No Plagiarism!Wpu537L7WP4sEEwYJciIposted on PENANA Just a short reenactment of something that happened when I was younger....8964 copyright protection418PENANAPyFHAL0Zp0 維尼
It’s hilarious8964 copyright protection418PENANAgJOK8wsBnk 維尼
Watching kid’s fight about8964 copyright protection418PENANAJ2a7yRbfi1 維尼
The dumbest things8964 copyright protection418PENANAVbZ8vLrmbC 維尼
'My dad’s better than your dad'8964 copyright protection418PENANAhtftw1Ia3W 維尼
The verbal anger that ensues8964 copyright protection418PENANAXlo6dMlO7n 維尼
As kids’ voices grow louder8964 copyright protection418PENANAbKzsgVyZoO 維尼
Trying to best each other8964 copyright protection418PENANAf3S40mu9tA 維尼
The funny face8964 copyright protection418PENANA0xCzZBLF0g 維尼
They make8964 copyright protection418PENANAHb98j6DC4E 維尼
As they try to conjure8964 copyright protection418PENANAi8bXEVMWaW 維尼
Reasons why they are better than each other8964 copyright protection418PENANAJh7pYxcKUc 維尼
Well, my dad does…8964 copyright protection418PENANASlTikdXsLS 維尼
Well, my dad does too8964 copyright protection418PENANAMyNHaq9H7a 維尼
Well, my mom does…8964 copyright protection418PENANA7uHlEiERsi 維尼
Well, my mom does that8964 copyright protection418PENANAdbMAUc0cMU 維尼
But she also does this8964 copyright protection418PENANAOO9WuLVq1g 維尼
They bawl their fists8964 copyright protection418PENANAxnifXEMErb 維尼
As their anger heightens8964 copyright protection418PENANAr7pqxt7q1P 維尼
Who will win??8964 copyright protection418PENANAyZATIs5biD 維尼
The debate takes a steep turn8964 copyright protection418PENANA0NCwN8iAR6 維尼
Using one’s parents will not ensure victory8964 copyright protection418PENANAd3LxD3DktC 維尼
Well I can do…8964 copyright protection418PENANAeO7Uq1FjPy 維尼
Well so can I.8964 copyright protection418PENANAB5xNbUi0A0 維尼
I like…8964 copyright protection418PENANAEjkvtKmMVg 維尼
So do I.8964 copyright protection418PENANAyzTA4gjVQc 維尼
I have…8964 copyright protection418PENANAdYGRYd3VFI 維尼
Well I have 15.8964 copyright protection418PENANAa5j9H3JpLf 維尼
But the best part of the fight8964 copyright protection418PENANAnviVEdTNS9 維尼
Is when the comparisons8964 copyright protection418PENANAFFmxVbPDtw 維尼
Take a turn for the worst8964 copyright protection418PENANAwsf5edTvsa 維尼
When kids reveal just how8964 copyright protection418PENANAVaf9tszoB5 維尼
Terrible they really are…8964 copyright protection418PENANAuU0gc71dnn 維尼
Instead of comparisons8964 copyright protection418PENANAlkv6ZfVuYB 維尼
With material posessions8964 copyright protection418PENANARqLOnurU8X 維尼
It becomes comparisons8964 copyright protection418PENANAR3F8qqqnNS 維尼
Of character8964 copyright protection418PENANAK6YPgtVR9a 維尼
The darker side of their consciousness8964 copyright protection418PENANARaRyB3W79Z 維尼
But in a game of who’s better8964 copyright protection418PENANAkeDLfrIkKU 維尼
Anything goes8964 copyright protection418PENANAir1esaMmio 維尼
They are oblivious to the audience around them8964 copyright protection418PENANABSqnsaovfo 維尼
And so what was once a little petty fight between 10 year olds8964 copyright protection418PENANA51mvdqr2Tz 維尼
Becomes criminal8964 copyright protection418PENANAjGdPROtm5n 維尼
And it’s absolutely hilarious8964 copyright protection418PENANAfRZsJLazhm 維尼
Well I was the one who got an A and didn’t even study8964 copyright protection418PENANAXeQVAQEhbA 維尼
Kid B frowns. Kid A has got a point8964 copyright protection418PENANA5G7pu0NwCC 維尼
Kid B: Well Suzy Q gave me a kiss8964 copyright protection418PENANAdK81TFWN8k 維尼
The crowd gasps. The score is tied.8964 copyright protection418PENANABBN7MIgLkI 維尼
Kid A: Well I have the most friends. And Suzy did that on a dare8964 copyright protection418PENANAUQxc7WMaVU 維尼
Burn. 2:18964 copyright protection418PENANAs7NsqzUwsR 維尼
Kid B takes a moment to think.8964 copyright protection418PENANAn1JFMPuf0Z 維尼
That was harsh8964 copyright protection418PENANAUyE4IGEyex 維尼
Kid B: Well she’s never kissed you8964 copyright protection418PENANAHNGiz4PJEj 維尼
Attack on character? These kids aren’t playing anymore8964 copyright protection418PENANAKnKlX96XqP 維尼
Where the heck is the teacher??8964 copyright protection418PENANAPFxkiAZtqD 維尼
Nah, this is actually entertaining8964 copyright protection418PENANA97NXwQbMOT 維尼
(But really, where is she??)8964 copyright protection418PENANAdsdRP34kdI 維尼
Kid A crosses his arms against his chest8964 copyright protection418PENANAAISLGZd349 維尼
Kid B copies the movement.8964 copyright protection418PENANAdBeW9R5UvG 維尼
Classmates are becoming more interested8964 copyright protection418PENANARZy0kX6JJi 維尼
