The one thing I wouldn't wish on someone is loneliness.
I know that sounds kind of weird considering there are a lot of other problems that people wouldn't wish on another person like cancer, being murdered, losing someone important, etc.
Those are horrible things to wish on a person and I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy, but one of the things I wouldn't wish on someone is loneliness.
Take it from someone who experienced it for some of there life.
It wasn't full blown or anything, just that feeling like you didn't really have anyone. That even in the most public places you felt like an outsider.
I still feel that way from time to time and I'm a bit of a loner now, but I still feel it from time to time.
I don't know if anyone remembers that poem I wrote about it when I used it as an example on poetry tips but that was what I was talking about.
Loneliness really is like a sick game of cat and mouse.
Loneliness is the cat and your the puny little mouse running so you don't succumb or in this case get caught by the cat.
Yet if you let up for even a second that cat will nip you and that's when you have a choice:
You can either keep running fighting for the moment someone takes the cat away
Or give up and finally succumb to the void you've been running away from.
Or another type of example on how to explain it is thinking of a pond. Think of a pond and it's dark the water dark like inky blackness.
Now imagine yourself in the middle of the pond and you can't swim.
That's sorta of how loneliness feels. Your in the middle of a lake or pond and you can't swim. You struggle to stay afloat hoping someone comes around to throw you a lifeline.
And when someone does, your overjoyed because you can finally stop struggling. They throw you a lifeline and imagine there pulling you slowly towards the shore. Your happy. Overjoyed. Ready to be rescued.
Then the rope snaps.
Which symbolizing them leaving you or giving up on you because your too much of a burden to carry.
Then your struggling all over again.
Now if your lucky you always have someone throwing you a lifeline, but there just not strong enough to pull you to shore so your stuck in the icy dark depths of the water.
Depressing I know.
So in conclusion, I wouldn't wish loneliness on anyone.