After I headed home I checked my computer. Beleavably, there was one new message waiting for me. Check the message, see what he says, my conscious screamed at me. Don't be a fool or he'll find someone else and people will get suspicious! Every time I get close to a boy I do something that leads him off and I end up boyfriend less. Funny how my best friend always has a boyfriend, mostly my exes. God only knows why they leave me, but I figure it's because they meet my friend.
Hailey has golden blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and perfect, kissable lips. I never thought I would say about her out loud! Jeez, I'm such an idiot. Kissable lips - what was I thinking? Lavender is her scent, honestly the best thing I've ever smelled. Man, what is wrong with me?
Nobody knows my secret, but I think I will tell you, Xander. Only if you promise you won't tell. Please promise me, I need to tell someone! Quiet is all I'm asking for, just your silence. Really, it's not that much to ask for. Since she is my best friend, this could and will ruin us if it gets out. Totally destroy the great thing we have going here. Unsettled will be her reaction, I just know it! Vomit might be the next thing she does.
Well, here goes: I am gay and in love with Hailey. Xander, don't go tell her, please! You know I told you this with confidence that you wouldn't tell her! Zoology, my dear profession, goodbye, for Hailey will kill me for this secret.