Suzy Q is pissed at both of them8964 copyright protection418PENANAgbJdUUdlrG 維尼
Kid A: Remember that vase in your house that we’re not supposed to touch? I was the one that broke it that day.8964 copyright protection418PENANAd4V6NKk76y 維尼
Kid B: That’s why you’re not allowed to come over anymore8964 copyright protection418PENANA2NcnO3Sq3U 維尼
Kid A: I never invited you to my bday party because no one in class likes you8964 copyright protection418PENANAEza45kQsk8 維尼
Kid B: So what, it’s not like they like you either. They’re just scared of you8964 copyright protection418PENANARu041c19J6 維尼
Kid B really needs to step up. He’s been playing defense for too long.8964 copyright protection418PENANAZeQ6MCzvt4 維尼
Kid A: Well I’m the biggest in the class. The smartest and the fastest too8964 copyright protection418PENANAtok2kdwWck 維尼
Kid B looks a little down. Is he going to give up? Everyone is watching, including Suzy Q.8964 copyright protection418PENANArY2OFJDlSL 維尼
Kid B: Really?8964 copyright protection418PENANAtopcIL82DR 維尼
I think Kid B has lost!!! The bully can’t win again.8964 copyright protection418PENANAT4bWdn2I5c 維尼
Kid A pauses. He’s not sure how to fight back.8964 copyright protection418PENANA2Ac1APh4Dx 維尼
Does he throw out another retort?8964 copyright protection418PENANAJIBc1Kw1ev 維尼
No. Just silence.8964 copyright protection418PENANAkWEOVXvgtA 維尼
Kid B cocks his head to the side8964 copyright protection418PENANAoboy1omYPm 維尼
His smile is widening8964 copyright protection418PENANAF1ANFohwrK 維尼
What’s he got up his sleeve?8964 copyright protection418PENANA00MDlz0AHD 維尼
Kid B: Then how come you failed our last test? How come every time we go to P.E., you’ve got some injury from a sports team you’re not even on? How come you’re the biggest in the entire class, yet you’re the dumbest person I’ve ever met? How come we’ve been fighting all morning, yet everyone is rooting for me not you??8964 copyright protection418PENANA9yjhKbnhJZ 維尼
Oh crap. Kid A is just standing there.8964 copyright protection418PENANAYLK5fFbMhG 維尼
There’s not much he can say.8964 copyright protection418PENANA70vHLdn6hB 維尼
He’s been called out8964 copyright protection418PENANAXxydimLoSa 維尼
And every kid in class knows it8964 copyright protection418PENANAapmUvpv9RF 維尼
Not to mention the fact that8964 copyright protection418PENANAmtJsaeYOR7 維尼
Everyone only hangs with Kid A8964 copyright protection418PENANAn1E67lE3jQ 維尼
Because he’s got money8964 copyright protection418PENANALO47IlyXUI 維尼
And he creates fear8964 copyright protection418PENANAHaSCphz9Hw 維尼
But Kid B…8964 copyright protection418PENANA6s6hMv4jek 維尼
Look at the balls on Kid B8964 copyright protection418PENANAN1syBtfDhE 維尼
They’re just staring8964 copyright protection418PENANAUjXyh9Zszf 維尼
The class is quiet,8964 copyright protection418PENANAHqHIb9RaoE 維尼
Everyone leaning forward in their seats8964 copyright protection418PENANAOWGBrfgU20 維尼
What’s the next move?8964 copyright protection418PENANAGvrPCD4lnq 維尼
The door bangs open8964 copyright protection418PENANAvHyKnbPmok 維尼
The teacher walks in8964 copyright protection418PENANAy5U3iLGfAW 維尼
Another ‘oh crap’ moment8964 copyright protection418PENANAQri2UUWzaq 維尼
The teacher glares at me.8964 copyright protection418PENANAOu2okkDrnF 維尼
“Sylvester, get off the desk this moment.”8964 copyright protection418PENANAWkpWGnMexu 維尼
I’ve been found out8964 copyright protection418PENANAD6p09ahj3R 維尼
But I haven’t been really trying to hide it8964 copyright protection418PENANA8rcF4zicLc 維尼
“I told you to stop narrating things.”8964 copyright protection418PENANA3p4ktceiGz 維尼
Oh, but it’s so much fun8964 copyright protection418PENANAjWtHcaDVCK 維尼
The teacher takes my makeshift microphone8964 copyright protection418PENANAOlh4XA8L4N 維尼
Her eyes are scanning the classroom8964 copyright protection418PENANANTnDWJJsEt 維尼
Everyone is silent8964 copyright protection418PENANAb4meUwHlRa 維尼
Kid A and B are still standing next to each other8964 copyright protection418PENANAchmjX0XSdL 維尼
It’s tense8964 copyright protection418PENANAZhDMaHXCgb 維尼
And then…8964 copyright protection418PENANArkBHe1NRYo 維尼
The first fist is thrown8964 copyright protection418PENANAQA1kjgztwv 維尼
Bam!8964 copyright protection418PENANAqMWcvpDtUb 維尼
The teacher shouts for help8964 copyright protection418PENANAKHTAYIRlvc 維尼
She grabs me by my collar8964 copyright protection418PENANAs4RsKHWXlc 維尼
“I told you to stop instigating things!!”8964 copyright protection418PENANASVV6TKGQTb 維尼
Oh but it’s so much fun.8964 copyright protection418PENANAH2jKASr6Xv 維尼