So as you can see...sadly this is not an update. I am working on it though! These are what I imagine the tattoos (on their neck) look like. Or well what I could draw. The top ones are just what they look like coloured in because I got bored during class and just decided to. They sorta look like stained glass...might incorporate it into the story later... Anyways. The bottom ones are what the tattoos look like. I tried giving them all a meaning of some sort. The yellow one is Workers it's meant to sorta show that they do the work and sorta built the city hence I tried drawing one in it. The green one is Scribblers it's meant to look a bit like a pen on paper since...that's what they do. Purple is Thinkers I sorta drew it like since they are more powerful than everyone else since they can think independently. Next up is blue hopefully you can guess it's Talkers. I kinda stuffed this one up. But the little dot was meant to look like a speech bubble I stuffed it up though. Maybe it sorta looks like a human being controlled? Oookay last you got Lovers the pink one. I actually designed this first and randomly drew it on my hand during a class. It's got a heart as all they do us make love. I feel like that may have been implied. I just liked the vine thing. Sorry that one is blurry. I used the wrong tool and couldn't reverse it.
But I hope you enjoyed this little extra thing.