Sorry, I don't know what was going through my mind this morning before school, but.....yeah... so here is my story..........I must have just gotten them mixed up...or anyways, hope you guys enjoy
You look in the mirror, sad, terrified, and angry. Sad that she could not have stayed longer, terrified for the years to come and angry at yourself for not being able to prevent the events.
You remember the look she had given you before she had left. A wake of agony and torture follows close behind the feeling of longing.
But she was gone, like the wind, with some other man, and you were still here, dressed like a slob, trying to get over her. She is fine, you are not. Inside you know that next time you see her you will plant a smile on your face and try to seem joyous, even though this seems like a really stupid idea. You will walk with your friends, talk to your teachers and try not to stare.
When she looks at you, you will laugh at some fake joke your friend says, and all will seem okay.
In truth, your heart hurts. Your brain is tired but she can not know this. This is a weakness, one no woman should know about a man, so you will smile, you will laugh, you will pretend that all is fine.
You hope she has not moved on, but the chances of that are slim, so you hold on to the chance that her next boyfriend will dump her on her butt.
For now you are fine, that is what you tell yourself, you are fine. She does not deserve you, you are fine… but deep inside you are not fine. This is the first lie that you tell yourself. The second will come long after, another lie about the one that got away.