Prompt 1: Growing up, there was a knock on the door every year at midnight on your birthday. With everyone sound asleep, you would always go and check who's there, only to be met with nothing. On your 20th birthday, the knock happens as usual, but this time someone is standing in front of you. It is the handsome man from your nightmare last night—a person who wielded powerful magic and saved you from a dark being during your dream. You hope that your dream was not a premonition.
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Writing 1: I stare at him. Him. The man who saved me. Though that was only a dream. I hope. I notice him looking at me like I was strange. I must’ve been because I was standing there in the door my mouth wide open. “Right uh would you like to come in?” I quaked. He follows me inside and takes a seat on the couch as I close the door. I sit down in front of him. His red eyes looking into my deep blue. He is looking at me as if I’m meant to say something. “Right uh so who are you and why are you here?” I asked. Sweeping a loose strand of dark brown hair out of his face that had fallen from his small man bun he replies, “I visited you in your dream remember and I’m here to make sure your well protected.” “Jackle? I remember something from that nightmare about you saying Jackle,” I recalled. A smile plasters his pale face as he replies, “I’m glad you remembered my name Delfina.” I stare at him blankly. Deciding to take a good look at him I see he’s perfectly manicured in a black suit with some kind of infinity snake crest on the breast pocket. I realize I’m been staring a little too long as I look back to meet his eyes I see him smirking. “Do you like what you see?” He teased. I feel heat go on my cheeks as I try to change the subject. “So what do I need protection from?” I asked, steering the conversation in a different direction. “Avoiding my question I see,” he replies smirking. “You never answer mine either,” I snapped back. “Feisty I see but I already knew that would happen since you just turned 20 and going under your transition,” he says sighing. I look at him confused and he laughs at my face. “We must get going your things are already in my car let’s go,” he says standing up. After helping me up we leave my house. “Do you have alcohol?” I ask sleepily. “Your too young Delfina,” he replies hopping in his car. “Your no fun,” I grumble getting in the passenger’s seat. “Oh I can be fun,” he says looking at me. I roll my eyes and as he starts driving; I start thinking of the consequences of what I just did. He could be a kidnapper or a sex trafficker for Pete’s sake. “I’m none of those things darling I’m only a vampire,” he says pulling me out of my thoughts. I look at him bewildered and he laughs he drives one handed while he loosens his tie. Shivering I decide to curl up in a ball and get some sleep. I wake up to cold arms picking me up and carrying me somewhere. I hear people talking in hushed voices. Too tired to open my eyes I curl up more to try to find warmth. “A werewolf should carry her she’s becoming cold because of me,” I hear Jackle say. Not wanting someone else to carry me I decide as I’m drifting back to sleep. To curl into him. I feel him tense so I smile and go back to sleep. Yawning I wake up in a red bed. I look to the figure getting up out the chair on the right. “Well who has woken up today,” Jackle laughs. I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him. He sighs and says, “Get up and get dressed you have to train.” “Not until I know what’s going on,” I responded. “The people who tried to kill you in your dream-“ he started saying. “Nightmare,” I said cutting him off. “Nightmare, their the people you need protection from their called dream crawlers. Though they can only attack when someone is in a dream state their master is the one to truly worry about I suppose,” he says looking down at his hands. “If your a vampire then how can you read my mind and do that magic in the nightmare,” I wondered out loud. “Easy because I’m half witch half vampire though easier to say vampire,” he said getting up from his chair. He gestures to the wardrobe and when I look it has some kind of battle training outfit. When I look back he is gone. I change into the outfit and leave the room. I’m greeted by 2 guards sporting the outfit Jackle does. In fact they look almost identical to Jackle except for some key factors like the nose shape and hair length. They bow and take my arms and start leading me through the mansion. Is it a mansion or a castle? It seems so ornate and medieval. I see Jackle standing