Jason's P.O.V.
The staying-still contest had started. It was fairly easy to stay still. I sat in a slouched, comfortable position. I allowed my mind to wander, just so that I wouldn't get bored too easily and start to fidget.
Even though I was not the best in art, I still chose art for my elective. I did that because I was even worse in drama or music. Also, my crush was in this class. I was quite familiar with this room and I could remember it clearly in my brain. I tried to visualize the art room to use up time: The bright sunlight shone through the huge glass windows, making this room the brightest out of all the school classrooms. There were wire-made artworks hanging from the ceiling, showcasing the students' creativity. I often wondered about what would happen to this room if an earthquake starts. Would all the artworks go crashing down onto our heads? That thought made me shudder, though not physically. On the side of the classroom, there were cupboards to store students works, each labeled with the students' name. Unfortunately my name was across the room from Paisley's name label.
"Drrrr..." The sound of a dragging art stool interrupted my thoughts. I guess someone moved. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any extra sound. Maybe it came from Paisley, Emily, or some unlucky girl who moved.
"Still stay frozen while I announce something now. Due to the fact that half of you are still left, I will increase the difficulty of the contest. It is taking longer than expected." Paisley's melodious voice flowed into my ears. "I will be playing pop and creepy music. Be prepared for sudden loud sounds."
I was surprised to hear that half of the people already moved. Yes, it was getting to the point where your butt was burning, but we should be able to stand it. I smiled in victory, but in my brain so that it didn't move my face muscles.
All About That Bass started playing. I heard some more shuffling sounds. I guess the girls couldn't resist the temptation to dance to the music. After the song, a creepy song popped out. Later I learned that the song came from "Unsolved Mysteries". Different scary music continued to play. Soon, I heard someone mutter," I can't stand it anymore. I'm out of here." Then I heard the slam of the door. Really, the music didn't affect me. That's one of the reasons why I was not in music.
A few seconds later, I felt an itch behind my right ear. Ahhh!! I didn't want to scratch it! Resist! For the sake of my love!! I tried to think of something else to distract myself. But it was hard thinking about something while having physical discomforts. I hoped that this contest won't go on any longer.
"Congrats. You can take off your blindfold now." Emily commanded. Me? Who was she talking to? Someone touched my shoulder,"Yes you." said the Emily voice. Finally! I immediately took off my blindfold. The light was blinding! I blinked a few times before I could properly see. Inches from my face was Charlotte with her wavy blond hair. She was staring at me, frowning,"I always thought that boys move way more and have way less patience than girls." I smiled guiltily, knowing that the only reason I didn't move was Paisley.
"Okay you can now go outside. Call the other group in. Okay?" I nodded in response. I walked out, but not before I turned to smile at Paisley.
Paisley's P.O.V.
As soon as the door closed, Emily rushed to my side, with that creepy smile of hers whenever she was about to say something weird.
"Hey Paisley." Emily tried to talk in a sexy voice, raising her eyebrows, but of course miserably failed. I laughed at her pathetic attempt. "Okay let's get down to business here. What wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me? How rude of you, Mrs. Parker."
"Wait what?! My last name is not Parker and I'm not a Mrs! My last name is Starr!" I exclaimed, with a confused expression on my face.
Emily rolled her eyes," You are sooo observant(with a hint of sarcasm). And just for your information, his name is Jason Parker. He likes you okay? It's so obvious."
"What? Who?" I asked, still confused.
"The boy who just won this contest, you idiot! He's been smiling at you all the time!"
"Neh, no one likes me." I replied, but still feeling extra flattered.
"Huh! As if! I'll bring him here and I'll prove to you that he likes you." Emily stomped off to open the door.
"Whoa whoa hold your horses. Don't be so impulsive! Come back!! I don't want to be embarrassed!!!" I shouted after her.
She stormed off without even looking back at me.
A/N: Can't you feel the stupidity of Paisley flowing in the air? Just kidding. She not actually dumb.
Apple crisp and snickerdoodles,