Libby and Becky together, but also alone as no one is around them because the day is turning into evening, they took off to spend a quiet moment together, to just talk.
Forgot all social plans they had. They're aimlessly walking down random streets of Ender Falls.
It's pretty clear out tonight, huh? Not to mention, warm the air.
Sorry, can you repeat what you said Becky? Libby asks. I wasn't listening.
Seems our thoughts are still somewhat separated from eachothers, huh?
Yeah, I guess so. 151Please respect copyright.PENANADc3oCJYPrC
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Then she feels their body halt.
Look up, Libby.
It's clear out tonight. Despite the streetlights, the sky is clear of clouds and the moons are shining bright.
Why do we have two moons, Becky? That's not normal.
Who knows, it's always been like that. Maybe one's not even there at all. Becky giggles, stirring.
So, you really don't know?
No, but there's something enticing about them. Can we stay here and just stare up at them for a while? Please. She begs.
Why so desperate, is something wrong?
I don't know... Look at the red tint the moons have around their edges. It's so...
Haunting, the word is haunting, Libby.
Becky, I feel scared out here. You're scaring me! Can we just please continue on our way? I beg of you; I'll buy you hot chips with gravy next to a lactose milkshake and let you have control of the body.
Sorry. And what?! No, no! You don't have to feel like that at all, I like you! We're friends, infact, we're sisters Libby.
Geez, long-term we're going to have to figure out a way to live together like this.
Maybe... We can have a schedule or something? I-I don't know.
Is it possible for one of us to like 'sleep' or something while the others awake?
I don't know... We could speak to the professionals who want to work with us, but that means admitting your presence to them and A: They'll believe us and we fight to be declared as two separate people, although stuck in the same baby or B: They'll insist on a diagnosis of multiple personality disorder, medicate us.
You're the true owner of this body, I'm not and I'm not an alter. I know that I'm not!
I don't know what to say back to that...
Or I'm wrong... You're a candidate for trauma, Becky. You have been through so much when you we're younger and now...
So, you think you are an alter, another version of me.
I... I don't know what to think.
How about we re-visit this topic later?
Our heart feels like it's beating a million miles an hour. Let's keep walking, focus on something else.
Maybe that's because it is... But they inserted a device, so it shouldn't be.
Gwen texted me, she adopted Zekey from the pound and is going to give him back to us.
I think he'll grow on me, even though I'm not a dog fan. He is cute and the fosters I know love dogs.
We'll have to work a job and repay Gwen. It's the least we can do.
Any ideas?
Can we leave Ender Falls once we graduate? Why don't us, Kacey and Ian plus Zekey find a car, maybe an RV and take off. See the world.
Why? Is there a reason you don't want to stay? I'm happy to do that, but...
I've lived my whole life here; a change of scenery could be nice and I don't want to talk about it...
That's fine, we don't have to. But maybe you should talk about it... to your girlfriend... It might help, I feel you're keeping some thing's bottled up inside.
No shit.
But it would help knowing what happens when you went missing. Social services and Dr Mel are out to grill me about what happening. Can you tell me something? I panic every time Dewey or someone tries to ask.
Fine, the answer is I haven't got a clue. I finished my last class for the day and next thing I know, you're living my life and goddamn bitch, Veronica is being short with us in the Kitchen.
I just felt so angry and I wanted to hurt her and then goddamn Mitchell came home. I no clue what was going on, where I was, anything. It's been months...
Okay, I'm sorry.
And then I feel a sharp sensation in my chest and clutch it.
Libby, what's wrong? What's happening? I-I can feel that, but not as much as you!
She's panicking and then the sensation lessens before going away completely.
I'm clutching a light-post to steady myself.
I-I don't know, we need a heart transplant soon or later.
Then we hear the sound of a car behind us and a short siren. Someone gets out. "Libby, station. Now."
Turning around, I see it's Aiden's dad, Toby. I sigh and get in the back.
He takes us to the station. As we walk in, I check my watch. We have some time before bowling.
Now, Becky. While we're here, let me do the talking. Don't lash out.
Fine, you're the boss after all. She says slightly condescendingly.
We're in the corridor. She's slightly reluctant which is making walking hard. Becky, let go. I tell her. She does and I breathe out, now having an easier time.
Maybe we shouldn't do this, let's leave. Tell them you feel sick.
I ignore her and Toby leads me to his office. Dewey is there, already waiting for us.
