Well... poomp... (“Home” reference...)
My ragweed allergies have kicked in in full swing and given me a head cold — manageable with antihistamine and sinus-headache meds, but damn: not helping my motivation for job-hunting. At least my 1 part-time job (Air National Guard) is in the bag, so that covers medical insurance and a bill or two...
Meanwhile, my writing this week has lapsed before the head-fog of congestion even started up, though I’m partly attributing that to focusing more on self-reno projects around the house. Namely, finally refurbishing one of the spare bedrooms into an actual bedroom me and the Mrs. can move ourselves into as I prepare to take on the next home-reno project. In between these two projects, at least 1 custom piece of furniture for my family, if not more... One will be a loft queen bed with stairs up for doggo’s to join their hoomans; another will be an indoor coup for chickens; still another is repurposing old furniture into shelving for an aquaponics set-up.
All that on top of the writing I hope to accomplish this and next month. Oy....
Meanwhile, I’m sitting here in the dark typing this out on my phone while everyone else (except at least 1 of the cats) is asleep, as I should be, except that last night’s antihistamine wore off, and now I can only breathe through one side as I’m waiting for a new dose to kick in...
On the bright side (?), I’ve thought of a short-story arc for my main focus of this year’s NaNo; one that captures a bit of side story to my main novel, without derailing the main plot by needing to be included in the primary canon. Synopsis: a pair of half-brothers have been traveling as part of a caravan of refugees fleeing a theocidal cult. They collectively arrive at a quiet, hidden-away abbey in the mountains and are taken in, given rest and shelter. When they warn their hosts of the pursuers, most of the stalwart denizens opt to stay and hold the enemy at bay, while others chouse instead to leave with the caravan and lend aid on their continued journey. Meanwhile, the half-brothers and other refugees have had enough of running and stay to make whatever final stand is demanded of them. The short story follows their Alamo-esque final days. (Too spoilery with that last bit?)