I walked down stairs rubbing the sleep out of my green eyes. My long white hair bouncing behind me as I took a step. The stairs creaked with every step. Not that it would wake anyone. Mom died when I was 16 from pneumonia and dad walked out when I was three. I'm 18 now. Dad went to the store and never came back. Yet I still sat in the windowsill waiting for him to return. Even now I still do. He never comes back. It doesn't help I have social anxiety. Every time I step outside I panic almost immediately. Some life huh? It's mine. Half the time I just feel lost and lonely. Comes with the anxiety.
Luckily for me my job pays enough that I can still live in my childhood home. I work from home as a magazine editor. I finally got to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of orange juice and a bowl of cereal and sat at my desk and got to work. Hours passed as my phone beeped. I pick it up off the desk seeing it's a number I don't recognize.
*Sent from unknown number* hey can I come over? My parents are fighting again.
I texted them back saying I'm sorry you're going through this but I think you have the wrong number.
*Sent from unknown number* I'm sorry. I sometimes text my friend who passed away because it brings me comfort. I guess you have her number now. I'm Elisha.
I frown and text back.
*Sent from IPhone* I'm sorry about your friend. I'm jade. If you want to talk I don't mind if you keep my number. I'll plug you into my phone.
*Sent from Elisha* thanks and I'd love that. They are fighting a lot more lately.
*Sent from IPhone* what are they fighting about?
*Sent from Elisha* everything and anything. I'm just stressed about it. This time it's about my mom finding out I like girls and dad is dead set on not having it in his house. Mom is defending me but it's not going anywhere.
I frown and take a sip if my juice and another bite of my cereal. Poor girl..
*Sent from IPhone* I'm sorry Hun. I wouldn't know what that's like as my dad walked out and mom died when i was 16. But if it helps I'm bi. I wouldn't shame you.
*Sent from Elisha* I'm sorry about your parents. And thank you. Knowing someone cares helps.
*Sent from IPhone* would you like to meet up and chat? I'm free in a few hours.
*Sent from Elisha* I'd like that. There a coffee shop on First wanna meet there?
*Sent from IPhone* sure. Say 3?
*Sent from Elisha* sounds good.
*Sent from IPhone* perfect.