The black Mercedes pulls up at the little brick house. The driver takes a deep breath and looks at his large, furry co-pilot. "You're going to come back me up, right Thunder?"
Thunder just looks at him and tilts his head, panting.
"Should have known from your girly bark, I don't have a wolfhound. I have a giant chicken." The man snorts and opens the car door. He shuts it behind himself and points at the giant puppy. "Stay." He then walks up to the house and pushes the doorbell. He steps back and shoves his hands in his coat pockets. He glances back at his car as he gets second thoughts, but he doesn't move.
The door opens and a slightly younger man pokes his head out. "What the hell are you doing here, Gregory?" He opens the door wider. The small baby in his arm giggles and reaches towards him.
Greg tips his fedora at them. "Lionel, Skylar, I'm here to see Kendall."
"The hell you are!" He glares at him.
"Lenny, who's there?" A softer voice comes from behind and gently pushes him aside.
"Kendall, go back inside, I was just about to tell this arsehole where he and his dog can go."
Kendall looks at him with a brow raised. "How about you go inside, Lionel, before my niece catches pneumonia and I'll see what he needs."
Lionel glares one last time at Greg before walking away. Kendall just shakes her head and steps outside, shutting the door behind herself. "Something wrong, Gregory?"
Gregory clears his throat. "Actually...yes. I've been an idiot and an arse."
"What'd you do this time?" She leans against the doorframe, crossing her arms.
"A girl told me she loved me and it completely went over my head." He looks at her. "Then it took her being away for me to realize what she said, and to consider my own feelings upon the subject."
Kendall just stares at him, her bright green eyes intense and concentrated. He felt like squirming under her stare.
"I realized that I need this girl in my life, not only as my business partner, but as my house partner to speak." He clears his throat again. "I'm just sorry I hadn't realized this sooner."
"Part of me thinks I should call my brother back out here to deal with you now. Gregory, you broke my heart and now you're here, trying to give me yours?" Gregory looks at his feet. "Not only that, but you show up without calling, disrupting my family's Christmas festivities, and you have me standing out here in the cold, you ent!" He looks up at her to see her grinning ear to ear.
"Sorry? I just—"
Kendall looks at him. "You are one of the biggest arses I know, but you're my arse." She chuckles.
Gregory looks at her with a small smile. "So....we're good then?"
She raises a brow. "What do you mean? You weren't just going to drop by and leave?"
"No. Get Thunder, I'll get him a bowl of something and some water. Then you'll join us for our Christmas dinner." She opens the door. "I just so happen to have your present with me, so you can open it tonight, too." She smiles over her shoulder.
Gregory just stands there for a moment. "You knew I was going to come."
"I hoped you'd come. I've hoped you'd come to your senses for four years now." She sticks her tongue out at him as she closes the door behind herself.
"Little minx." He chuckles, shaking his head as he opens his car door. "Come on, boy." He watches as the dog hops out of the car and grabs him by the leash as he bolts for the door. "Ah hah, nice try, come on." He leads the pup in and closes the door again.
Lionel stares at them from the couch where he's bottle feeding Skylar. "You're still here."
"You sound disappointed." Greg smirks. "At least I didn't take seven years to come apologizing to her, unlike some people."
"Boys!" Kendall looks around the corner at them both, holding two bowls. "You two will get along or so help me, I'll put you both out in the cold." She frowns.
"And I'll help." An older man grins, stepping out of the kitchen behind her. "This is our first Christmas together since Lionel has returned, let's keep the guns holstered and the knives sheathed."
Kendall looks up behind her with a smile. "Thank you, daddy."
"Don't thank me yet," he says as he slips a ham covered bone into one of the bowls. "And don't tell your mother, she'd have my hide." He winks at her.
"Mums the word." She winks back and whistles. Thunder jumps up and bounds towards her. "Come on, boy, you can hang out in the guest room." She leads him away.
"Dad, surely we should send him packing. You saw how upset Kenny was," Lionel sighs.
Mr. Bell crosses his arms. "And I think she made her decision of what was to be done with him. You know your sister. I'm sure the worst has yet to come for Mr. Harris. She'll wait until the holidays are over most likely." He smirks at Greg.
"Oh I'm sure of that, sir." Gregory clears his throat. He then offers him his hand. "I don't think we've ever properly met, Mr. Bell."
"No I don't think we have, Harris." He nods and shakes his hand. "But if you break my little girl's heart again, not even Chief McIntosh will be able to bail your sorry arse out of the trouble you'll be in." There is a menacing glimmer in his eyes. "I didn't spend all those years on the force to not know how to hide a body or evidence probably. Understood?"
"Yes, sir." Gregory nods, looking down at him.
"Good." He nods then and looks at Lionel. "Why don't you help your mother in the kitchen? I can hold Skylar."
"Fine..." he grumbles, handing the baby over and trudging out.
Mr. Bell sits with the baby. "Go ahead and sit, Gregory. It'll still be a little bit until dinner's ready. I'm sure Kendall will be back in here in a few minutes."
Gregory somewhat awkwardly sits down.
"I've heard about how you go through girls, Gregory. You know my daughter isn't like that, correct?"
"I know that very well, sir. I understand and respect her boundaries."
"Good." He looks at him steadily as he repositions the baby against his shoulder. "What do you think about kids?"
Gregory blinks. "Never thought much about them honestly...I know I'm not prepared for any anytime soon."
"And it better stay that way. Skylar is cute and all, but Lionel was too young to be a decent father. Kendall is too young to be a mother. Do not make her one."