"I found her wandering the streets."
"Oh, thank god. She was okay?"
Toby takes a seat; Dewey takes a seat and we take a seat.
"So, Libby. How are you?" Aiden's dad asks, trying to make conversation. I try to respond, but she doesn't let me. Dewey looks stressed.
"Libby, we wanted you here to ask something, and it's kind of... Uh..."
Becky takes over for just a second.
"Spit it out, Mr Mercy."
I feel like bursting into tears for some reason and I feel tears. "Aw, hey. It's okay." Dewey says, sliding a tissue box on Mercy's desk towards us.
"I understand you're going through a rough time right now." Toby says. "I may be the chief, but I'm a parent still."
"Still am?" I ask. "Aiden has a six, turning seven-year-old sister. As you know, I'm divorced from Dr Melissa.
Our daughter doesn't understand why her big brother's not coming home, she will be staying with me for a while because Melissa often works nights anyway, it's hard for her to look after Libby and she thinks he is staying with her Mum."
"I didn't know, Aiden had a sister."
"Yes, well. It's kind of funny, because her name is Libby too. Anyway, you we're at Shelby's party the night, Aiden died and... he was murdered.
There was a 000 call from that address, and the phone number traces back to you. Going over the recording, it sounds like you.
Do you remember that, Libby? Do you know what happened? Did you walk in and find him dead? Or maybe, Aiden and you got in a fight and maybe, you felt angry and-"
"I know what you're trying to do, I want a lawyer." Becky snaps, using our voice.
"Sorry, Toby." Dewey speaks up.
"Okay." He speaks.
"If you don't want to answer that, it's fine. Can I ask you about your disappearance, Libby? I know we've already asked, but we're trying to solve everything that is going on."
"I know nothing." I tell him. It is the truth...
He changes the subject. "Veronica and Mitchell have been refusing to co-operate with us and it's kind of under-handed to ask this, but can you talk with them? They... love you."
"Will you be listening in?" Becky speaks up.
"We'll be supervising from behind a one-way window, yes. Will you agree?"
"Fine, let's go see them." Becky responds, and she turns out head to look at Dewey.
We're led down a hallway, and shown a door. We head inside, Veronica and Mitchel are there already, wearing orange with handcuffs, sitting at two separate tables.
I look over Mitchell and Veronica. They look like they've had little sleep, they're somewhat paler and maybe even be roughed up a little, but by who? Neither of them are looking up, instead just keeping their heads down, looking at their hands. "Hey, it's me..." I whisper.
But neither of them speaks a word and they don't notice me. "I rescued Zekey from the shelter. Your family didn't pick him up for some reason, Veronica.
I know a-lot of stuff now... It's really a lot to take in... His at my foster family's house, asleep on my bed. Gwen dropped off him. She helped me get him back." I tell them, but they don't say anything still. There is some hint of recognition though in Veronica's eyes.
"Zekey was your dog Veronica, not mine." I add on. "Well, his yours now so enjoy looking after him. I hope he makes you very happy." She snaps lightly.
These four words being all she says before she's silent again. She didn't even look at me when she said then.
"Uh, thanks." I respond, rubbing my arm. As I stand there, trying to think of more questions, I look at the clock on the wall. I have to meet Kacey and Ian soon. If I don't get anything out of them now, then I won't have another chance ever actually for our sake as neither me or Becky know what happened.
I'll leave here without having learned anything new. "If you guys co-operate, you'll probably get a lighter sentence you know? But don't count on leaving this place though." I point out, but neither of them reacts.
"Do neither of you even cares what happens to yourselves from here on out?" I ask. They still don't respond so I change my tactics, unsure if it will aid me in prompting or eliciting some response or reaction from them.
"Do you care about me?" I ask. No response. "I thought we we're friends, I thought you loved me.
I considered you both my friends, my family and it's hurting to see you both in here before like this."
I gesture to their orange-coloured clothing. Still no answer. "Looks like you never cared about me at all, no one in this town actually cares. No one knows me, the real me." I whimper, tears running down my cheeks. They're somewhat fake and I'm putting on an act, but it's not to say I don't genuinely feel something right now.
They were my friends, but they just went around a-lot of stuff the wrong way. I wipe my tears with my sleeves and turn heading to the door, repeating the sentence that I'll probably be alone forever, that I have no one, but a dog for company and that I don't even know who I am and that my life is worth nothing and that I'll never amount to anything.
