Aileen struggles to hurry along the footpath—one of her flats is falling off with almost every step. She curses herself for wearing them today—not very practical for running in... Once she makes it to the central part of town, she desperately scans her surroundings, searching for Jenna. People are everywhere—it's a beautiful day, so it makes no sense to stay inside.
Suddenly, Aileen spots Jenna at the pedestrian crossing of one of the busiest intersections. Jenna's head is down as she tries to untangle a pair of headphones before slipping the buds in her ears. She looks miserable—Aileen can see she's been crying. The pedestrian crossing for the opposite direction starts to beep, and people travelling next to Jenna begin to cross. Jenna, now fiddling with her MP3 Player for a song to listen to, she's old school like that and doesn't realise the danger she's in. She begins to walk, utterly oblivious to the fact that she's stepping into oncoming traffic!
Nobody seems to notice except Aileen, whose eyes widen as she realises what is happening. 'JENNA!' She screams at the top of her lungs, but she's too far away to be heard. Panicked, Aileen sprints towards the crossing but doesn't make it in time as her shoe slips off yet.
She falls flat on her stomach, and the wind is knocked out of her.
Aileen can do nothing but watch as Jenna makes it to the median strip unscathed, but still unaware of the potential danger. Jenna steps off the median strip, and a small courier van heads towards her, travelling at a relatively slow speed. Aileen screams out Jenna's name, again—this time, miraculously, Jenna hears her. She looks over her shoulder and spots Aileen, before almost simultaneously realising that she's directly in front of the courier van. The driver sees Jenna and brakes immediately, but it's not enough. He swerves and clips Jenna's shoulder, and Jenna's angry expression morphs into a look of pure shock as she's knocked down.
Jenna lays unconscious, her body bruised, blood seeping from underneath her, as the van comes to a complete stop.
The surrounding traffic stops immediately. Aileen and several other witnesses' race towards Jenna as the driver jumps down from his van. An off-duty police officer sprints over to Jenna and starts performing CPR, while she urges the van driver to dial call an ambulance. Aileen sinks to her knees in shock, hands covering her mouth. She's unable to do anything as tears spill silently down her face, holding back the urge to be sick. She watches the officer attempt to get Jenna breathing. Aileen instinctively reaches for her phone to call Cooper before realising it's still being repaired.
'Aileen!' Two voices call out, and Aileen whips around to see Cooper and Daniel running towards her. They're horrified when they see Jenna's battered body on the road. Cooper hugs Aileen close as Daniel attempts to call Jenna's parents, but his calls go unanswered. An ambulance siren can be heard, coming closer with every passing second.
Look, let's find a taxi and meet the ambulance at the hospital,' Cooper suggests. 'The ambos aren't going to let us ride in the ambulance with her, they don't know us so we'll meet them there.' Daniel nods his head in agreement, and they start to pull Aileen away from the scene—she doesn't want to move. Cooper lifts her to her feet, half-carrying her, and the three quickly leave the scene in search of a taxi.270Please respect copyright.PENANA4zFviuGGRq