"With all due respect, sir. I think that should be up for Kendall to decide."
"Correct answer...but her mother will kill you both if she gets anymore grandchildren out of wedlock."
"Noted." He nods and looks at his hat in his hands.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the hunk of London."
Both Gregory and Mr. Bell look over at the hall door. Mr. Bell then groans. "Dixie, I thought you were napping."
"You wish I was napping, Victor." The older woman sits down next to Gregory and wags her eyebrows at him. Gregory attempts to scoot over, but she follows suit.
"We all wish you were napping." He snorts. "Leave him alone."
"Haven't seen such a fine look'n young man since Quincy and his brother were young." She pats his upper leg. Gregory just awkwardly sits there.
"That may be, Dixie, but you're scaring him."
"Oh pish-posh." She huffs. "My attention is to die for. "
"Die from perhaps..."
"Grammy!" Kendall steps in and frowns. "That's my boyfriend!"
Her grandmother smiles and pats Greg's leg again. "I was just keeping the pretty boy company for you, dear." She chuckles and then gets up. "But I probably need to see how Eva is coming along. I'm starving."
Kendall shakes her head and sits by Gregory. "You remember my grandmother..."
"She's a hard woman to forget..." He nods, but looks a little thankful that she's gone.
"Mum said told me we can all start moving towards the table." She then leans closer to Greg. "Even if the ham is scorched, don't say anything about it if you value your life."
"Your family likes to threaten death a lot, don't they?" He adjusts his shirt collar.
Kendall nods slowly. "Yeah...They're a pretty hot tempered bunch." She stands up and walks to the kitchen, closely followed by Gregory and her father. "I'm not sure how you do it at home, but we usually have dinner like a buffet."
Gregory nods as he makes his plate. "I guess tomorrow you can see how my family does it."
"Are you sure you're ready for me to have dinner with your family?" She glances at him as she starts towards the table.
"I suppose I am as ready as I'll ever be. You know how Father is, though."
"My biggest fan." She shakes her head.
Gregory pulls out her seat for her with a grimace. "It'll be interesting without question."
Lionel sits down on the other side of Gregory, still looking unhappy, but he doesn't say a word. The baby is beside him in a high chair. Beside her is Mrs. Bell, Mr. Bell, and lastly Grammy.
Mrs. Bell looks at Gregory with a polite smile. "So you're this Gregory we've heard so much about? Son of a duke, was it?"
"The Earl of Malmesbury actually, ma'am."
She nods and then glares at Lionel who has already started upon a yeast roll. "Lionel Kristin, you know better. We haven't said grace yet."
Lionel sighs and sets the roll down. "Sorry, out of habit."
"You're finished living like a heathen. You and Kendall need to come with us to church Sunday. You both need more God in you lives." She then closes her eyes and gets the hand of her husband and of the little baby.
Lionel rolls his eyes, getting his confused daughter's little hand and then getting Gregory's hand.
"Lord, please forgive my heathen children of their trespasses and shortcomings in your eyes. Please help my son guide his daughter along a Godly road away from the sins she was conceived in. I also pray that you continue to help my daughter finally learn her true purpose in life and help her find the husband you would have for her. We give you our thanks for blessing this meal and this day. Lord, we also thank you for sending your own one and only son to die for us to be saved and to give us a reason to celebrate this Christmas season. In Jesus's name we pray, amen."
Both Kendall and Lionel frown at their mother, but they instead turn their attention upon their plates.
"Are you a Christian, Gregory?"
Greg looks up mid-bite and slowly sets his fork down. "Um..."
"Eva, don't drag that old cat out. I'm trying to eat," Grammy says pointing her fork at her. "No interrogations at the dinner table."
Eva smiles politely. "Of course, of course, mother. I just was curious if Mr. Harris would be joining us this Sunday as well."
"He will be," Kendall then says with a certain look at him.
Mr. Bell looks at Gregory and mouths, 'Run while you can.'
Greg holds back a laugh and looks over at Mrs. Bell. "It sounds like Kendall has decided for me. We'll be there."
"Good." She nods. "From what I have heard about you, you need more Jesus in your life too."
"I probably do, ma'am." He nods.
"Eva, I said leave the pretty boy alone." Grammy frowns. "You'll scare him off before Kendall has the chance to."
Kendall rolls her eyes. She then glances over as Greg goes for another heaping plate full of ham, greens, mashed potatoes, and gravy. "Forget to eat lunch?" she asks when he sits down again.
"Yep. Just had my cappuccino this morning, then Thunder and I drove up here. Never crossed my mind to stop for lunch."
"You'd forget your head if it weren't for me I guess." She sighs, shaking her head.
"Perhaps." He smiles slightly.
"Regardless of his reasons, he's welcome to eat as much as he likes." Dixie grins at him. "He's got to feed those muscles I'm sure he's hiding under his clothes."
"Mother!" Eva exclaims.
"Here, love, your gravy's runn'n off the side." Gran gets his yeast roll and wipes it from the side for him. Seeing his bewildered expression, she grins. "It's an American thing, hun. Go ahead, try it." She stuffs the roll in his mouth.
"Mother, behave!"
Gregory awkwardly laughs after he has swallowed the bite and set the rest of his roll on the other side of his plate. "It's okay. It's not the first time I've been hit on by a mature woman."
"Probably because we mature woman have great taste." She winks at him.
