Chapter 7
I spent the whole day trying to cover my hand, seeing as my boss didn't approve of tattoos. Figures that I would be stuck in a situation like this. 'I'll have to buy some gloves.' I thought.
"It's time." The demon said in my head. I stopped what I was doing and walked over to my boss.
"Hey boss, I'm not feeling too good", I lied, "I'm gonna take the night off, but I'll do overtime tomorrow, I promise."
"Alright, but I'll hold you to that promise." He said.
"Make sure you feel better." He shouted as I walked off. I grabbed my coat and walked out the door. I headed to the skyscraper where I had first jumped. As I reached it, I took the elevator up to the top floor and took a ladder up to the roof. As I reached the roof I looked out at the edge of the building. I saw the place I had jumped outlined by a circle with the number 128 inside of it along with my alliance symbol in the background of the circle.
"Are you ready?" The demon asked into his head.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied.
"Then step into the circle and you shall be transported there." As I did so, my body began glowing blue. Once I reached the center I felt the rush as my vision dissolved into light. Once the light dissipated I found myself looking at the inside of The Silent City. I could see that I was not last this time, for many of the 64 spaces were empty. I noticed one place start shining blue. As it did so the light seemed to form a large, oval-shaped bubble. After a second, the light fell back into the circle and standing on the space was a large man with a redneck beard and a shotgun strapped on his back. He seemed to notice me looking at him and he scowled at me.
"Whadda you want?" He asked me in a hostile tone.
"Nothing", I replied,"I just haven't seen what teleportation looks like from the outside."
"Well, now ya seen it, so stop lookin!" He yelled at me.
"Woah dude, calm down." I said.
"Don't tell me what tuh do!" He said pulling out his shotgun. As he pulled the trigger a click came out as if the gun was out of ammo.
"What, did you really think we would be allowed to kill in the teleport room?" I asked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He just growled at me before walking off. As he did number 37 walked over to me.
"Well, it's good to know you're already making friends." She said sarcastically.
"Hey, it's not my fault he got pissed, all I did was look at him." I said.
"Fine, fine, just try to make more allies in the future." She told me.
"Why?", I asked,"I can make one more at most, the rest won't matter because they'll all be dead." I said, referring to the alliance rule that was set only one week earlier.
"Yes, I know but for the time being wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about the people you love?" She asked.
"I'm an orphan." I told her. She gaped at me like I had just flown and, as she did, our bodies started glowing blue.
"Well, that's our cue. Good luck in your battle." I said with a smile as I teleported to my arena.