So it's almost 10:30 at night and I just had to write this.
So I just happened to see this huge ass spider in a crevice of a corner near my moms office and my bathroom. Then it got me thinking:
Why are spiders here?
My theory on the whole think is that there little messenger demons who are sent from the seven circles of hell to torture us humans and when they are killed by us humans then they report back to there demon bosses who get a kick out of the stories then they send them back to Earth to torture us some more.
Cause why the hell not?
Why not scare little children, men, and woman?
Those jerks.
That's my theory. A little wacky I know, but hey. I fucking hate those little things and I'm constantly calling them eight legged demons sent from hell.
Okay just had to get that out.
I know this is totally random, but I said anything that comes to mind is written in here.
I have a random and wacky mind.