62nd day of Shadowed Sun
Entry #1
Death. It is an unavoidable fate, one all living beings will share, including myself. While I do not fear leaving this existence in favor of another, I do fear for my knowledge. What will be the outcome of all of the secrets I have painstakingly uncovered as I went about life? I already knew its destiny. All that I knew would die with me, never to be seen once again. Therefore I decided not too long ago that my research was best recorded on some parchment or in a data file, rather than left to die off with me. This way, the worst that could happen would be my work being lost to the ages. Thus, this first data entry came into creation to explain to you, the inheritor of my wisdom, my story and the importance of this information. First off, I shall start explaining who I am and what has happened.
I am Matriarch Sa-Ra'arra and I hail from the "holy" planet of Qintarre, home-world of the "enlightened" Qintar race. If my race still exists at the time you read this, Inheritor, then it is very likely you have at the very least heard of us. In that case, you will be very glad to learn that I am no longer part of the Qintarre Hierarchy. I have been exiled for high treason against the state and the gods.
You may ask what was the terrible crime that I have committed? Well, my crimes are many, but of those, it was the uplifting of a species that was my worst sin.
The Holy Doctrines teach us all that no species is more holy than the Qintar. All others must be converted to our faith and serve us, or otherwise be destroyed. There are those amongst the Hierarchy, however, who resent this behavior. They believe that it should be our role, as a more fortunate species, to help the less evolved up to our level of enlightenment. I was the leader of this faction.
As a Matriarch, I was viewed as one of the most revered beings in all of the Hierarchy. There was little that I wasn't able to do. Thus, my involvement with these sinful groups was viewed as a mere quirk of my personality, something that could be ironed out in the future and nothing more. But it was not seen as such for long.
The Nelfar were an unfortunate race of beings. We annexed them into our Hierarchy when both of our races were very young. Thus, because of nearly a millennium of servitude to my race, we have devolved this species into subservient drones. I sorrowed for them, as I had spent much of my long life watching them deteriorate into the creatures they are at the time of my writing. So I devised a plan to return the Nelfar into the beings they once were.
Many long years of research went into this project of mine, but finally, we created it. A machine to speed up evolution. In all my years, I had never seen such a creation even thought about, let alone attempted. It was my pride and joy.
However, some rival of mine, a fellow Matriarch who's duty was to oppose me in nearly every way, discovered my plots and device. Seeing as even thinking of this was a sin most foul, she exposed it to the whole Hierarchy.
At that moment, I became the Hierarchy's greatest enemy. The very citizens who once revered me now hated me. To them, I was a villain, a prime example of what could happen should one fall astray from the path of light.
So, in my villainous state, I was brought before a council of my sisters for a trial. Despite my familiarity with each of them, they spared me no mercy. I wasn't even deemed fit for a clean execution. Thus, I was judged only worthy for exile.
Now here I am, drifting throughout deep space, millions of light years from the nearest galaxy. Hopefully, we reach the next galaxy soon.
But if you're reading this, Inheritor, then I suppose we did?
EDIT / A/N: Perhaps she's not this culture's version of a villain, but in her own she's the worst villain anyone could possibly be.