"You've been spending a lot of time with Larissa," his father commented casually, eyes still glued to whatever program was playing on the tv. Chris hadn't really been paying it much attention.
"Yah," he wrung his hands nervously. "I'm going to ask her to marry me," he blurted. Robert coughed in shock and immediately clicked the tv off, turning towards his son who was sitting nervously upright in the other recliner in the family room.
Chris had been spending a lot of time with Larissa. Filming for their guest spots on So This is Life had ended over two months ago. It had been almost a month since they first made love.Something had been switched in both of them that night. They found themselves staying all night at each other's places more and more.Their need to be together was almost palpable. Chris wondered if she physically ached as he did sometimes when they were apart. He had contemplated asking her to move in, but something was still holding him back. He had no qualms about it whatsoever, but was afraid, even though it seemed that their whole "taking things slow" had gone out the window, that it would be too much for Larissa.
"That's, that's great news, son," his father stammered.
"You think it's too soon?" Chris furrowed his brow.
"No, no. I mean, sure, it's pretty quick, but that's your decision.I told you, if it's something you're absolutely sure of, go for it.Just, uh, threw me off, that's all," he chuckled.
"I told you she's the one, dad."
"I know, son. I've just never seen you like this before. I knew you were serious, but I had no idea you planned on marrying her so soon."
"I know it's crazy, but I just don't see any reason to wait for the rest of our lives to start. Don't repeat this to ANYONE, but...I physically hurt when she's gone. When I have too much time to think,which is more often than not these days, I can't help but wonder how I lived my life without her in it before. I want to start our life together. Right now." His father was speechless for several minutes.
"What?" Chris asked, laughing nervously.
"Just thinking," Robert shook his head. "I'm proud of you son.I know you're still young, but to be honest, I was starting to wonder if you would ever settle down. We really like her too, your mom and I," he paused. "Hell, I think even Catherine likes her." They both started laughing. "Just let me know what you need, son. When are you planning on asking her?"
"I don't know, exactly. Probably as soon as I get a ring," Chris chuckled. "Hopefully in the next few weeks."
Trying to get an idea for what kind of ring Larissa would love proved to be harder than Chris expected. In fact, he had contemplated just asking her straight out what she liked, but he wanted the proposal to be an absolute surprise.
Over the next week, Chris only ended up spending one night at Larissa's house. She usually only wore the same necklace and he had never seen her with rings on, so he had to resort to snooping through her jewelry box while she was in the shower the next morning.
Chris was surprised to find that Larissa actually had quite a bit of jewelry. He wondered why she never wore half of it. "Women," he thought, shrugging to himself.
Snooping hadn't been much help as far as deciding which color to go with went. She had a pretty even mix of silver and gold jewelry. He did notice a recurring theme elsewhere and it gave him the perfect idea. He may have also sneakily "borrowed" a ring in hopes that he would get the correct size.
Chris woke up that morning so nervous he thought he was going to get sick, several times.
"Get a hold of yourself," he chided himself. "You still have the whole day ahead of you." For once, he was glad that Larissa hadn't stayed all night. She had work early that morning, a double shift, in fact, so it worked out perfectly. He had all day to get things ready and, well, try not to puke along the way.
Chris' nausea eased up measurably once he picked up the ring from the jewelers. He liked the fact that it was the same establishment where his parents got their wedding rings some 40+ years ago. In fact, the same gentleman who started the business so many years ago still frequently helped the customers out front. It was hard to be sentimental in a town like L.A., but it gave Chris a warm feeling somewhere deep inside. Not to mention the ring was absolutely perfect.
After that, Chris stopped by a seafood restaurant he had found online. It was in the perfect location, right across the street from"their beach", as they called it. It was one of their favorite date night spots and the same place in Santa Monica he had first taken her too. They were both seafood lovers, but they had never been to this particular restaurant and Chris wanted to make sure it was up to snuff for their special night. He had contemplated getting takeout from their favorite place, Providence, but he figured seafood as a picnic dinner was a bad idea.
Chris entered By the Seashore and glanced around. It was definitely more casual than Providence, but the ambience seemed calm, subdued,which is what Chris was looking for. A young man, probably a few years younger than Chris, approached the hostess podium.
"Welcome to By the Seashore. Just yourself this afternoon?"
"Oh, no. Actually, I just dropped by to check the place out in person. I found you guys on the internet. We've never been here before and I'm planning kind of a special date tonight," Chris explained.
"Oh, very nice, sir. Would you like to make a reservation for this evening?"
Chris laughed. "I know you're just doing your job, but please.Don't call me sir. You're like, the same age as my girlfriend. And yes, I'd like to make a reservation for two this evening. Let's say...8 o'clock?"
"Very well, s-", the maitre d' caught himself. "Very well,"he jotted Chris' information down in the book resting on the podium.
"Say, how lenient is your late policy?" Chris inquired. "Thing is, my girl works as a waitress across town and it's hard telling when she's going to get off sometimes."
The maitre d' took several steps toward him and leaned in.
"Tell ya what," he spoke low. "I'll be here again later. I'll make sure you have a table whenever you arrive. Besides, our turnaround time is pretty good, even on Saturday nights," he paused."Plus I know how it is. I hate not knowing when I'm going to get off," the young man whispered. "And doubles!"
"I hear ya," Chris patted his shoulder. "My girlfriend is working a double today too. I hate it. She hates it. I wish she would look for a new job, to be honest."
Chris' next to last stop was the tailor. He had a love/hate relationship with them. On one hand, he hated spending the money on something he had already paid for, just to get it to fit better. On the other hand, visiting the tailor secretly made him feel important,like he was a big celebrity, like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.
"She's going to be pissed," he thought as he picked up the suit.It wasn't the first time he had taken her on a "mystery date",but he knew Larissa hated not knowing what to wear. She wouldn't be able to bitch too much this time, though. He planned on picking her attire out for her while she was in the shower at her place.
"Hey. You're early," Larissa quickly pecked him on the lips.
"I know. I've been running around all afternoon. Thought I would grab a bite to eat while I wait. You can get one of the other girls if you don't feel like dealing with me," he teased. Larissa rolled her eyes and shoved him in the arm.
"What do you want?"
Chris watched other hungry customers roll in to the diner where Larissa worked as he waited for her shift to end and ate his bacon cheeseburger and fries. The place was getting pretty packed, but he made sure to not show his worry when she came to check on him.
"I don't think I'm going to be able to get off at 6, Chris,"Larissa looked around forlornly.
"It's ok. We have plenty of time," he smiled reassuringly.
"Did you make reservations somewhere?" she already had an apologetic look on her face.
"Yes, but we have plenty of time. I promise. Even if you don't get off at 6. It'll be fine," he took her hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb.
"Alright, but tell me if we need to hurry once I do get off. I mean it," she pointed at him as she walked away to wait on the newest table that had walked in.
He hated for her to feel rushed on tonight of all nights, but Chris was afraid she was right. The time ticked on and the place became a mad house with the dinner rush of Saturday night. 6:45 came, things were finally calming down, and Larissa finally approached his table,carrying her apron.
"Let's get the hell out of here," she grabbed his hand and practically dragged him out.