"Maybe I'm even better off dead even. No one will miss me if I vanished again and next time I'm found, it'll be laying in a ditch, gone forever."
I hear their handcuffs dangle and their seats scraping back, both of them rising to their feet. "Wait, Libby!" I hear Veronica cry out.
I clutch the door knob, my hand shaking, and slowly turn around to look at them. Tears are in her and Mitchell's eyes. "Don't say that about yourself." Mitchell gasps.
"But it's true." I respond, covering my face with my hands.
"Don't leave, please don't go out that door. Come back, talk to us!" Veronica worries, trying to gesture to the centre of the floor with her cuffed hands. I wipe my tears and do. They slowly lower themselves to sit down again.
"Libby, listen to me. You're worth everything, you can be anything you want to be. Please stay alive." She speaks.
"Make yourself proud and if you really think that's hard to do, you can do it for us if you want and Zekey, but you don't have to. We thought... That'd you never want to see us again. Not after the lies we told you we're exposed and you learned the gravity of what we had done."
"Y-you are my friends. Tell me the truth, please. What did you do to me?
Because I'm Becky, but I'm not her... I'm so confused what's going on. You hurt me, but I don't really understand why and how.
You both had a-lot of secrets and we we're friends. But you didn't let me in, your behavior towards me was two sided also. It's like you loved me, but then you hated me at times." I tell her.
They breathe a sigh of relief and look to each-other.
"Okay, we'll talk. But we're not the ones at the top of this, not even the center Libby." Mitchell says. "Please just explain." I beg. They nod softly. "But we have a question for you first." He says a second later. "Shoot." I tell them, but I see them visibly flinch.
"Who killed, Aiden?" He asks.
Oh, so they know about his death... "Not me if that's what you're wondering." I answer. It's true, I'm not the one who killed them. I was scared for Shelby and then Becky just took over. Next thing I knew was waking up to find him dead and that Becky had called emergency services.
They're trying to pin this on me as well, the police. "Libby, Ender Falls is a really strange place to live." Veronica speaks up.
"I know." I fire back. "But you haven't truly began to see the real Ender Falls." Mitchell laughs. "Hey, be nice." Veronica snaps at him. "You're right, I'm sorry." Mitchell says.
"It's okay, I accept your apology." I respond. "But I need to hear an apology from you as well, both of you infact for what you did to me supposedly.
All I know is that your charge is kidnapping me. Is that what happened?
Two of my classmates kidnapped me and then what? Pretended we had just moved back to Ender Falls? Where did you get money and resources to pull this off?
I know you're around the same age as me, but at the time... I just didn't question it, living with you both just felt right and we we're going to continue to live together and have a-lot of fun moments, make memories." I tell them.
"And your memories are false Libby! We barely even knew eachother." Veronica speaks up.
"Why are you both doing this? How could you do this to me? What did I ever do to you to deserve to be hurt as badly as you did?!" I snap. They look guilty.
"If everything I've ever known is false, who I am really?" I ask.
"You're Becky Winters." They say together. "Oh, I am huh?" I ask.
"Because I'm not, I'm Libby Biscuit and I'll never be anyone else." I tell them.
"We thought the last name Biscuit sounded cute. It suits you." Veronica smiles a warm smile, but then her expression turns sad again.
"It is cute. I appreciate it very much, thank you." I answer. "So, what did happen to Becky Winters in the end?"
They shrug. "We told you, we we're barely even middle-men, Libby." Mitchell says, skirting around answering truly in a weird way.
"What did I do to deserve this?" I ask.
"You directly? Nothing at all." He answers.
"So, what did Becky do to deserve being kidnapped?" I snap. They don't have a comeback for this.
"Exactly, nothing. She may not have been the nicest person at times from what I have heard, but she didn't deserve being kidnapped and probably held against her will.
I have no memory of anything. My first memory is waking up to you both in the car so tell me what happened to her, I want to know."
"We talked to her; she was out of drugs. We told her we could supply more and offered her a ride as there was a little 'party' going out at, The Falls anyway which a few people were going to be at.
It was a pretty sucky party and, in the end, we spiked her drink. It was alcohol, she was drinking so she was pretty drunk in the end and Aiden took over. This is his fault, he did this."
I can't imagine what Toby is thinking right now. They're telling him his dead son was up to shady shit...