"Gram, please." Lionel looks at her. "Before I speak Welsh." As though on cue, Skylar spits up and he turns his attention to her. "Or Skylar beat me to it." He sighs and gets her from the high chair. "Blimey, you made quite a mess, love." He looks at his parents. "We'll meet you at the tree in a few." He then carries her away.
"He's doing better with her than I expected," Eva says.
"He's a smart boy, Eva," Victor says. "Just because he's been strung out for years while undercover doesn't change that."
Eva only snorts and daintily dabs at her mouth. "Agree to disagree, love. He could have gone to university for an engineering degree, but instead you and that pompous pig took my baby boy from under my nose and shoved him into a life of sin!"
Victor stands up and narrows his eyes at her. "Don't you dare talk about them like that, Eva. I've explained this to you all before. Is your memory so short that you've already forgotten?"
Eva rolls her eyes. She then frowns as he continues to walk. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to sort the bloody presents. You can come help if you'd like," he growls.
"I think I'm doing to start on the dishes," she says, getting the plates from the table and walking off to the kitchen.
"Fine, go do the bloody dishes then. I didn't want you to help anyway!"
Kendall just rubs her temples and looks at Gregory. "Sorry about them..." she mumbles.
"Don't be," he says, reaching over and getting her hand. "They're...interesting." He kisses the back of her hand.
Kendall tries to retrieve her hand with a blush.
"Too soon?"
"Too soon."
He nods and lets go of her hand. "Well, then I guess we should help your dad."
"The only help I'm going to need is up," he shouts over at them. "This metal leg may be good for a lot of things, but it sucks at getting you out of the floor."
"Copy that, sir." Gregory nods, walking over. Kendall follows him and sits down on the couch. Gregory offers his hand to her father. "Ready for a lift?"
"Yeah." He takes his hand and lets Greg help him up. He then looks at Greg. "You are a strong one, aren't you?"
Greg kind of grins. "Comes in handy when you're taller than your partner and she starts complaining you're walking too fast."
Kendall throws a decorative pillow at his head.
"Well it's true." He glances at her, tossing the pillow back at her.
Victor chuckles and sits down. "Now if the others will hurry their arses up, we can get this show on the road." He sighs.
Lionel comes around the corner with the baby and sits down with yawn. "Mum and Gran still not here?"
"Mum's taking her sweet time." Victor leans back into the chair and glances at Greg. "You tell Ian if he ever has a spot on the force open again to call me. It doesn't have to be in my old department, I just can't take another year stuck here."
Gregory nods. "I'll make sure to tell him."
Eva and Gran walk in and sit down. "Kendall, go ahead and finish what your father couldn't."
"Yes, ma'am..." She sighs, but scoots the presents stacks out with her foot before sitting by Greg and handing his directly to him.
"That's not how I meant."
"Mum, did you really expect me to get in the floor in a dress?"
Her mother shrugs. "You tend to be the one to be uncouth regardless."
Kendall rolls her eyes and looks at Greg with a smile. "Go ahead."
He opens the box to see a jar, an envelope, and a book. He raises a brow and looks at the empty glass jar. "Let me guess, this is the nothing I asked for."
Kendall chuckles. "Could be, but actually I was thinking this is a jar for you...I mean, I have the Greg was an arse jar...I thought I have enough faults that you could use a jar concerning one of them? Perhaps a Kendall overreacted jar?" She blushes slightly.
Greg looks at her for a moment and then at the jar. "I'll have to think on this. There's so few of your faults that I would change..." He glances at her slyly. He then opens the book and flips through it gently. "Are these—"
Kendall nods. "It's a scrap-book of all our cases together thus far with plenty of empty pages for more."
He looks at one of the newspaper clippings. "Wow, they really didn't get a good angle on us there."
Gregory then opens the envelope. Inside is a very small bottle of expensive bourbon.
"That is the type you like, right?"
"Yeah, I actually ran out a few days ago." He smiles at her. "Thank you."
Kendall smiles and nods. She looks over at Skylar who is deeply enthralled by the fur of the plush cat she had gotten her and chuckles before leaning her head on his shoulder. "She can be so cute, can't she?"
He glances at the child before making eye contact with Kendall's father. "Yeah, when she's quiet."
"Tell me about it." She nods. "So when do you want to head back?'
Greg checks his watch. "Actually, if you want any sleep tonight before we go by my parents', we probably need to start heading on. As it is, it's going to be early morning when we get back to London."
Kendall sits up and stretches. "I'll get Thunder if you'll load the car."
"Will do."
Kendall goes to get the pup while Greg goes out and puts her things in the back of the Mercedes. He reenters to see the dog practically dragging Kendall towards the door. He gets the leash from her.
"I swear everyday he's getting bigger," she says.
"He probably is." He leads the dog to the car and into the backseat.
Kendall nods and then goes to give her goodbyes to her family. Greg tips his hat to them before closing the door behind himself and Kendall.
"Back seat!" He orders the dog when he opens the passenger seat and sees him there. "This is where Kendall sits." The dog moves and Greg shuts the door behind her before getting into the driver seat.
"So how formal is your family get together?" she asks, looking at him.
"Do you have that green sweater dress still?"
"That with your boots and hair down should be fine." He nods. "It'll match my vest anyway."
"Oh, I see." She nods. "Alright, I'll find it in the morning."
"I think it's one you have at my house in the guest closet."
Kendall raises a brow. "And since when have you been in that closet?"
Greg glances at her. "Since a certain hound decided he wanted to try on your clothes."
