“Why did the elevator stop moving?” “Uhhhh I don’t know I’m playing games on my phone.” “Oh my god ARE WE STUCK!?!?!?!?!” “SHUT UP JUST PUSH THE GOSH DARN BUTTON!” “Jeanie it’s not working!!” “Oh my goddddd I’m gonna die I’m gonna die!” “Nobody is gonna die you are fine Lisa.” “I’m already starting to hyperventilate Jeanie save usssssssss!” “Oh my god no get off me everyone get off your phone we need to conserve battery I’m looking at you Dean.” “Butttttt Jeanieeeee I am so close to beating my scoreeeeee!” “Stop whining. Oh my god Sasha stop making a tiktok!” “No… Hey guys! Im stuck in an elevator withhhhh Dean, Jeanie, Lisa, Dean’s twin sister Dafene, and obviously me the best of everyone!” “I said conserve your battery and you are filming a tiktok!?” “Jeanie chill I need to keep up with my followers no way I’m gonna die in an elevator with you guys and not hit 5k followers!” “Nobody is going to die!” “B-but I’m scared Dean hold me!” “Dafene what the heck you’re the older one why am I holding you?!?! You should be holding me!!” “Sasha we should do a tiktok dance! I need to get to 1k before I die!” “That’s a great idea!” “Oh my god Dean put Dafene down Sasha, and Lisa this is the last I’ll say it stop making tiktoks.” “Oh my god Jeanie you are sooooo mean we are trying to get our reputation up!” “Alright let’s do Renegade- hey give me my phone back!” “Yeah mine too!” “Jeanie you can’t just take our phones!” “AAA DEAN HOLD US!” “YEAH DEAN HOLD US!” “PLEASE DEAN!” “Oh my god Dean just hold them… I swear I’m in an elevator with idiots. The lights flickered for one second check the buttons!” “I can’t check the buttons if I have 3 screaming girls clinging to me Jeanie!” “Oh my god do I have to do everything…” “The elevator is working! Yes! I can finally sleep! Jeanie give me my phone!” “Yeah yeah whatever here everyone get your phones.” “Update everyone the elevator is working we’re not gonna die!” “Oh my god! Can you walk out the elevator I wanna get to the hotel room and sleep! Make your tiktok later!” “Hmph rude.”