WARNING - Cursing, mentions of blood, that's all I can think of. 329Please respect copyright.PENANA6tJkCbrtjh
329Please respect copyright.PENANAuBMdysTfJn
"Talia, why are you wearing scarves all of a sudden?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAiGRbOtq4FX
"Because. . . it's cold?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA9zLSbigjBy
"It's the middle of summer you insane woman!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAXRrhCSMdeD
"So what?! It's cold for me!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA3gP9NnElSg
"Just cut the crap and tell me the truth!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAFRLIgz5TJv
"It's nothing Vera! I swear!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA7ObOoS3hdw
329Please respect copyright.PENANAfIc7nyEdEX
"Yes, really! Now stop glaring at me like I'm about to rob a bank or something!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANANQrEvVsvNn
"I am simply worried for the well-being of my best-friend!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAVCT7PhmqHE
"Well, you can take your worries somewhere else Vera. I'm perfectly fine."
329Please respect copyright.PENANALqxvvMLATH
"Physically? Yes, you do look fine. Mentally? I highly doubt it."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAV1IqhArE17
"Disrespectfully shut the fuck up."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAPoadNURcO9
"No can do. Now come on my grouchy friend! We must venture to the café! Our coffees aren't going to drink themselves!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA3JPtqdQhOD
"Go- hmph! Gosh! Why are you my best-friend?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAdDXlmliXOG
"Because you made the grave mistake of being nice to me."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAtgaXleHkRt
* * *
329Please respect copyright.PENANAs2MPjQ5m2V
"Talia, darling, honey, sweetheart, cupcake, the platonic love-of-my-life, please remove that god-damn scarf."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAlSbinWwWpP
329Please respect copyright.PENANA5BG0EtvlLa
"Tali, you're literally sweating buckets! Your skin is red and you look like you're choking and a few centimeters away from death's door!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAZlXiQSLNTv
"Thank you for noticing Vera. Appreciate it, truly."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAd513BEBiTF
* * *
329Please respect copyright.PENANA5OJZyliChk
"Okay, not going to lie, that purple scarf looks great! Love the little flowers. You look cute in it."
329Please respect copyright.PENANASjqLZnEBMZ
329Please respect copyright.PENANAvnr5RE1GC5
* * *
329Please respect copyright.PENANAVPzz7XV6JI
"Tali, the blue and yellow scarf looks great on you, it suits the beach holiday theme but remove it please? We're literally at a frickin' beach and you're wearing a scarf? Get it off immediately?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAyTm6xdnmTn
329Please respect copyright.PENANAhrUiyBf4mC
"Ugh! I sincerely hope you get strangled by that stupid scarf!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA1IwLLMbeMD
"From the deepest depths of my heart, I wish that you drown to the deepest depths of the ocean."
329Please respect copyright.PENANATD1Sr0T3mR
* * *
329Please respect copyright.PENANAQSWizrKszI
"I'm worried now Talia. You're wearing those stupid scarves everywhere and you're eating less and you seem off. Please, is something wrong? It's not funny anymore. I'm scared and worried for you. Please, just talk to me-"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAnD5EAi4JkI
"Nothing. Is. Wrong. Just be quiet for God- hmph- Just leave! You're over-reacting and you're being annoying!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA6ZIg3S1Mec
"Talia, please, I'm just-"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA4WBuO6LhRe
"Could you shut up and get lost?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAVLRobb5DUN
"Wha- Ugh! Fine! Call me and say your sorries once you stop being a bitch!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAk48jcYabIy
* * *
329Please respect copyright.PENANAq70gwsX2rY
"Oh Go- hmph! S-Shit! Vera, I'm so sorry, I wish I could tell you. . . but I can't. Fuck, I shouldn't have said that to her."
329Please respect copyright.PENANALdfUW8GMs2
* * *
329Please respect copyright.PENANAT2dVX6djkX
"God dammit, I left my phone at Talia's. Gonna have to go back and get it."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAV3aQn2nuCi
* * *
329Please respect copyright.PENANA05rQ4YOd13
"Talia! I need to get my phone- Oh my God! What the ever-loving-fuck?! Talia!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAVni4SmAlYm
"V-Vera?! What are you doing here?!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAFlPdbI5vnW
"I'll do you one better! Why the heck are you drinking blood?!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAHgOb07ogyQ
"I- I- Vera, I can explain-"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAn4E1FaQZnp
"Wait, wait, hold up, are those-? Are those bite-marks on your neck?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAoisdU4tveI
"W-what? N-no- Y-yes, I-"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAIksrC00A8A
"What the- Are those fangs?! Talia, what happened to you?!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAGSfsLFi8gc
"Vera. . . ."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAKoyyJD7j1R
"Look, I'm just gonna shut up. And y-you, you're going to talk! You're going to explain! Alright, just- spit the bullets."
329Please respect copyright.PENANA1IUNGVhbVq
"Okay, okay, first I need you to promise that you won't freak out and go bazooka."
329Please respect copyright.PENANANFdoW4seD7
". . ."
