I get up, grabbing my books and walking towards the door of the cafe when I run right into Eric. I gasp loudly, scrambling to pick up my books and mumbling about how clumsy I am. He hands me a book with a cheeky grin.
"Sarah, right?" My cheeks flush as I nod. How does he even know my name?!
"Um, yeah. That's me I guess." I said, straightening. I was literaly talking to Eric! The boy I'd has a crush on since second grade!
"You want to go out sometime?" He asked me. I thought I might faint. THE Eric just asked me out! I quickly nodded before catching myself.
"Um, yeah, sure." I said, trying to act casuale.
3 months later
He got to his knee. "Sarah I know we're only eighteen, and no one thinks we should be together, but... Will you Mary me?" I gasped and nodded, kissing him passionately.
3 years later.
I stared at the pregnancy test with shock, I was pregnat. I looked up at Eric whose face had broken out into a smile.
"Your going to be the best mom ever!" He shouted, picking me up and spinning me around as I laughed.
The doctor smiled. "Congratulations! Your having twins!" I stared in awe.
"Would you like to know the genders?" I slowly nodded.
"It's a boy and a girl." She smiled warmly and I almost squealed with joy.
Eric leaned down and kissed me, a big smile on his face.
They then lived happily ever after. The end.