Anyway, this morning I am sitting in my car with a still-warm cup of French-presses coffee with eggnog as creamer (I love this time of year!) as I wait for my wife to finish with her client. I’m proud of her: I’ve never once forced or demanded she get a job. Perhaps at one point early in our marriage she could have been considered a layabout or mooch, but then our beautiful daughters came along and she went full-bore stay-at-home-mom. Busy, frequently exhausted and frustrated, but loving it, and grateful that the combination of our lifestyle and my job made it so we could afford to live on my income alone. This last year, however, she decided she wanted to do more — for herself professionally, to help set an example for our girls, and to earn her own play-money for her personal nerdisms — and took it upon herself to start freelancing as a dog walker. Just recently she picked up another client, and loves the job she has made for herself because of the flexibility of setting her own schedule and being her own boss. The fact that we have chosen to homeschool our eldest also plays a factor, in that as long as she gets her assignments done every day, Mommy can adjust her schedule to accommodate both her dog-walking business and our daughter’s webinars for school. All of this, my awesome wifey has done on her own with nothing more than thumbs-ups and encouragement from me.
And now that my own career is experiencing adjustments, her enterprising entrepreneurship is both a boon to her profession and personal confidence, and a boost to our financial confidence. Couldn’t be more proud and grateful that I get to call her Wife, Soulmate, Partner, Teammate, Lover, Bride, and (yes, even to this day), Girlfriend. She is amazing and I can’t brag on her enough!
Now then; I should probably go do some work on my novel I suppose...