"Is—Is that way my dresses were all in the floor last weekend?" She frowns and looks back at Thunder. "If you want to play dress up, I promise Greg's suits would fit you much better. You don't have the shape for my stuff, sorry."
The dog licks her nose and she laughs and wipes her face with her sleeve. "Yuck."
Greg snorts. "He better not or he'll be sleeping in the parlor."
Kendall chuckles and leans on him. "Nah, you'd miss him too much. His whining would get to you."
He just shakes his head.
"Speaking of missing...What are your feelings for me?"
Greg glances down at her. "I think you know..."
"Maybe, but I want to hear you say it."
Kendall looks at him.
"It was lonely there without you. I made you a cup of tea before I remembered you weren't there." He sighs. "That led me to start thinking...What's the name I keep calling my girlfriends by accident? Kenny. I had thought I was always just that focused on our cases." He shakes his head. "For the past four years nearly you have always been my plus one. I thought it was just for the pleasant, friendly company.
"Then, you know how I spent the night at Lisabeth's last week...I didn't end up staying the entire night. I hadn't realized how...shallow and empty-headed she was until we were talking and she couldn't talk without flicking her hair and giggling. " He frowns. "Never bothered me until you started living with me. So I left her and I walked around the park in the snow for a few hours before sneaking into the house. I laid on the couch, but I couldn't sleep. Wasn't sure why at the time. It didn't click until this morning why being around other women now just felt....awkward."
"And what was that reason?" She looks at him slyly.
"You're really going to make me say it?"
"I am."
Gregory sighs. "Alright, fine. I love you."
Kendall grins and hugs his arm closely. "I love you, too."
He awkwardly pats her head. "Why don't you try to sleep? It's going to be a few hours til we're home."
"Sounds like a plan." She nods, snuggling closer to him.
The next morning, Greg and Kendall pull up at Greg's parents' house after only a couple hours of sleep. He looks back at his dog thoughtfully. "I really didn't think this through...No idea how Cedric and Moose going to react to Thunder."
Kendall also looks back at Thunder. "I say Cedric will sniff him, then stick his nose in the air and go to your father. Moose will probably be happy to have a new friend."
Thunder just wags his tail, blissfully unaware of what's going on around him. He's just happy to have his peoples with him.
Greg turns the car off. "I just hope Cedric doesn't try to attack him."
"I think he could take Cedric without much issue...I mean, big, floppy wolfhound puppy versus an older, grumpy sheltie dog. Thunder has the energy and size advantage."
"Cedric has the strategic advantage though...That dog will cheat in a fight, feign an injury and tattle to Dad." He frowns. "I've watched him do it before."
Kendall frowns slightly. "Well, I guess we'll just have to see and hope for the best." She then gets out of the car.
Greg gets out and lets Thunder out, too. He holds him by the collar and leads him up to the door and rings the bell. He glances at Kendall. "Just so you know, anytime you feel like leaving we may."
"I'm sure it'll go just fine." She sighs. "But I will keep that in mind."
The door then opens. "Ah, Mr. Harris. You did come," the maid says with a smile.
"Gloria, you know you don't have to be that formal with me, just Gregory is just fine." He nods to her as he drags Thunder inside. "Is Theodore here yet?"
"Yes, sir. He's in the parlor."
"Go get him."
"Yes, sir." She smiles and walks out after closing the door behind Kendall.
Kendall looks around. "Well, the decorations are nice."
A tall man walks into the room. He's a few centimeters shorter than Greg, but has the same sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes. "Gregory, long time no see, brother." He grins at him.
Greg looks at him. "Yeah. Anyway, did you bring Moose?"
Theodore raises a brow. "Of course I brought Moose."
"You think he'd like a kennel mate for a few hours?" He strokes Thunder's head. "I don't want him near Cedric. I haven't seen him around other dogs yet and well..."
"Yeah, sure." He nods, getting the leash from him. "Since when do you have a dog anyway?" He glances sideways at him.
"Eh, a few months. He sort of adopted me." He shrugs.
Theodore looks at him pitifully and shakes his head. "Don't phrase it like that around Dad. He'll think you can't control your own dog."
Gregory stands up straight and looks at him. "I think you know I don't give a bloody rat's arse what he thinks."
"If that were true, you wouldn't have dolled your help up, would you?" He chuckles and starts dragging Thunder away.
"She's not the—" he starts, but decides to just let it go as he has already left the room. He shakes his head and grabs Kendall's arm. "Shall I show you around?"
"It honestly would be nice to see more than the atrium for once." She chuckles.
"Hey, don't dismiss the atrium, Kenny. It's where the door is." He smiles and gently leads her out. "The best part of Christmas with my family is getting to walk out that door at the end."
Kendall looks up at him softly. "It'll be better this year."
"Maybe I should have asked your brother if he still had any drugs on him. Then I might could believe you." He frowns before gasping sharply when she elbows him. "Hey! I was joking!"
"Not funny." She shakes her head. "If you absolutely needed something you could have had a shot of what I have you last night."
"I drank half of it last night and finished the rest in my cappuccino this morning, Kendall. It takes more than a shot to prepare for this."
"Surely you're exaggerating."
"I'm being completely honest, you'll see soon enough yourself."
Kendall sighs and leans on him. "Well, regardless, I've got your back. I'll go toe to toe with your father; he doesn't scare me."
Gregory laughs shortly. "Somehow I'm not surprised."
"I could probably just poke him and he be all 'ew commoner cooties get it away, get it away.'" She mockingly waves her hand away in a dainty fashion.
