It’s been a few weeks since my near-death experience, and after some physical therapy with Dawn and my mom at the house, I was able to function like a normal human being again.
Being so close to Dawn for this long at a time caused my need for her to be greater than usual. I tried to distance myself from her, so my need for her didn’t cloud the way I loved her as a person, but it was getting hard, and it was about to get so much worse. 97Please respect copyright.PENANAPASxn7qdh1
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**Chapter Break**
“Hey,” she says one night when we were taking a walk down the park near my house. “What would you say to me if I asked you to come over tonight?”
“Oh?” I ask, her voice sending chills down my spine as usual, which I had to fight not to kiss her right there.
“Yeah,” she says, stopping with my hand in hers, causing me to stop as well. “I was thinking I could cook for you, and you could meet my family and just… you know, hang out?”
“I’d love to, but…” I had to stop myself before I said too much.
“But?” She prompted, curiously. ‘Was that also pain in her eyes?’ I questioned myself.
“No,” I say, finally, “no buts. I’d love to.“
“Okay, bet!” She says, happily. “Are you going to be able to walk all the way back to the car? Or do you want me to carry you?” She asks, sort of as a joke, but kinda seriously.
“As tempting as that might be,” I say with a smirk, “I think I’ll be okay. Thank you, though!”
She laughs a little at my enthusiasm. “Yeah, of course!!”
“Let’s gooooo!” I exclaim, laughing while pulling her eagerly.
She laughs as she follows me to the car. “Hey, what’re you so happy about?” She asks, smiling at me when we get into the car.
I shrug, not really knowing why either. “I don’t know, but you make me happy, so I guess you.”
She blushes, looking down, then looking into my eyes, hers going to my lips and then back up. She leans towards me, landing her lips on mine.
The kiss was short, but I begged for more in my mind, wanting her so badly, but impossibly, I pulled away from the kiss and the desire for her, fighting the urge to give in. “W-wow, baby. You’ve been practicing, haven’t you?”
“Nope,” she says, smirking. “But I want to practice more on you.“
“I-“ I say, speechless, nodding in submission. “P-please,” I beg, kissing her harder.
I couldn’t fight the urge anymore, grabbing her shirt, pulling her onto me. “I-I’m ready,” I say, begging her.
“O-oh?” She questions, curious for me, continuing to kiss me and eventually makes her way to my neck.
“B-baby, a-are you ready for this?” I ask, concerned I’m taking it too far.
She pulls away, looking down at me. “I’d rather wait until we get to my place, and you meet my parents, but yes. I’m ready to do this with you.”
I nod, accepting it, honestly scared to have my first time with her, but knowing she’ll be careful with me. “Okay. I can wait,” I say, smiling, kissing her again as I sit up. Honestly, I was glad we were this close. We could talk about sex and not get uncomfortable or feel afraid. It made me trust her even more.
“Soon, baby,” she says, climbing into the driver’s seat, driving us to the house.
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**Chapter Break**
I was actually terrified of meeting Dawn’s parents. ‘What if they don’t like me? What if I embarrass myself with my stupid laugh?’ These were questions I asked Dawn when we get to the house.
“One,” she says, smiling at me, putting her hand on my leg, sending a shiver down my spine. “they’ll adore you and Two, You won’t. You have the most beautiful laugh of any young woman.”
I couldn’t help but blush at her comments, warmed by how much she genuinely meant the things she said. “You mean that?”
“I’ve never lied to you, Dakota,” she says, brushing my hair out of my face, “and I never plan to either.”
I blushed more, nodding, my body heating up, affected by the love I have for her. “Hey, can I say something?”
“I don’t see why not,” she says, turning on the car and then turning towards me.
“You’re amazing and I love you more than anything.”
She blushes, shifting in her seat, looking down. “I love you more than you know,” she says, smiling at me.
I blush, nodding. “Thank you, baby,” I say, smiling at her.
She nods as well. “You ready?”
My nervousness seemed to deplete enough that I felt myself nod. “Yeah,” I say, smiling. “I’m ready.”
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**Chapter Break**
Her house was beautiful as always. Sparkly marble floors, neatly organized rooms, it was like paradise.
I followed Dawn through the kitchen nervously before Dawn smiles. “Hey, mom,” she says, looking at the woman in the kitchen, making a smoothie it seems.
The woman turns towards us, and I swear I gasped. She was as beautiful as the house. Long smooth legs, perfectly toned body, like a super model. “Hey, honey!” She says with an energy that I adore, and it makes me feel a little more at ease with meeting her.
