A serious, possessive tone took over Lucifer’s voice as he banged on the door, anger clouding his vision and his thoughts.
Ophelia noticed the glittery pentagram on her wrist glow red, danger. She was unstable, shaking and trembling out of both fear and hurt and now she was alone with the person who caused that. A sudden thought crossed through her mind as a flaming laser-like beam of red flashed straight to her. She screamed and raised her cupped hands, absorbing the whole beam at once. “..how..dare..YOU..?!?!” She yelled at the hole in the door, where she saw Lucifer breathing heavily through his nose and she watched his chest rise and fall for a split second before shouting again, “YOU KNOW WHAT?! YOU WANTED EVERYTHING RIGHT?? FINE THEN. TAKE IT.” And with that, she fired the whole beam back at Lucifer, except, now that it was also fuelled with all her hurt, anger, and fear; it was about triple times stronger.
Lucifer fell back, clutching his stomach in agony as he watched a more disheveled Ophelia crying with now bloodshot eyes and a bloody nose use magic she learnt by herself to fix the door and place a magic lock on it, probably to be opened by only her and Elijah.
Elijah..Lucifer thought, Elijah was the cause of this. He asked him to come here, and if he didn’t, Lucifer was pretty sure that none of this. NONE OF THIS. Would’ve happened.