He holds back another laugh. "Nearly. Probably he would be more like..." He clears his throat and stands up straight. "Gregory, control your maid-servant. How dare you let her touch me. She may have rabies! How dare you bring such a foul creature into my house!"
Kendall laughs and nods her head sideways. "Yeah, that sounds about right."
Greg grins. "I can control myself and either Thunder, or you. He cannot possibly expect me to control all three at once."
"Not like you can control me anyway."
"Nor would I want to. If I controlled you, then bollocks! Who would keep me out of trouble?"
Kendall considers this. "Ian?"
"Nah, he's not good at that. He's better at bailing me out." He chuckles.
"I think he reprimands you pretty well too."
Gregory nods slowly. "Ian has always been like a father to me. To be honest, if it wasn't for him, I don't know where I'd be now."
"How did you meet anyhow?" She looks up at him.
"Well." He pauses to consider this. "When I was seven, I ran away from home. Mum was visiting Uncle Oswald. Dad took Theo and the dogs on a hunting trip. It was my birthday and I was home alone with the Gloria, who at the time was my nanny," he says this slowly. "She had to go do something, can't remember what, but I just...I climbed out my window and down the house and left, bringing nothing but my coat, wallet, and backpack. I walked for quite a while until this cop car pulled up beside me. Inside was Ian. He had me stop and asked me where I was headed. I told him I didn't know and I didn't care I just was leaving home. He asked if my parents knew and I told him that they didn't and wouldn't notice. He made me a deal, if I went back home, then next time I was home alone I could call him and he'd come pick me up and I could hang out at the station...I doubt he realized how often I'd be there at the time." He grimaces.
Kendall looks at him. "Oh Greg..."
Gregory shakes his head. "No, none of that. It was one of the best things that ever happened for me. Finally I had someone who'd show me what I wanted to learn. How to shoot, fish, pick locks, break down a door...You know, the fun stuff. My brother was stuck learning how to be a snobby politician. I got the better draw I think." He leads her to a room upstairs and opens the door. "This one was my room."
She pokes her head inside and looks at it. "It's cleaner than I expected."
"Probably because no one has stayed in it in years." He glances sideways at her. "But I can be organized when I want to be."
Kendall looks back at him. "Sure you can."
Greg rolls his eyes and closes the door. "What else do you want to see? The library, study, gym, gardens?"
"We'll be touring the house all day at this rate." He sighs and leads her down the hall.
She shrugs, "Did you have anything else planned?"
"No...No, this is all pretty impromptu."
"That's what I thought." She nods and leans on his arm. "I'm happy to see whatever you feel like showing me, Greg."
"Kendall, I'd honestly be content just taking a kip."
"Then go do that. I can explore on my own."
"Now that's a bad idea if I've ever heard one." He looks at her. "I can see it now. One of the maids thinking you're some random lady and escorts you out without me."
"Then what do you suggest?"
"I'll introduce you to Riley or Mum and you can hang out with them while I catch up on sleep." He nods and leads her back downstairs.
"Riley is..."
"The sister-in-law."
"Ah." She nods. "And how is she?"
Gregory shrugs. "She's alright I guess. Nice arse, smart, prissy. You know, like the girls Dad has always tried to set me up with."
Kendall looks at him. "Well, intelligence is one difference then from your expired membership with one-nighters club girls."
"Haha very funny."
"Or if they were smart, they surely were drunk as dogs."
"Yes, Yes, I get it."
"Had to mail so many undergarments to their rightful owners..."
"Are you trying to make a point, Kendall?"
"Not really, I'm just thinking aloud."
"I'm going to guess you'd rather meet my mother."
She grins at him. "Oh good, you do actually read between the lines sometimes."
"Mhm." He ruffles her hair and stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Haven't you met my Mum?"
"Not as your girlfriend...But she seemed to like me well enough as just your friend. I like her, she's nice." She nods.
"Can't argue there." He smiles. "She's the only reason I ever visit home. Come on." He leads her into the parlor. Inside the parlor are a few couches, an enormous tree decorated with silver and gold, and a middle aged woman reading a book on a windowsill seat. "Mother."
The woman looks up and places a mark in her book. "Gregory!" She smiles. "What a surprise, and I see you brought your friend....Um, Miss. Bell, wasn't it?"
"Yes, ma'am." Kendall smiles. "But you may call me Kendall."
"Mum, I was wondering if you would mind some company while I rest up a bit. I know the staff are not familiar with Ms. Bell, and I wouldn't want any misunderstandings to arise."
"But of course, love. Ms. Bell is welcome here at anytime." She scoots over. "Sleep well, Gregory. But do set an alarm, we are having dinner at six and your father will have your arse if you're late."
Gregory nods. "Noted. I'll see you both at the table in a few hours." He then turns and walks out.
"Kendall, come sit by me. We've never gotten to get properly acquainted before." She smiles.
Kendall smiles and sits beside her. "Yes, Gregory is usually rushing me in and out." She chuckles.
His mother sighs. "That would be because of John." She looks at her. "But please, while we are making acquaintances, just Madison will do."
"It's very nice to actually meet you, Madison." She nods.
Madison chuckles. "So you work with Gregory?"
"Yes, ma'am, for about four thrilling years now."
"Does he really seem to enjoy it? The sleuthing?"
Kendall nods. "Very much so. His eyes never shine brighter than when he's in the thick of a case. I think sometimes he gets a high from all the adrenaline."
