Cherney gets ready for the live shot putting on her last touches on her makeup and turning on her earpiece. The cameraman counts down for her to get ready. The news started streaming on television. Carolyn turns on the television in the breakroom. She clicks through different channels and passes through FOX5 seeing the story on the Tonopah shooting.
"What the hell?" she whispers. Carolyn clicks back to the channel and sees the report.
"The camera footage shows an old lady with a slightly younger man walking towards the bar area." the voiceover said during the report. Carolyn sits down to eat her lunch, continuing to watch the report. When the report was done, it transitioned to Cherney. A spark of light strikes through Carolyn's mind. Her eyes widened.
"While police are still investigating the missing victims, they are still looking for the suspect that did it," Cherney said on Television. "People might know her in town because she runs this town like she's the Queen of Vegas. She's a high-ranking mafia leader who is the Mayor of Vegas." Carolyn grabs the remote and quickly turns off the television and throws the remote at the television in anger.
"DAMNIT!" Carolyn exclaimed. "Fuck, Fuck, FUCK..." she walks out of the breakroom pissed. She heads to her office and slaps Mauricio in the face.
"Hey what the fuck was that for?" Mauricio exclaimed.
"What the hell is this?!" Carolyn said while turning on the TV showing the report on the news. "Did you tell them about this?"
"I didn't tell them anything, someone was an undercover cop that happened to see it all."
"That's impossible if it's like six in the fucking morning?!"
"Everyone is up and moving around at six, Carolyn," Mauricio said. "Of course, someone is going to be up and tracking us down." He grabs the remote and rewinds the footage of the report. "How could've been so dumb. The fucking cameras were on." Carolyn puts her hand on her head and sighs. She sits down and breathes.
"That Cherney girl is dead," Carolyn said angrily. Mauricio looks at her.
"I got this madam."
"No no," Carolyn stops him. "You can get caught by the police. I have my own set of hitmen." Mauricio sits down.
"Oh," Mauricio said. "You have a point there but why?"
"I hired a new set of hitmen of my own." Carolyn summons a folder and opens it. "Meet the Vegas 9s. I hired the most powerful hitmen all over vegas." Mauricio looks over the folder and the hitmen. While looking over the hitmen, all of them had supernatural powers.
"Supernatural Powers?" he said.
"Oh yeah," Carolyn said. "All of them have supernatural powers as I do." Mauricio looks it over again. "These people sound like Aliens with supernatural powers."
"All of them are real locals with powers. You are either born in a generational family with powers in Vegas, you just have to be here during the source season, OR you are born in Vegas to get it."
"Is it some sort of ritual thing?"
"Kind of. It's a Nevada thing from what I heard but popular in Vegas."
"Holy crap. Can it be transmitted from someone that has powers or transmitted medically?"
"I'm not sure. But anyways." Mauricio puts back the papers in the folder and closes it. The folder disappears.
"What are you planning to do with the girl?" he asked.
"I'll have one of my hitmen do it. Carolyn grabs her burner phone and calls the number. The ringer stops and a deep voice picks up on the other end of the line. "Chris? Is Kyla around?"
"She isn't ma'am but I can leave a message," Chris said.
"Well when you guys are done with whatever you are doing, I need you to come downtown. I want to talk to you both."
"Okay, Madame." Chris hangs up the phone. Carolyn throws the phone away. Mauricio looks at Carolyn.
"What now?" he asked.
"Don't worry about it," Carolyn said. "I got it. You make sure you don't get caught. The Las Vegas police and the FBI are looking for answers for this case." Mauricio stayed silent.
"Alright." Mauricio gets up and walks out the door. He turns back around. "What will Michele say?"
"She isn't going to say shit because you are safe from the police also, if she does I will cut her."
"Damn. You are one tough killer lady." Mauricio smirks and leaves the office.