“I’m sorry,” I whispered. My heart started to shatter to pieces as Dante stood in front of me. “Please, I— I don’t know what I did, but I promise I won’t do it again.”
He shook his head. “You’re not ready for a relationship,” he said somberly. “I’m not ready for a girl like you.”
His words stabbed through my heart, scattering my thoughts. “What do you mean ‘you’re not ready for a girl like me’?!”
“You’re a handful,” he said matter-of-factly. “Complete waste of my time, and I never want to see you again.”
I gasped for breath, tears burning my eyes. They threatened to spill down my cheeks and make me scream. “You don’t mean that... You said you loved me...!”
“I lied,” he explained, baring his teeth. “You’re worthless. Trash. No one wants you.”
Each word slapped my face, leaving scars that would last for an eternity. I clenched my fist and dug it into my stomach. “Why are you saying all of these horrible things...?”
“Because,” he said. “They’re true.” And he left, leaving me to cry with no one to comfort me.