"Then I'm happy he's found an occupation that he enjoys. I wish it was less dangerous, but at least he is resourceful enough to keep himself safe." She sighs.
"That's my family's concern with it all, too." Kendall looks at her. "If I told them all the details of our cases, my mum would have put in my resignation for me like she did my father's."
"I suppose your mother has better sense than I then." Madison stands up and gestures for Kendall to follow her. "Would you care for something to drink, Kendall? Perhaps a spot of tea?"
"A spot of tea sounds lovely."
Madison gestures and a butler carries over a tray of tea and little cakes. She sits down on the couch and pats the spot beside her. Kendall sits and receives her cup of tea from the butler.
"This might be a bit brash to ask...But has my son ever seemed like he's considered settling down instead of fooling around?"
Kendall nearly chokes on her tea. "Well actually." She coughs. "As of yesterday, yes."
"Oh? Do tell."
She starts blushing. "I'm not sure if it's really my place to tell, Madison. I think he was wanting to tell you all tonight at once."
"He asked you out, didn't he?"
Kendall blushes more. "Lucky guess?"
Madison laughs softly. "A mother always knows. But don't worry, I'll keep the surprise for the others tonight." She winks at her. "I'm just happy my baby is finally growing up and found a pretty, respectable girl to be committed to. John may not share my feelings on the matter, love," She gets Kendall's hand softly. "but don't worry about how he reacts. I'll handle him. And don't you let him discourage you either, you are always welcome here, even if you were not dating my son, okay?" She smiles at her. Her chestnut eyes sparkling.
"Yes, Earl Harris won't be happy at all. I think you and I both know that he hates me."
"Oh rubbish, he doesn't hate you, love. He just...has trouble comprehending you is all. You don't fit the molds he thinks everything should fit in and that frustrates him. Sadly, that's how he looks at Gregory as well."
"It's a shame I must say...I can tell it really hurts him not having his father's approval though he attempts to play it off as if he doesn't care." She sighs.
Madison nods and sips her tea slowly. "I've tried to get that through to John many times...he's just as stubborn as a horse."
"With all due respect, Madison, if your husband starts going off on how I'm a commoner like he has in the past, I'm not sure how well I'll be able to stay quiet this time around." Kendall sips her tea.
"By all means! The old boy could use a rude awakening, heaven knows I'm tired of doing it myself." She laughs. "You tell him what you feel like you ought, my dear. In all honesty, he won't take it well, but by the end of the night he'll have a greater respect for you. He doesn't think any man would dare stand toe to toe with him, much less a woman."
Kendall sits her tea on the table. "I've had plenty of practice with Gregory. I learned after my last boyfriend that you can't let a man just tell you what's what. Sometimes men can't tell their head from their arse they're so mixed up. After him, I couldn't stand to be another man's doormat."
"I can certainly say Harris men for the most part do not need doormat women by their side. They'd walk all over us in a heartbeat without realizing it until later." She sighs.
"You could say that again."
Madison smiles and sets her tea aside. "Did Gregory give you a full tour?"
"No...He showed me a few rooms, but I think he was just too tired. He's been driving more than sleeping lately."
"Then come with me, I'll give you a proper tour and introduce you to the staff." She smiles and stands up. "Then maybe next time Gregory would feel more at ease letting you wander the house without getting lost or apprehended by a confused butler." She winks at her.
"That would be fantastic, Madison, thank you." She smiles and stands up, brushing off her skirt.
"Although the house is fairly large, Gregory must really care about you, though, if he's so concerned that you'll become misplaced here."
"He knows I can be prone to panicking...and to getting lost." She laughs awkwardly. "So it's probably for the best that I don't explore alone yet."
Madison smiles at her gently. "Well after today, even if you do get lost in the future, the staff will recognize you and guide you on your way without fear."
A few hours later, Kendall and Madison walk into the dining room.
"Have a seat anywhere you like along the right side, love. The left side is for Theodore and his wife. John and I will be at the ends." She smiles.
Kendall nods, "But maybe I need to check on Gregory first and make sure he didn't sleep through his alarm. He's prone to that."
"That may be a good idea."
"I'll be back in a few." She curtsies and walks back towards Greg's room upstairs. She knocks on the door. "Greg?" She waits, but there is no reply so she opens the door and walks in. He's still sound asleep laying on top of the covers.
She sits on the edge and shakes his arm. "Gregory..."
Gregory turns over with a murmur.
Kendall leans on him. "Gregory...Wake up. Gregory."
"No," he mumbles.
"Don't no me, mister." She frowns and starts tickling his ribs.
Greg sits bolt upright and looks at her. "NO." He points at her and gets up.
"It worked, didn't it?" She chuckles. "Get ready, your mum is already at the dining table waiting for us."
"Mmm." He sighs and rubs his face. "Fine." He stands up and stretches before straightening his shirt and brushing through his hair with his fingers. "Good enough?"
"I'd say yes, but this is your family we're talking about, so I assume you have a better idea than I do."
Gregory shrugs and opens the door. "How I am is how I'll be. They'll just have to deal with it." He yawns. "After you."
Kendall walks out and closes the door behind himself. "Did you sleep well?"
"I think I was out before I hit the pillow in all honesty. Did you and Mum have a pleasant chat?"
"We did. She also gave me a proper tour and introduced me to the staff."
He raises a brow. "Did she now? Fascinating."
"Yes, she was very nice. I think she might like me."
Gregory nods, but Kendall can tell he's stopped paying attention and frowns.
