"So I see that you are not coming in tomorrow... why not?" Greg asks, looking over at her from his laptop. His legs are crossed in a way that his right ankle rests across his left knee and his foot taps boredly in the air.
"I have family coming over and I couldn't possibly bring her here." Kendall sighs and shakes her head.
"Well why couldn't you?"
"Because I prefer to keep my family away from my work. If they realized how dangerous our job is, they'd try to convince me to quit." She glances at him and then back at her computer, as if trying to hide.
"Alright, fine, if you really think you don't want them meeting up with your work life, you can have tomorrow off." He mutters.
She stands up and stuffs her laptop into its bag. "Thank you, Gregory. I hope you don't mind me going home early to prepare then?"
"No, not at all." He nods. "Go ahead."
"Thank you." She nods and heads to the door, grabbing her deerstalker on the way. "I'll see you the day after tomorrow then." She smiles and walks out.
Gregory looks up as the door shuts behind her. "What family could she possibly have over?" He mutters to himself musingly. He glances at the clock. "Maybe I'll drop by tomorrow. I'm sure in the end she'll be glad to not have to deal with them alone."
"Yes, ma'am, I'll get right on it." Kendall sighs, getting out a couple tea cups from her cabinet.
"Don't you fix me none of that dirt water, honey. Never could get into that stuff."
Kendall looks at the ceiling and silently counts to herself as she changes out one of the cups for a glass. "What would you like then, Grammy?"
"Mmm...Just Cocoa is fine dear."
"Yes, ma'am." She changes the glass for a mug with a sigh. She starts it as she gets a pack of little snack cakes from box on the counter. The machine beeps, and Kendall gets their cups and the cakes and takes them to the sitting area. "So how long are you in town for?"
"Not sure yet." She shrugs, "I still am planning on getting in your mama's hair for a bit before I go back."
"You should just drop in unannounced...You know how she loves that." She chuckles.
"Loves it like a spider loves peppermint." She grins. "Wish I knew where I went wrong with that girl, she was a sweet thing back then." She shakes her head. "I suppose it was Quincy and his fancy British schooling influence."
Kendall smiles a little at her. "She's not too bad, Grammy."
Grammy points her cake at Kendall with a look. "Oh don't try to cover for her, young lady. I've seen how she treats you. She was raised better than that...No, she ain't got no excuse for treating you like a dunce."
"You get used to it. It's not so bad since I moved out..." she shrugs, shifting uncomfortably.
"Darlin', you're like me more than you know. As soon as I could, I left my mama too...Hell, I moved to flipping England after a boy and married his brother. Don't you do that now, but don't you feel bad about moving on."
"Oh I don't, no worries there." She smiles and picks Molly up from the floor and sits her in her lap. "And I mean, it's not like I'm completely alone anyway." She softly scratches under the cat's chin.
Grammy chuckles. "Then you got that eye candy at work, eh?" She winks.
"Well am I wrong? Your mama might turn a blind eye, but I stalk my grandchill'ns profiles like a good grandma." She grins. "Read your blog every weekend, honey. You do a good job."
Kendall blushes slightly and pets the cat. "Well, he and I are just friends."
"You keep tell'n your self that, honey." She snorts in amusement. "He just ain't noticed yet. Men are like that."
There is then a knock on the door. Kendall frowns and walks over. "Hello?" She opens the door and raises a brow when she sees Gregory. "Uhm, Gregory?"
"Got bored, thought I'd drop by and see how it was going with the family." He grins.
"Kendall, sweetie, who's there?" Grammy calls from the couch.
Kendall glances back and then sighs, opening the door. "Fine...Come in." She kind of grumbles.
"With pleasure." He grins, leaving his hat by the door and walking in. "Ah and who is this pretty young dame!" He says, kissing the back of Grammy's hand.
Kendall face-palms as she watches and shuts the door. "My grandmum."
"Please, just Dixie will do, you flatterer." She chuckles.
"Grammy, this is Gregory, I—"
"Oh I know, honey, your dream boyfriend." She glances sideways at her, smirking.
Gregory chuckles. "Oh is that who I am? Fascinating, please do tell me more." He takes a seat by her.
"Kendall, why don't you get your young man some of that dirt water you like?"
"Yes, ma'am..."
"Actually Kendall, I'm just fine as I am." He shrugs.
Kendall nods and sits back down. "Okay then."
Dixie chuckles. "Probably a good thing your boss is here anyway. I'm going to need to borrow you for a while going up."
"Now, Dixie, what am I supposed to do if you kidnap my partner?" Gregory raises a brow.
"Well, maybe I'll just kidnap you too." She sticks her tongue out at him and looks at Kendall. "I want to go back to America and visit my sister and her folks. Your mama won't let me go alone but you don't see her volunteering her snob butt to go with me."
"But Grammy! You know how I am with planes!"
"We'll be ready to go whenever you want." Gregory then chimes in. Kendall looks at him in disbelief.
Dixie smiles and nods, satisfied. "Good. Then it is settled. I'll go bother your mama and next week you two will accompany me to America."
"But what about—"
"Have your mama watch your kitty. It'll be her cross to bear for neglecting her poor ol' mama."
Kendall sighs. "Okay..."
Gregory pats her on the head, she swats his hand away with a scowl. "I'll get a message typed up for the door." He smiles at Dixie.
"And who knows...Harris and Bell Inc may be able to find mysteries to solve while away." She shrugs with an innocent look. "One never can truly know."
Kendall presses her lips into a thin, suspicious line. "Perhaps, Grammy...Perhaps..."
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