Chapter 9
That night as I walked home my left side was very sore. I walked into my apartment building and hit the button for my floors. The elevator rose to the second to last floor and opened to reveal a beautiful suite with a large living room and kitchen with stairs to the left. My father had been the CEO of a major company and had bought the top two floors of this building and turned them into a suite. When he died he left me this and several hundred million dollars, however I prefer to make an honest living instead of using someone else's money. He left the company to my younger brother, who was better at business than me. I walked over to my bathroom and took off my shirt as I looked in the mirror. I had two round scars where the bullets had pierced my skin. It still hurt if I moved it the right way. I looked over at a digital clock I had which read 7:45. I normally got off at 8:30 and it was only a ten minute walk home. 'I've got to work overtime tomorrow, how am I gonna get to Jack's by 9:00?' I thought. 'Oh well, I'll just use a sick day.' I was really tired so I went to sleep.
~The Next Morning~
"Hey boss, I'm feeling really sick. I think I have the flu. I can't come in today." I said with a fake raspy voice.
"That's alright. You've never missed a day before. Try to feel better." He said.
"Ok, I will." I replied as I hung up. 'Alright now it's time to figure out some questions for 37' I thought.
~That Night~
'Where is she?' I wondered as I waited outside Jack's. I had arrived early after I realized we wouldn't know what name to look for if the other person checked in first. After waiting a few more minutes I looked down the street to my left and saw her approaching in her usual camo hoodie and tan cargo pants.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." She replied.
"You're not, see." I said showing her my watch, which read 8:55.
"Oh, I really need a watch." She mumbled.
"Alright, let's get a table." I said as we walked into the restaurant. We were led to a table looking out over the river. It had a perfect view of The Silent City.
"You've always been mesmerized by it, haven't you?" She asked, neither of them averting their eyes.
"We all have been and are." I replied. There was silence between us for a moment.
"So, let's get started shall we." I said as I sat down.
"Yes, let's get this interrogation over with." She replied.
"Oh come on, don't be like that. You did agree to this after all." I told her.
"And now I'm regretting it." She said.
"Fine then, leave. You won't have to answer any of my questions."
"I've already chosen come here so I might as well deal with the consequences, be it having to open up to someone else or otherwise."
"You make it sound so bad."
"Yeah, I'm good at that." We talked for several hours and I learned a lot about her. She was 28. She was raised in an abusive house hold. Her father was a drunkard who beat her and her mother constantly. She ran away from home at age 12 and learned to defend herself out on the streets against many criminals. Despite running away from home, she kept the British accent she had got from her mother. She is an incredibly good thief and a very sneaky person. As they walked out it was almost 11:00.
"Ok last question. Where do you sleep at night? Your clothes look filthy." I asked.
"On any roof top I feel like." She answered.
"You should come over to my house. I have several guest rooms and clean clothes for you."
"You mean now?" She asked with a surprised voice.
"Of course, I love to help anyone in need." I replied.
"...Alright." She replied and started walking with me. As we reached my "apartment" I couldn't help but smile at her shock.
"You live HERE?!" She practically screamed at me.
"Come on, I'll give you a tour of the place", I told her,"to your left down that hall way there is a medium sized gym and gigantic closet for whenever I have guests. Here we have my living room and kitchen. Upstairs is the master bed room along with twenty other guest rooms. You are welcome to any clothes, food, or equipment I have, but please don't break anything."
"Wow, thanks." She said stunned.
"Of course. I have to go to sleep now. I need to get up early tomorrow." I told her.
"Alright. Goodnight, sleep well." She said.
"You too." I replied as I went up stairs.