329Please respect copyright.PENANA5rfoHRJq5h
"Please, Vera, I need you to know that I'd never hurt you intentionally-"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAGNR7KkWNgC
"I know. I promise not to go bazooka. Besides, e-even if you hurt me, I'd hurt you back!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAimUz7hkrm3
"Haha, I know you would. Okay, look this is going to sound crazy but-"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAPUYOpkOO0v
"Anything that spills out of your mouth is crazy."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAJJa1CBfV0n
"Shut up, don't interrupt me Vera. As I was saying. . . um. . . . I'mavampire."
329Please respect copyright.PENANA3a8N4jum4D
329Please respect copyright.PENANAUKOWU5JEPl
329Please respect copyright.PENANADPaADLDYXq
"Talia, I don't have super-hearing."
329Please respect copyright.PENANA6YCnhhJz0l
"Oh my gosh! I'M A VAMPIRE!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAfYBxFJIc4T
". . ."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAJh4Z44QSnW
". . . Vera?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAPfLKkh4eyx
"I'm sorry but, go again?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA0tkr56o0t4
"I'm a vampire. . . ."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAZejWKZoWEW
"You're. . . a vampire?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAfndEIkSanl
"Yes. . . I'm a vampire."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAtixA2wYtvx
329Please respect copyright.PENANAH0vZvMJBSV
329Please respect copyright.PENANA6XfGO9ARxU
"Uh- I- Um, how long?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAcdTVjyupHM
"Two weeks ago."
329Please respect copyright.PENANA10q2OQDbLW
"Right. Right! That's why you started wearing scarves! To hide the bite marks!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAXViUZP3fyN
329Please respect copyright.PENANAhzJFO4sov7
"Why didn't you tell me- Wait, nevermind, that was a stupid question."
329Please respect copyright.PENANA9mcwU4c84j
"Look, Vera, I understand if you hate me now, or if you're scared of me. Y-you can leave me, if you want, b-but please know that I love you and I would never hurt you! I'd kill myself if I do, shit I'm not crying- Oh goodness! You're hugging me? Wow, you're hugging me. This feels nice. Shit I'm blabbering aren't I?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAESG4ujM3fi
"Yes, you are. A-and um, this is pretty hard to absorb, but Talia, I want you to know that I believe you. And I'm not going to leave you. I can't do that to my best friend. . . . Even if she's a human-sized mosquito."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAI3JKddp2D8
"What the- Shut up you little shit-head!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA7gNCRFHWIJ
"Ah, there's my grumpy bitch!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAat8MLOMIeO
"S-so you're okay with me being a. . . . you know. . . . human-sized mosquito?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAzCaURQJoRy
"I don't care what you are, Talia. You'll always be my partner-in-crime."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAIRyrFa4PPa
"You know I'm sorry for snapping at you that day, right Vera?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANATRHs0TGjPC
"I know and it's alright. You've got a lot in your glass right now. I understand. Now tell me how you feel!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAENN0n2rJxo
"Like I just came out to my mother."
329Please respect copyright.PENANA6raDSUHxwy
"Not that way you idiot! How does this vampire thing affect you?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA3jBz7ZiO2E
"Well, first off, I can't say the word Go- hmph! G. O. D. I kind of, choke up? And. . . . it's pretty hard to eat. I can walk in the sunshine though! And um. . . ."
329Please respect copyright.PENANA1JC6TwsqK3
329Please respect copyright.PENANAJTzCIM58nb
"I'm. . . . dead."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAWIkPakZODI
"O-oh. . . . So. . . . I have a dead, bisexual, vampire disaster as my best-friend? Okay. Cool. So, what else do I need to know?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAZPBhrHQs3j
"My hearing level is high. I actually have super-hearing."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAKUEGmlwgdr
"Damn, that's nice."329Please respect copyright.PENANA6b7H5VJqYJ
329Please respect copyright.PENANAkl7elYtZ9O
"Yeah, and I drink blood."329Please respect copyright.PENANAsdnZwiOdQ6
329Please respect copyright.PENANA8z8PogTlh8
"Damn, that's not nice. Anything else I need to know?" 329Please respect copyright.PENANAb8cttM7iPj
329Please respect copyright.PENANA7FCTlwAgd3
"Yes, I love you, Vera."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAELkXy5XGCK
"I love you too Talia. Anything else?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAJqlKBpVDc9
"I need more hugs."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAD0VUVvg4mS
"Noted, next?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAUobB6tfCBR
"I'm glad you're my best-friend."
329Please respect copyright.PENANA3begsEm8GN
"Me too, what else?"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAC0AvW3xlCW
"Cuddles. Like, right now. If you don't mind!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAJKhhISNdZT
"Get in here you wanna-be-stone-cold-bitch."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAowny3XI1fZ
* * *
329Please respect copyright.PENANAR46SqggL6t
"Really Talia? I thought we got over the scarf phase!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAfhaP4CDZpY
"But they're comfy! And cute! Look at the pink designs!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA0YIlXuWeyY
"Ugh! Fine! You stupid leech."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAywR035pMMj
"Um! I heard you whispering that and I am offended!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANA3Cz6VyzkDg
"You should be."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAAcL18Vqpp8
"Hate you Vera!"
329Please respect copyright.PENANAPvQbCHo2Kw
"Love you too. Now come on, female-Edward-Cullen, our movie isn't going to watch itself."
329Please respect copyright.PENANAuNoJ0D0MaF