It has probably been a few days after I learned how to shoot that I've been promoted. It was about time too. It is now a Friday and it's sunny outside. Everything has been so far mellow. I still get mixed messages from Clint of course. One minute, he might be flirting with me or what seems to be flirting and then the next, he's treating me like everybody else. It's a crazy rollercoaster i'm on and i kinda want to get off because i don't want to be nauseas but then again, i sorta like the challenge. I know, i'm confusing myself. I really don't know what i want right now. But anyways, back to being promoted. Yes, Firebird finally promoted me as the supply runner alongside Clint since he's my new teacher. I had to show Firebird my shooting skills first before she promoted me. She wanted me to be ready for what's out there. I was super excited because that meant i get to go out there and look for supplies with Clint and i no longer had to fix up fences or tend to the garden we have outside. Life is so far good. Aside from the zombies of course.
"Cloud, you ready to go?"
"Just a second!"
I stuffed my dad's handgun back into my pants like before then headed out of the house and up to Clint. Clint handed me an empty bag to put stuff in.
"Let's go."
I followed after Clint out through the gate and up to the red four door truck that the group had for a supply run. I took my bag off and set it on the floor then hopped into the passenger seat next to Clint. Clint climbed in next to me and we both closed our doors then buckled up. Clint started the truck up then started to back out and onto the road. I wasn't sure how long Clint was going to drive or where we were even going to collect stuff. I imagined that we'll just go into an random house and grab some stuff. And what do you know, that's exactly what we did.
Clint drove into a suburban area and drove onto the driveway of an empty house then shut the car off. I unbuckled myself and grabbed the bag then hopped out. We both started up the steps of the house and went inside. Yes, the door is surprisingly open. We went inside and i looked around. The house didn't look that bad. It's almost as if the zombies hadn't touched it. It's almost like nobody else has touched it which means there are stuff here right?
"I'll check downstairs. You check upstairs. See if there are some medical supplies here or anything useful okay?"
I nodded then walked off towards the stairs. I walked up the steps and went into the bathroom first since that place normally has medical supplies and whatnot. I looked through the drawers and found some really good stuff. I found a first aid kit and some toothbrush and toothpaste along with deodorant. I grabbed a bag of cotton balls and rubbing alcohol. I then grabbed some newspaper and about three rolls of toilet tissue. I swear, this house is like fully stoked. It's unbelievable. How am i getting THIS lucky on my first day of a supply run? I only wonder how lucky Clint is being right now at finding stuff.
After i finished with the bathroom, i looked through the rooms upstairs. I didn't really find much. Just paper and pencils, light bulbs. It feels like Clint must have much better luck downstairs. After looking through the rooms thoroughly, i headed back downstairs to see Clint finishing up in the kitchen.
"I found some good stuff. A few cans of food, bottled water, flashlights. What about you?"
I simply shrugged."Just some bathroom toiletries. Nothing major."
"Nothing major? That's a huge major! I didn't even find that stuff when i did my first supply run."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise.
"Really?" I asked and Clint nodded.
"Well, we should go since we're done here."
I nodded then started to head out of the house.
"Are we going to other houses or are we done?"
"We can go to a couple more houses then leave. The sun is about to set and Firebird doesn't want us to stay out for too long."
I nodded as we headed straight toward the truck.
Me and Clint finished up with a couple more houses by the time it was getting dark out. The ride was pretty quiet on our way back. I didn't mind, though. Clint had the radio going which was playing soft music. I found the music soothing. I sighed as i stared out the window, watching the scenery go by. I saw a few zombies walking around here and there but there weren't any coming after us or i don't think so. I closed my eyes and thought about sleeping a bit when i felt Clint take my hand. I opened up my eyes and looked at him to see what he wanted when i looked down and noticed that our fingers were intertwined together. I felt my heart race and the same knot in the pit of my stomach. I glanced up at Clint to see a blank look on his face like us holding hands was the most normal thing in the world. I softly smiled to myself then looked out the window again. I was starting to like this mixed messages thing. When it came down to it, i didn't know what to expect from Clint.