"You're ignoring me again, aren't you?"
"Mmh indeed." She rolls her eyes. "Penny for your thoughts?"
"Just planning how or if to tell them about us."
"No if. You need to tell them." She gets his hand. "They can think what they will, but I want your father to know you're spoken for so he'll stop sending girls your way. You're mine now." She starts pulling him down the hall.
Gregory just shakes his head with a smile. "I'm sorry to say Kendall, I doubt he'll stop."
"Then I'll stop him." She shoots him a look.
"You didn't come armed, right?"
"No, of course I didn't come armed!" She frowns at him.
"Just making sure..."
Kendall rolls her eyes and lets go of his hand as they enter the dining room. Theodore, his wife, and Earl Harris have joined Madison at the table.
"It's about time you showed up, Gregory." The Earl frowns.
"Good evening to you as well, Father." He sighs, pulling out Kendall's chair for her.
He scoffs, frowning at him. "At least you weren't as late as usual. But may I ask why your help is sitting at our table?"
Gregory sits down next to the right of Kendall. "That would be because she's not my help."
"Then why is she here at all?"
"She's my girlfriend, father," he then says flatly.
His father laughs shortly and clearly unamused. "You're joking."
"No, sir." Greg then grins wickedly and kisses Kendall's cheek.
"I will not accept this." He narrows his eyes at them. "No son of mine will ever consider dating a commoner."
"Well, should I get my dog and leave them, Earl Harris?" He stands up. "Perhaps I ought to take her last name. Gregory Bell. Not a bad ring, actually."
His father sits there fuming. "Gregory, sit down." He mother then sighs. "And John, we will discuss this later. He's also my son and as long as he is happy and healthy, I see no problem with this."
"She's a bloody commoner, Madison! I'll be hanged before the Harris name is defiled like this!"
"The royals have been marrying 'commoners,' Americans even, for years now, dear."
"Funny you should say that, Mum. Kendall is actually a quarter American on her mother's side." He grins.
"Great, not only is he sleeping with a commoner, but a commoner mutt." John growls.
"I beg your pardon, sir!" Kendall glares at him. "Gregory is not sleeping with anyone currently and won't be for awhile either."
John looks at her with daggers. "Don't lie. I'm sure my son knocked you up and paid you to come help him with this foolery."
Kendall looks at him. "No sir, that certainly is not the case at all." She stands up. "I'm a virgin and I plan to stay that way until I am married. After all the things I hear about how polite and kind you higher class families are supposed to be, you must be the rudest knave I have ever met." She growls. "But I get you're just trying to scare me off, however I'm sorry to say, I'm not going anywhere. I love Gregory and I will go with him anywhere he asks me to go. Whether that is here, America, or Kalamazoo! So I apologize that you have such a strong hatred of my background, sir, but you'll just have to learn to love me too."
John rolls his eyes and looks at Gregory. "You still haven't taught her to mind her tongue, I see."
"Do you want me to control myself, Kendall, or my dog, Father?" Greg says simply. "I'm currently doing my best to control myself at the moment."
Kendall meanwhile returns to her seat, fuming.
John looks at Theodore. "And what do you think of this nonsense?"
Theodore looks at his father and pales slightly. "Um..." He glances at his mother and at Gregory. "Um, I think it isn't my business to concern myself with."
"Smart boy." Madison nods.
John glares at her and rolls his eyes. "This isn't over, Gregory." He then grumbles. "We'll talk about this later." He then waves the butlers with their trays over.
"John's brain is running low on energy, he needs to refuel."
She chuckles and watches the plates be passed out. "Riley, how is everything on the married front?"
Riley, a blonde girl smiles politely at her. "Fairly calm, Madison. Teddy is just a doll." She giggles and leans her head on him.
Kendall and Greg exchange a look.
"That's good." She smiles. "Any plans for little ones on the horizon?"
"Actually..." She looks at Theodore.
"We're expecting!" he chimes in, looking proud.
"Oh! Congratulations!" His mother smiles.
"Leave it to Teddy to always one up me," Greg mutters under his breath to Kendall.
Kendall squeezes his hand under the table with a gentle smile at him.
"It's about time one of my sons stepped up to make an heir." John nods. "When is it due?"
"Sometime this summer or fall." He smiles.
"Bet you they'll have it on my birthday," Gregory grumbles.
"Shh, you can complain later," Kendall whispers back.
Greg just frowns and starts cutting up his lamb chops. He then glances over at how Kendall is cutting hers and nudges her fork away with his. "Here." He sighs and starts cutting hers for her. "You were going to be at that all night."
Kendall sighs, but doesn't argue. "Thank you."
He nods and returns to his own plate.
"So Kendall, what is your family like?" Madison smiles.
Kendall looks over at her and considers this carefully. "Well, my brother finally came home after being undercover for seven years with a cute little niece for me." She smiles. "My father used to be on the MET force in their bomb squad department. My mother teaches at a primary school."
"That sounds sweet." She smiles.
"Sounds absolutely common," John grumbles.
"Her father is a George Cross recipient," Greg chimes in.
John pauses and looks at them. "A George Cross?"
Kendall nods.
"He saved the Duke of Albany and his family from an assassin attempt. The bomb went off before he could get safely away himself. His leg was so badly hurt they had to amputate it, but he's fine now," she says matter-of-factly.
John looks at her for a long moment. He then returns to his plate without a word.
"That's pretty impressive," Theodore then says. "Second highest honor award."
