Probably a library.
Hands down.
I mean who wouldn't want to spend there time in a library expanding there vocabulary, learning new things, reading better more interesting books, learning about other authors from different time periods.......
Library's are the holders of literary history.
I know I sound like a nerd..
And if you call me one then screw you.
You aren't fun then.
Because books are freaking awesome.
Library;s are the best. I would gladly spend my life in one just because I could.
I guess that's it really.
People really should read more books.
There to focused on social media now.
-Sighs and hangs head.-
What has are world come to?
" I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots."
-Albert Einstein
( Has nothing to do with this, it's just that I love the quote! :-))