Persona in passage #8
I must have misunderstood her statement… she couldn’t hurt me. Aries was just saying a joke and nothing more than that! So head, stop avoiding her!... but once the glass is broken it can never be fixed… I can clearly see the cracks no matter how far I am from it.
Submerged mostly in lukewarm water, I have been enjoying the sound of the water dripping from the tub’s faucet and separation… sadly, I’m glad not to feel her presence for the more I am aware of my sister, the more I notice how creepy she truly is. But I still won’t completely believe she pushed me off the second floor. I made a bracelet out of ribbons from my mother’s closet. It was for the key so that my treasure won’t get lost; and it’s not like I don’t trust my younger sibling anymore, it just, everything still feels fresh – a wound won’t heal a day after – and I have a memory storage of a goldfish.
As they say, the more peaceful and silent you are, your mind goes through distances you won’t expect so I end up remembering that I didn’t use the key on the basement and the attic doors. I know they were already open but what if I could lock one of them? It still useless thought cause I know what’s in it and how uninteresting my head is swimming towards.
Persona in passage #22
Earthquake? This can only get worst isn’t it; a world that was destined to end brutally, helplessly… what kind of sin has its existence made that the universe decide to forsake it completely… and it was with me. Am I a victim or am I part of the trespasses, or worst, I’m the reason of it all.
Tell me silence for I am delirious. Vast emptiness who hath no mercy, enlighten me with your friendly face. My loneliness is a possessive husband that keeps his vows but leaves me in tears. I wish to die yet my soul won’t leave my worthless body. Sufferings I want to end, reasons I want to know, tantrums of my emotional body that makes my life declare itself as the king of tragedies.
And what is this? I happen to stumble upon an object which I have knowledge of! It’s a camera if I am right; and why am I talking in such way? Have I gone insane enough to lose my cool? So… how do you use this again? Oh, a button! Well nothing happened… another button! Hmm it must be broken… how abou- it’s on! And it flashed twice so I dropped it back to the water! no, no, no, no. I picked it up and shook the device to make the water leave and checked if it’s as fine as I found it. Even though it’s the first time I’ve seen this mechanism, it seems too familiar to me until I clicked one of its particular functions and everything returned to me.
“Lieutenant how is it?” The higher officer was trying to be calm but the loud alarms that may call the attention of the courts made him restless on each passing minute; and the helpless expression imprinted on the face of his company has caused his mind to race for solutions as she was.
“Uhh! Why won’t you follow?” Beitt murmured and she typed more codes and transferred more data to the system. The subject is clearly fighting back the fallacies and is getting himself to point-conscience. Though they have just found out it may have been his natural reaction because of his dominant complex biology but they can’t comprehend why someone can control a greatly modified labyrinth with just the use of instincts. The official from the legion of John has accessed her notes and books towards the crisis yet most of the passages won’t obey commands that would disrupt the subject from discovering and realizing the truths.
“Tell me what’s wrong officer!” Titus ordered with his usual furious state while the smart one just rolled her eyes, sighed and told him all she can understand in the situation.
“This is useless… let’s tell the courts.” It was unlikely for her to give up “I don’t care if it’s exile or excommunication as long as many lives will be saved. We should stop fixing this and find an efficient way to dispose him before it’s too late.” The daredevil finally accepts defeat and left to warn the others.
“No Beitt, they won’t fear this soldier… they will marvel on his existence; and someday, he might gain the power to enslave us all… You know this is possible, it can easily be the real outcome… and you let it slip though it was ones caged up and manipulated.” The commander concluded is his real serious tone that he only uses when he’s trying to emotionally and mentally bother someone.
Her back was still on the officer from the legion of Moses while she said “There is this last hope.”
“Speak.” At that point, he is just taking any risk – he is unsure of the future but he believes it’s better to act early than to be late and regret.
“I haven’t use their combination… ADAM and EVA for this machine in front of us can’t handle two AI’s with one goal or purpose… I must use the headquarters’ advantages which is the command center; with the concentration from the Throne of Wisdom, we might be able to stabilize everything back to normal… unless were dealing with a god here.” The Lieutenant gave the last option.
“He’s just an experiment, a hybrid… mostly human…” Titus remained his shade “We can stop the subject and if God grand us further success… we might be able to put him in our side and rule all the corners of the universe.” A vision that felt almost like a reality made him slip a quick smirk.
“Keep dreaming… we’re not children anymore Titus…” She crossed her arms and positioned it on her chest “We both know consequences come at full speed and spares none on its path, yet we still dare to play around with silly ideas… nothing changed though we revolted. The curse from our forefather who choose honey than blood has finally arrived in our holy land… and as I’ve said, the price must be paid- fully, so this is our destiny… the child of our separation and neglect has deceived us as easily as his father in hell … he is meant to devour us into the darkness as every tainted soul.” The higher officer slapped her as a response and left.