I glance up from my newspaper as I hear the door open and close. I can't see who it is, but I don't have to see to know. I smile to myself and adjust the paper in my hand. "Good morning."
"Ah yes, good morning, Gregory," she replies and I turn the page of my newspaper.
"Any trouble coming in this morning? You're over an hour late, Kendall."
Kendall walks into the dining area with her pink lips pressed close together and her sparkling green eyes playfully glare at me. "Have you looked out the window? It's a bloody blizzard out there!"
"I haven't gotten a chance yet." I shrug and fold the paper. "But you're in luck, I had just put on the tea."
Kendall nods and takes off her scarf. "I'll get it from the stove in a moment, let me hang these up to dry first."
"No, no, I'll get them. You thaw out." I smile at her and get the tea. "I doubt we'll have any clients today with this sort of weather, so I was nearly going to send you a bell that you didn't have to come in today."
"I would have come in anyway. The heat's out in the flat again," she sighs from the parlor.
I frown at that. "Maybe you should stay in the guest room tonight then."
"And leave Molly there to freeze on her lonesome? What kind of cat owner would that make me? A bad one, that's what!"
I shake my head. This woman and her cat, what an odd relationship. "You may bring the demon cat as well."
Kendall walks back into the room and looks at me. "Really?"
"Why not? Like you said...Molly and I have to start getting accustomed to each other at some point."
There is a glimmer in her eyes and she smiles widely at me. "Oh! That will be wonderful, Greg! I suppose later I'll go by and get her. Or better yet, I'll call Sandra and have her bring Molly over." She nods, though obviously talking more to herself than to me.
I watch her with a concealed smile. I couldn't help it; she has an infectious attitude, and seeing her so happy....It is a rare occurrence, like a bright sunny day here in London. I finish preparing the teas and set her cup and saucer at the other chair.
Kendall comes back around the corner, this time with her laptop clasped firmly under her arm and sits down. "Thank you, Gregory. Really, thank you," she says, getting the cup.
"Eh, don't thank me. I was enough of a jerk yesterday, I wanted to make up for it," I say, twirling my spoon in my tea.
"I don't remember you being a jerk yesterday..." She trails off, staring into space in thought for a moment. "Yeah, no, you were fine yesterday. What are you talking about?" She looks at me again.
I shrug and sip my tea. It hadn't been obvious and if she hadn't noticed, I knew better than to bring it to her attention. Old habits die slowly, what can I say? The client had a beautiful figure, the flirt was out of my mouth before my brain had caught up with it. And then when she flirted back, I felt obliged to flirt again...I know, I know, not an excuse. But that is why I already feel guilty, because I know I know better than that.
"Must have been thinking of a different day then," I say.
Kendall gives me a pitiful smile and she gently rubs my shoulder. "But you don't have to act any different today for those days, you know I'm fine with just a simple apology."
"I know." I smile at her. "But I wanted to anyway."
"Aw, Greg." She blushes.
Yes, okay, I know, I should be honest, let the cat out of the bag, and all that, but see things my way. She's happy right now, if I tell her she will instead be angry and hurt. I'll tell her eventually, but not right now...Maybe tonight before she goes to bed. We'll see.
I check my watch and glance at the window. "Yeah, we aren't going to have any callers today...But I can get out the PlayStation and we can have that rematch."
Kendall smirks at me. "You're on."
"Alright, then it's a match." I grin at her. I get up and set up the game in the parlor. Kendall comes and sits beside me on the floor, grabbing one of the controllers. As the game loads, she leans her head on my shoulder. I smile and lean my head on hers as I get the game started.
"Now I hope you know I'm going to win."
I laugh. "We'll see about that, Kenny."