My name is Day, it was given by my master, Cathwulf, it means female servant and hope.
Which suits me well since humans are servants to werewolves, how did it all start?
Well… there was peace between humans and werewolves once, no one was slaves or servants until my dad broke the peace by secretly using a werewolf as a slave…
This caused a war and the humans lost unfortunately which caused us to be the werewolves slaves as punishment.
So here I am… doing my daily chores which is cleaning up scraps of fur, bones, and small pieces of meat from last night’s daily meal from the werewolves.
Honestly, some of them actually clean up and eat nicely but most of them eat like hogs who haven’t eaten in days in my opinion.
As I turned to clean up some more scraps off the smooth dirt floor I saw my friend Ambree running towards me with one of the werewolf boys chasing behind her.
“HELP ME!!!” She cried.
“What’s going on?!” I called back.
“YOU SEE FOR YOURSELF!!!” She yelled back, now terrified as the boy was starting to catch up to her.
She lunged for the dirt floor as the boy was going to jump on her to stop her running but instead of the boy’s attempt, he crashed into the stone wall.
Ambree quickly got up and dusted off her skirt.
“What were you thinking?!” I asked desperately. “You know we’re gonna get in trouble!!!”
“I’m sorry but I couldn’t help but duck! They were bullying me again and teasing me!” Ambree explained.
“Why didn’t you just ignore them?” I asked.
“Because they were biting me and pulling my hair.” Ambree bit her lip, her eyes were still wide in what had happened. “And one tried to grab my hand.”
“So you decided to run off?!” I questioned.
“Well er- yeah, but I tried to run away when they were talking to one of the elder werewolves- but I guess it was a short one because they noticed quickly I was missing.” She looked over, hoping to see the werewolf boy still unconscious.
“Well, first of all, tell your master what they are doing, they should know treating slaves like that without the master’s permission is unlawful. Second of all, who is the werewolf boy that tried to grab your hand? That way I will help you tell your master that too.” I looked over my shoulder to see if any of the werewolf boy’s friends followed him, luckily none of them did.
Ambree pointed over to the boy that was unconscious.
“Dumb little werewolf boy, thinking he could-” I paused as I saw the tattoo on his head, the tattoo was a sun.
Was he the son of the advisor and the healer?
“Ambree… did you notice the tattoo on his head?” I bit my lip.
“Yeah… Why are you asking?” Ambree tilted her head.
“We need to get out of here then…” I looked over my shoulder. “Quickly.”
I grabbed her wrist and we ran away before anyone noticed and started to look for the boy.
We trudged through one of the camps, one faraway from the boy and we walked towards Ambree’s master’s den.
As we were about to go in, we heard a voice, “STOP RIGHT THERE!!!”
We turned around and saw the boy, but this time he was with Ambree’s master and the healer.
“Uh…” Ambree went into hiding behind my back.
“Ambree…” The boy’s voice got low.
Ambree shivered as she slowly came out behind me.
“What do you… you need?” She stammered.
“Shouldn’t you be the boys and I? You know you were supposed to play with us and the other girls.” The boy lifted an eyebrow.
Ambree stammered, “I know but.. but- um…”
“She’s on her break right now.” Her master cut in.
The healer raised an eyebrow, then sighed, “I’m sorry Tidwulf but by law, if the master says a slave is on break, the slave is on break, I’m afraid you are gonna have to sit out on the dance activity.”
“But- but” The boy began to protest but his father took him away, leaving the two girls and Ambree’s master alone.
“Ambree,” Ambree’s master sighed. “what have you done? Don’t you understand that you upset the healer and his son?”
Ambree hung her head low, “I’m sorry.”
“I am only helping you with this once because I knew how that felt like. Now, you are on break for at least thirty minutes, same for Day.”
I looked at Ambree’s master in surprise, but I just nodded and Ambree nodded too.
“I think we are going to go to the woods.” Ambree said.
“Okay, but don’t go too far.” Her master said.
We nodded and we ran off into the woods.
“Where do you think we should go?” I asked.
“How about my hiding spot this time?” Ambree suggested.