“Who’s this?” She asks, smiling at me and then returning her gaze to her dawn
Dawn smiles, squeezing my hand gently, comfortingly. “Mom,” she starts, smiling at me. “This is Dakota. My girlfriend.”
Girlfriend, I thought, smiling stupidly, I like that.
“Woah, kiddo, hold up there,” she says, smiling and laughing a little. “Girlfriend?”
“Yeah, I really like her, mom,” she says, smiling at me the whole time, which causes me to blush.
“Wow,” her mom replied, smiling at us. That’s a good sign, right?
“Are you upset?” I finally get the courage to ask. 97Please respect copyright.PENANAowCFJE8vjP
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“No, no! I’m quite the opposite. I always knew Dawn liked someone, but I didn’t know who she was into. And I can tell, from how much she talks about you, that you mean the world to her.”
This causes me to blush scarlet. “You talk about me?” I ask Dawn, my heart melting.
“I mean, who wouldn’t? You’re amazing.”
“Aww-“ My voice breaks and I’m instantly enveloped in tears. I don’t usually cry when someone says that to me, so I don’t exactly know why I’m crying now. It was as if I had no control over my emotions. All I knew was that I felt heat in my chest, and I knew I was in love with her.
She rubs my back, giving me the best hug. “I love you,” she whispers in my ear, “always.”
“I love you, too,” I whisper, still crying silently. “Forever.”
I pull away after a few minutes, when I’m done crying and I put my hand in hers again. “You girls are so cute,” her mom says, smiling at us.
“Sorry for crying,” I respond, laughing a little, wiping my eyes.
She smiles, basically saying ‘it’s alright’. “Do you girls want anything to eat or drink?”
Dawn looks at me after shaking her head. “Uhm…maybe an apple?” I say, hungry, but not wanting to pig out on their food.
She nods, smiling, reaching into a fruit bowl and grabbing a pretty decently sized apple. “Literally everything is perfect here, isn’t it?” I joke, laughing a little, eating the apple.
“Not everything,” Dawn says with a little darker tone as a man walks into the room like he owns the place. That must be her dad.
“Who’re you?” He demands, drunkenly.
Before I could answer, he starts yelling at Dawn. “I thought I told you to take out the garbage!?” He says, glaring at her.
Dawn glares back at him, and I’d be surprised if he noticed with how drunk he is. “Go fuck yourself, Hank.” She says and I barely hold back a gasp. I couldn’t believe she said that to him.
Instead of retaliating, he grumbles angrily, walking away. He’s probably too wasted to do anything anyways. I could literally taste the alcohol burning in the air. It revolted me.
Dawn looks furious with him after that. “I’m sorry about him, Kota,” she apologizes when he goes outside. “He’s always drunk, and it really pisses me off because he hits Mom when he’s wasted.”
I couldn’t speak. She has to deal with this all the time? “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine, whatever.”
I nod, not knowing what to say.
“I can take care of the chores today, sweetie,” her mom says, comfortingly.
“Are you sure?” Dawn asks, looking at her, visibly calmed down again.
She nods, smiling. “It’s not a problem. You girls go have fun.“
Dawn lets go of my hand, hugging her mom. “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, honey,” she replies, hugging her daughter back.
When they’re done hugging, Dawn and I go upstairs to her room.
Her room is less tidy than the rest of the house, but still cleaner than most places I’ve seen in this neighborhood. “Sorry about the mess. You can sit wherever.” She says, smiling at me.
I sit on her bed, just twiddling my thumbs, not sure what to do or say. “Your mom is wonderful.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty great,” she says, cleaning up her room a bit before grabbing a drawing board. “Hey, can you model for me?” She asks, randomly, smiling down at me.
I get butterflies at her question, nervously combing through my hair. “H-how?”
“Just sit with your legs together, a little way from your stomach and look at this wall.” She instructs, pointing to the wall behind her.
She then moves to in front of me when I do what she asks and starts drawing. She was done a lot faster than I would’ve expected and I move from the position, crossing my legs like I was before as she turns the notepad, showing me her artwork.
I gasp at how good it was. “Wow-“ I say, speechless. “That’s literally so good.”
I gently traced the drawing with my finger, careful not to smear the image. “I love you, Dakota,” she says, causing me to look up.
There she was, beautiful as ever. I got nervous just looking at her. Leaning down, she gently brushes her lips against mine, and I kissed back, pulling her to sit on my lap. I was slightly taller than her, so it was the perfect position for us.
“I’m scared,” she admits, pressing her lips against mine every few seconds, barely touching me, making me beg for more.
“Don’t be. You’ll be safe with me,” I say, smiling at her, moving my hand down slowly to her hips, pulling her in for a deeper kiss, covering us with the blanket next to me.