"I remember that...That should have been a Victorian Cross as far as I'm concerned," John then says a little quieter. "Sam and his crew were on the way here actually for a visit. He and I play polo when he's in town. You can't imagine the guilt I felt for weeks after that."
Kendall just shrugs and sips her wine.
John looks at her still. "What's your name again?"
"Kendall Bell, sir."
"You're a puzzle, Ms. Bell, I'll have to give you that credit. That's probably why Gregory likes you," he says slowly.
Kendall looks at him, nearly confused.
"Maybe I have not given you a fair trial, Ms. Bell. I'll have to think on this."
"I'd greatly appreciate it if you would, Earl Harris." She nods.
"Mmh." He nods to the butler beside him to bring the dessert.
Greg leans near Kendall. "You won't like this, I should probably take care of your plate for you," he whispers.
Kendall raises a brow. "Is that a "you won't like this" won't like this or a "I like this so I will eat both" won't like this?"
"It's a Yule log, so both." He looks smug.
"I think I'll take my chances and try it, but thanks for the offer." She chuckles.
"Suit yourself, but you won't like it." He says cutting into his slice.
Kendall rolls her eyes and tries hers. Dark chocolate. As she slowly chews the bite she slides the plate towards him.
"I tried to warn you."
"You never said it was dark chocolate."
Greg grins, sliding her slice to his own plate. "Well, at least now you can say you've tried it."
Kendall does not look amused and sips her wine.
He looks back at a butler. "Bring Kendall some of the berry fluff Mum is having." He then looks at Kendall. "Mum doesn't like dark chocolate either. I would have warned them before...But I wanted your slice."
"I forget, you're internally eternally a twelve year old boy." She shakes her head with a still unamused look.
"Not at all, I just like dark chocolate cake. It's not like I get it very often."
"It's not like you can't order one just as well as I or ever say you have a preference!"
Gregory shrugs and ignores her.
Kendall looks at Madison. "Your youngest son is utterly impossible to please."
"I'm afraid that runs on his father's side of the family. All three of them are that way." She chuckles.
"I don't know how you've managed. I can barely handle him, much less three of him!"
Madison smiles. "It just takes patiences and much fighting, love. Some days are better than others."
Kendall nods and looks at Greg. She makes a mental note that for his next birthday to get him a dark chocolate cake.
"Kendall and I need to start heading back to London soon."
"Why? It's not like you open on Sundays anyhow." Madison frowns.
"No, but we promised her mother that we'd go with her to church tomorrow morning." He clears his throat. "I'd like to be well rested before that so I don't kip through the service."
"You think you can walk into a church without being struck by lightning?" Theodore chuckles.
"You're hysterical, Theo."
"I think it's nice that you're trying something new, love. I hope you have a good time." Madison smiles.
"Thank you, Mum." He then pushes his seat away from the table. "Theo, you put Thunder near Moose, correct?"
"Kendall, I'll meet you at the door." He then nods to his family. "Merry Christmas." Gregory walks out in the direction of the kennel.
"It was nice meeting all of you." Kendall curtsies before walking out, feeling a little awkward. As she waits by the door for Gregory, one of the maids brings her her coat, scarf, and cap.
Gregory soon enters, carrying half-asleep Thunder in his arms. "Gloria, if you could give Kendall my hat and coat, please." He grunts.
Gloria hands them to her as she looks at Gregory. "I would be careful carrying around such a large dog, Mr. Harris. You'll hurt yourself."
"Thank you, Gloria, however, if I didn't carry him, he'd still be in the kennel. He's a hard sleeper."
Gloria opens the door for him. "Do please try to be careful."
"Careful is my middle name, Gloria."
"He wishes." Kendall rolls her eyes but waves to Gloria. "Thank you though, have a nice evening. Merry Christmas." She follows Greg to the car and opens the door for him.
Gregory plops the dog in the back seat and shuts the door. He opens Kendall's door before walking around the car to the driver's side. He pulls a present from under his seat and gives it to her. "I doubted they would do a gift exchange this year, probably will next year with the baby though." He shrugs.
Kendall looks at it curiously. "You know you didn't have to get me anything, Gregory. I mean, you already gave me a boyfriend for Christmas."
He sits down in the car. "I'm pretty sure you'll like that more than a lousy boyfriend. Go ahead, open it."
She carefully pulls off the wrapper and looks at the laptop box. "Jiminy! Gregory, you didn't!" She gasps.
"Gregory, he did." He crosses his arms grinning. "I know you've been saving up for a new one for awhile now and I know that's the type that gamers drool over..."
Kendall reaches over and hugs him. "I love it! Thank you!"
"You haven't even seen what color it is yet." He chuckles.
"At this moment if could be bright bloody magenta for all I care! Finally a laptop that won't lag and crash so much!"
Gregory smirks. "Maybe I did get you bright bloody magenta one."
Kendall attempts to look unamused, but fails as she is just too excited. She opens the box. "Oh good, it's purple!"
"Of course it's purple. The only person I'd buy a pink computer would be your brother."
"I think Lionel would flip you off."
"Like I'd care." He chuckles.
Kendall reads the features on the box. "I'll be able to hack into things so much faster now, too..."
Gregory nods and starts backing from the driveway. "I figure tomorrow after church and you have finished setting it up, you could get me started on that game you go on and on about."
"That sounds ace, Greg." She smiles widely, hugging the computer to her. "Absolutely ace."
"Merry Christmas, Kenny."
"You, too, Greg."
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