“In the trees?” I asked.
“Yep.” She answered. “That way I won’t be found by Tidwulf or his gangsta buddies.” She rolled her eyes.
I nodded and laughed, “Okay.”
And so we ran off again to the river where a huge tree stood before it.
“Ready?” She asked.
“Yep!” I nodded.
Then we began to climb each branch.
I was the first to grab the first branch, it was very sturdy and could hold my weight, just like every other tree branch on this tree.
Ambree, though, was quicker than me to climb to the top.
I guess she really wanted to get away from things.
When I finished climbing up, she already had everything set up for a snack.
Black berries and honey.
Such a simple but sweet snack.
“Hey Ambree!” I called.
She turned around from the two bowls she had filled up, “Yeah?”
“Why do you hate Tidwulf so much?” I asked.
“Why are you asking?” She questioned, “Don’t you know he is bugging the crap right out of me?”
“Yeah, I know.” I said. “But don’t you think you might be being a little harsh on the guy?”
“ME?! Being harsh?!” She laughed. “He bugs me every second he can get every single day. I think he is the one being harsh.”
“Well, maybe he is just trying to hang out with you.” I suggested.
She rolled her eyes and slid my bowl across the table to me and handed me a spoon.
“Maybe, but he is just a boy.”
I laughed, “Just a boy?”
She rolled her eyes again and dug her spoon into her snack.
“Well at least he won’t bug me right now.” She said with a full mouth.
“Well I’m gonna again!” A voice called below.
Ambree swallowed, and went out of her chair and to the window.
I came over to the window to see who it was.
“Tidwulf?!” Ambree screamed. “How did you find us?!”
“Simple, poppa told me to follow you guys.” Tidwulf explained,
“UGH! KILL ME NOW!!” Ambree groaned and banged her head against the wall.
“And poppa told me to come find you.”
“Why?” Ambree asked.
“Well poppa told me to bring Day to the king, I don’t know what that is about.”
I looked over to Ambree in surprise, what was this about?
Ambree shrugged, as if to say she doesn’t know either.
“Fine, I’ll come down.” I rolled my eyes and tossed myself out of the window and grabbed the rope that was swinging near the window and began to climb down.
“Oh yeah, Ambree, your master wants you too.” Tidwulf added.
Ambree sighed and backed away and then bursted into a run and jumped out the window, swinging from branch to branch on different trees until she was on the ground.
“Okay, well, I am on my way.” Ambree said.
“Wait!” Tidwulf called.
But Ambree bursted into a run through the woods, ignoring him and kept running until we couldn’t see her.
“Well, tough love, am I right?” I chuckled awkwardly.
Tidwulf sighed, his back turned against me.
Then he turned around, “Yeah- I guess, do I really bug her that much?”
“I don’t know man, maybe it’s because you and your friends keep pulling and tugging her hair, and you attempted to hold her hand.”
Tidwulf sighed again, “Yeah, maybe that’s it.”
He brightened his face, “Okay, so… Skol the werewolf king’s son will be escorting you to the king. So stay here.”
Tidwulf began to run off in Ambree’s direction.
I sighed, when will that boy learn to respect boundaries?
“Hey.” A voice said.
I turned around and saw a boy in a preppy looking clothes style yet it was all black and white.
He was wearing a black shirt that was tucked into his pants, wearing a loose white tie, scratched up black pants, and wore broken glasses.
“Are you the mighty Skol who was to escort me?” I joked.
The boy seemed to take it as a compliment and smiled cheesy, “Why yes, I am your mighty Skol.”
Suddenly a familiar scream filled the air.
Skol sighed, “That must mean Tidwulf found Ambree.”
I tilted my head, “How did you know her name?”
“Because, Tidwulf keeps running off to find her and sometimes talks about her.” He responded and rolled his eyes.
“Dang, that’s mean.” I said.
“Nah, just really frustrating.” Skol shifted his feet and looked down at him, “Anyways, we better get going.”
I nodded and followed him through the woods.
“So, why does the king want to see me?”
“Peace.” Skol wouldn’t look at me for some reason.
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