"We we're told to go away quietly after that and whatever happened after that, we don't know till we received a phone call from him. We met him out at The Falls again. You were with him, but drugged out.
You were a little more awake than he expected though and took off, albeit sick and dizzy. We ran after you, but you slipped as you we're on drugs, drunk in the middle of dark woods.
You fell meters down a large hole beneath the waterfall. We feared you we're dead or had broken your spine and would shortly die. Aiden ran off scared, leaving us to pick up the pieces.
You were un-moving and lying on angle. We saw no choice, but to leave you.
Gwen and her friends were onto us. They knew something was up from the moment we came back to school the next day, but didn't know what exactly and guilt continued to bubble inside of us. You had already been declared missing when you didn't return home the first night to you foster parents.
We weren't bad people and a day later, we headed out to The Falls to check on you.
Covered in mud and wet, you we're awake, alive. But it was clear you weren't Becky and you we're begging for help and further so when you saw us.
There was a cave, a short distance off that led to the bottom of the hole you we're in so we went down there to save you. You were badly injured, sick and malnourished. We didn't think you'd survive following, hell it was a miracle you we're alive, but we couldn't just take you back to town and we couldn't just leave you.
There was an abandoned shack in the woods and we took you there. We made contact with Aiden and he was unsure how to proceed, but said this could be a good thing and started to formulate a plan, but didn't really tell us any details and again, we still had to pick up pieces. His pieces.
Your pieces. He dealt with all sorts of medicine and drugs. His mum also works as the head doctor at the Hospital so Aiden would take whatever he could and he's dad is the police chief also so he could access any records he wanted.
We took care of you for weeks at the expense we were declared missing by our family's and Aiden supplied us food, whatever medicine you needed and performed some basic tests to assess your health. Cluey boy...
You got better and better till you were fine. However, nothing was broken- I...
He then told us we couldn't keep you hidden and stay living in the wild so we had to make the fateful decision to screw ourselves over which is what happened.
There was no way out for us from the start and he made it clear he wasn't going to take the fall for anything and then he gave you something at a really high dose, higher than what you give any other medicine at and you feel asleep. He sent us away and when we came back, you we're asleep and he gave us a short debriefing, we don't walk to talk about and then began driving back into town with you later that evening.
It was like you had forgotten us caring for you and Aiden cut contact with us completely so we were alone which is why we hated him and we we're deep in a situation with no way out.
Listen, Libby. We're sorry for everything that has happened and we'll completely understand if you never want to talk to us or see us ever again." She speaks. It's silent between us and then I feel my hands flexing on their own and I look down, trying to curl them up, but she won't let me.
"You're not my friends and I will NEVER let you be hers! We'll never forgive you both for what you and Aiden did.
You both just went along with his plan; you don't truly care about her." She says, gritting our teeth. Their eyes widen when they realize. "She really is in there too... That's not Libby speaking!" Mitchell gasps. "Becky, I'm sorry-" Veronica begins, but she cuts her off.
"I'll never forgive you both for what you did to me and now to Libby.
I killed Aiden, and I sware I'll kill you both to. You can suffer a slow agonizing death just like he did." She hisses, voice low-toned and then she leaps for Veronica, squeezing her hands around her throat. Veronica's unable to fight back and I can hear Mitchell's panicing in which his banging his hands against his table, screaming for an officer.
I muster all my strength and make her let go, forcing us to step back. Tears are in her eyes and she's look at us, horrified.
"Y-you monster..." Veronica chokes out as she gasps for air, her breathing hoarse. Her face is blue, but it's slowly regaining colour and she's trying to clutch her neck as it hurts. I can see a red bruise forming. Then I feel hands on my shoulders, pulling me. I turn around and Becky fights for control again, but she's not fast enough as an officer cuffs our hands and then forces us out of her room.
I fight and fight for control as we're dragged away, the door slamming shut behind us in which I hear Veronica and Mitchel screaming my name. MY name.
Libby, not Becky. The police chief is standing just up ahead of us in the hall with Dewey. We're fucked, I lied to them and Becky just sunk us in deep too.
She confessed to murdering Aiden in revenge. Becky shouts and curses every word there is in the book, she's angry at every around us and then I feel us thrown to the floor. Everything goes dark, but we are still conscious.
Becky's presence feels above mine, she's still fighting and then I feel locked out, everything is silent and I drift away, becoming one with darkness.
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