No Plagiarism!Gobkx4iT8kK8oY6oYGDBposted on PENANA Just a short reenactment of something that happened when I was younger....8964 copyright protection417PENANAPisMHcnPTT 維尼
It’s hilarious8964 copyright protection417PENANAznuUFfgXA9 維尼
Watching kid’s fight about8964 copyright protection417PENANABjgI6ybqPs 維尼
The dumbest things8964 copyright protection417PENANAoRmI33CXgh 維尼
'My dad’s better than your dad'8964 copyright protection417PENANAYMZtzuDCBC 維尼
The verbal anger that ensues8964 copyright protection417PENANAzHBrc4vSyC 維尼
As kids’ voices grow louder8964 copyright protection417PENANAyqvlewcyQC 維尼
Trying to best each other8964 copyright protection417PENANAKwXDIZKhVE 維尼
The funny face8964 copyright protection417PENANAgTUq3AJ4fl 維尼
They make8964 copyright protection417PENANAv0XAVyQyPf 維尼
As they try to conjure8964 copyright protection417PENANAbQtgXaqMBl 維尼
Reasons why they are better than each other8964 copyright protection417PENANAerNUqVeJv3 維尼
Well, my dad does…8964 copyright protection417PENANAX2DFWTWPjv 維尼
Well, my dad does too8964 copyright protection417PENANANLz8pw7aKJ 維尼
Well, my mom does…8964 copyright protection417PENANAUSb6Q8mj0e 維尼
Well, my mom does that8964 copyright protection417PENANAxDLE5lKIRZ 維尼
But she also does this8964 copyright protection417PENANALhBNtaTBLJ 維尼
They bawl their fists8964 copyright protection417PENANADfTcBlTfIU 維尼
As their anger heightens8964 copyright protection417PENANAzJbqUwAXEa 維尼
Who will win??8964 copyright protection417PENANAyQCHsGTJgS 維尼
The debate takes a steep turn8964 copyright protection417PENANA7v6C5VA3SA 維尼
Using one’s parents will not ensure victory8964 copyright protection417PENANAifzol0ajCs 維尼
Well I can do…8964 copyright protection417PENANA1tES1RSMr1 維尼
Well so can I.8964 copyright protection417PENANAVHILwweuKU 維尼
I like…8964 copyright protection417PENANARcvWyoQPWr 維尼
So do I.8964 copyright protection417PENANAXtHWhXw24E 維尼
I have…8964 copyright protection417PENANAxls4ADE2yB 維尼
Well I have 15.8964 copyright protection417PENANAPey53WEsCE 維尼
But the best part of the fight8964 copyright protection417PENANAkJ8cWzZSwp 維尼
Is when the comparisons8964 copyright protection417PENANAPgwYFiXB59 維尼
Take a turn for the worst8964 copyright protection417PENANA7LymMYYSgi 維尼
When kids reveal just how8964 copyright protection417PENANArJLhM2Ky12 維尼
Terrible they really are…8964 copyright protection417PENANA4z7dg5fpu0 維尼
Instead of comparisons8964 copyright protection417PENANAvFUfL2mU7s 維尼
With material posessions8964 copyright protection417PENANALGqdVPw8rQ 維尼
It becomes comparisons8964 copyright protection417PENANA8GH54PKupf 維尼
Of character8964 copyright protection417PENANAbLMX5qSHyI 維尼
The darker side of their consciousness8964 copyright protection417PENANAFXZKSp0O3x 維尼
But in a game of who’s better8964 copyright protection417PENANA0kuRBnXPY8 維尼
Anything goes8964 copyright protection417PENANAwz1Zd8FYmx 維尼
They are oblivious to the audience around them8964 copyright protection417PENANADaqFR3v058 維尼
And so what was once a little petty fight between 10 year olds8964 copyright protection417PENANAvMvmYLIuZC 維尼
Becomes criminal8964 copyright protection417PENANAgKv51gbFbO 維尼
And it’s absolutely hilarious8964 copyright protection417PENANAjYrqMfuVSd 維尼
Well I was the one who got an A and didn’t even study8964 copyright protection417PENANADm7lSSE8fg 維尼
Kid B frowns. Kid A has got a point8964 copyright protection417PENANAw3VJcJGxj5 維尼
Kid B: Well Suzy Q gave me a kiss8964 copyright protection417PENANA83ohjdAHmU 維尼
The crowd gasps. The score is tied.8964 copyright protection417PENANAh5fGpNoQG6 維尼
Kid A: Well I have the most friends. And Suzy did that on a dare8964 copyright protection417PENANAcWNUvviGHC 維尼
Burn. 2:18964 copyright protection417PENANATdwYyJ1ekk 維尼
Kid B takes a moment to think.8964 copyright protection417PENANA0td22XwGIV 維尼
That was harsh8964 copyright protection417PENANAwbx2QWYI3K 維尼
Kid B: Well she’s never kissed you8964 copyright protection417PENANAvPdfrNF8EC 維尼
Attack on character? These kids aren’t playing anymore8964 copyright protection417PENANAqcAM0EQbav 維尼
Where the heck is the teacher??8964 copyright protection417PENANAXszOWUhCvT 維尼
Nah, this is actually entertaining8964 copyright protection417PENANA0xl6KN6wv2 維尼
(But really, where is she??)8964 copyright protection417PENANAVIabHicPrk 維尼
Kid A crosses his arms against his chest8964 copyright protection417PENANAnVbHSzRPtz 維尼
Kid B copies the movement.8964 copyright protection417PENANAgyPiS4KgNj 維尼
Classmates are becoming more interested8964 copyright protection417PENANA3ERWCkce4J 維尼
Suzy Q is pissed at both of them8964 copyright protection417PENANAdvPHt25a0Z 維尼
Kid A: Remember that vase in your house that we’re not supposed to touch? I was the one that broke it that day.8964 copyright protection417PENANAY6iP2Vup1C 維尼
Kid B: That’s why you’re not allowed to come over anymore8964 copyright protection417PENANAIS5tgWdjt0 維尼
Kid A: I never invited you to my bday party because no one in class likes you8964 copyright protection417PENANAm0Q2MSIphu 維尼
Kid B: So what, it’s not like they like you either. They’re just scared of you8964 copyright protection417PENANANrfUXXOyxl 維尼
Kid B really needs to step up. He’s been playing defense for too long.8964 copyright protection417PENANAtzVN1gbCux 維尼
Kid A: Well I’m the biggest in the class. The smartest and the fastest too8964 copyright protection417PENANAcgoyws264o 維尼
Kid B looks a little down. Is he going to give up? Everyone is watching, including Suzy Q.8964 copyright protection417PENANAWD3NITBF2W 維尼
Kid B: Really?8964 copyright protection417PENANA1fob5B07AA 維尼
I think Kid B has lost!!! The bully can’t win again.8964 copyright protection417PENANAyV0CZKn6pv 維尼
Kid A pauses. He’s not sure how to fight back.8964 copyright protection417PENANARQYmgHIwB7 維尼
Does he throw out another retort?8964 copyright protection417PENANARO8lOvhcQV 維尼
No. Just silence.8964 copyright protection417PENANAxFi8JAkpRP 維尼
Kid B cocks his head to the side8964 copyright protection417PENANACr1J3NeOhv 維尼
His smile is widening8964 copyright protection417PENANAIfhTKIHfst 維尼
What’s he got up his sleeve?8964 copyright protection417PENANAbmXUJtB0At 維尼
Kid B: Then how come you failed our last test? How come every time we go to P.E., you’ve got some injury from a sports team you’re not even on? How come you’re the biggest in the entire class, yet you’re the dumbest person I’ve ever met? How come we’ve been fighting all morning, yet everyone is rooting for me not you??8964 copyright protection417PENANAEs3YgKAeJH 維尼
Oh crap. Kid A is just standing there.8964 copyright protection417PENANAdsL4Wm2CxM 維尼
There’s not much he can say.8964 copyright protection417PENANAmds7xVRqWV 維尼
He’s been called out8964 copyright protection417PENANAcuT8oQGovR 維尼
And every kid in class knows it8964 copyright protection417PENANA4F5vIrIIwI 維尼
Not to mention the fact that8964 copyright protection417PENANAdb7rvXfBkO 維尼
Everyone only hangs with Kid A8964 copyright protection417PENANA12y5plnoSI 維尼
Because he’s got money8964 copyright protection417PENANAOyrgM9PFOQ 維尼
And he creates fear8964 copyright protection417PENANAwx0Mi7rboV 維尼
But Kid B…8964 copyright protection417PENANAroUE70L1Up 維尼
Look at the balls on Kid B8964 copyright protection417PENANAJbFs3sG7jO 維尼
They’re just staring8964 copyright protection417PENANAyrgLqh0vQS 維尼
The class is quiet,8964 copyright protection417PENANAD9Zj89G9v4 維尼
Everyone leaning forward in their seats8964 copyright protection417PENANAyuReTyoxnj 維尼
What’s the next move?8964 copyright protection417PENANAM7J0wtvvPj 維尼
The door bangs open8964 copyright protection417PENANAL8pBakuDlQ 維尼
The teacher walks in8964 copyright protection417PENANA3h4Iso3Ue5 維尼
Another ‘oh crap’ moment8964 copyright protection417PENANAhgJ4SkeMuO 維尼
The teacher glares at me.8964 copyright protection417PENANABkZm1MMp50 維尼
“Sylvester, get off the desk this moment.”8964 copyright protection417PENANArV9Fxj77T4 維尼
I’ve been found out8964 copyright protection417PENANALuElCvDC6m 維尼
But I haven’t been really trying to hide it8964 copyright protection417PENANAYODicXS3M0 維尼
“I told you to stop narrating things.”8964 copyright protection417PENANAxJ9eODTphj 維尼
Oh, but it’s so much fun8964 copyright protection417PENANAFWfdDKGhEW 維尼
The teacher takes my makeshift microphone8964 copyright protection417PENANAKSuLdjWyOk 維尼
Her eyes are scanning the classroom8964 copyright protection417PENANAlE98QXDUcf 維尼
Everyone is silent8964 copyright protection417PENANA66tw143w8W 維尼
Kid A and B are still standing next to each other8964 copyright protection417PENANAXNcfgyOi0V 維尼
It’s tense8964 copyright protection417PENANAqJ07ROVZJX 維尼
And then…8964 copyright protection417PENANAqjPcT4BYRT 維尼
The first fist is thrown8964 copyright protection417PENANADCgIDc7pBq 維尼
Bam!8964 copyright protection417PENANAq6BJBkEjmK 維尼
The teacher shouts for help8964 copyright protection417PENANAJEtrXTyenb 維尼
She grabs me by my collar8964 copyright protection417PENANADzX4uSnduG 維尼
“I told you to stop instigating things!!”8964 copyright protection417PENANAo9zJMDiYN3 維尼
Oh but it’s so much fun.8964 copyright protection417PENANA1p2hqjEOFu 維尼