outside a large door. The guards drop me off in front of the door and bow again. “Ok why are they bowing and not talking?” I questioned him. He starts giving me is smirk and laughs. “Your the daughter of Queen Lore,” he says turning to the door and opening it. “Are you trying to tell me I’m a princess and that the people who raised me aren’t my parents cause if so that’s way to absurd,” I said following him. “It’s exactly what I’m saying,” he says stopping in front of me. I take in my surroundings I’m in a big room dome shaped and the floor is sand in the middle. The sand is surrounded by tile. Everyone on the sand who are training stop and look at me. They bow and unanimously say, “The princess has arrived.” I look at Jackle and he laughs. I roll my eyes as me take me by the arm to start explaining the weapons. “Whoa ok so y’all don’t use guns?” I ask stopping him when we reach the end. He looks at me and replies, “We do but not a lot, guns aren’t as reliable when fighting the creatures we fight.” I nod and he gives me a single stick. He grabs his own and we go to the sand floor. He starts teaching me how to use it. “We use it for practice only when not practicing we use swords,” Jackle explains. I nod and we start practicing. After about 2 hours my face is dripping with sweat. Jackle though isn’t sweating a single bit. “Vampire perks,” I grumbled. He raises his eyebrow at me and takes my single stick from me. “Do you want vampire perks?” He asks turning away to put the sticks away. “Obviously,” I replied rolling my eyes. He smirks and grabs a blood pack from the cooler near the weapons. “Drink it then,” he says handing me the blood pack. I feel some sort of hunger I’ve never felt before as I take the pack. I feel these small fangs grow from my teeth. I spit out my old teeth that were once at the place where the fangs are now. The hunger consumes me as I open the pack and start drinking it. It tastes so good but it’s not enough as I finish the pack I still need more. “I need more now,” I say in a weird demonic voice. “You don’t need more thats plenty for a turning vampire you’ll be able to drink from the vein soon seeing as your a princess,” he replies firmly. I come to my senses and wipe the excess blood from my mouth. “Sorry but uhm do you think I could go shopping?” I say with puppy eyes. “No we have all your clothes and more outfits like them and we bought all clothes on your wishlist,” Jackle says with a light blush. “By we I’m guessing you mean yourself,” I say noticing that blush. He rolls his eyes and picks me up. Startled I start laughing and screaming at the same time. He walks out the room and goes to the room I woke up in. As I get placed on the bed I kick his chest crying from laughing so much. He bows and leaves so I can shower and change. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My appearance seems different. I look at my eyes and immediately see that instead of the deep blue they once were they were blue and red. The red mixing with the blue. It looks oddly beautiful. I take a deep breath then turn away and get into the shower. I turn the shower on hot but I don’t feel the sensation of the warm water trickling down my body. Vampire perks. After getting out the shower I walk into my room while drying my hair off. Only wearing a towel. That’s when I hear a whistle. I spin around to the corner to find Jackle sitting in the chair. “You look nice,” he said standing up. I look at myself and see that the towel came loose during the spin making my body half covered. “ACK!” I yell, panicking I throw the towel on his face. I hide grab the clothes on the hanger and crawl under my ginormous bed. Hearing his low chuckle sends a chill down my spine. Trying to quickly put my clothes on while not bumping my head on the bed was a definite struggle. I managed to put the lacy bra and panties that were attached to the hanger. Then the bed was lifted up. I shrieked grabbing my clothes and run into the bathroom. Locking the door behind me. I exhale a sigh of relief and finish dressing. Which I looked pretty good in this biker outfit. Unlocking the door and walking out I find Jackle nowhere to be seen. I instead find a man possibly no older than 23 unless he was a vampire. He looked up from his spot on the bed and met my gaze. That was when I knew immediately he wasn’t a vampire. His eyes were amethyst looking. He also wasn’t wearing what everyone else wore he instead wore somewhat normal clothing, he a wore light blue jeans, a belt with his black shirt tucked in. “Princess, please excuse my intrusion but we have to get you somewhere safer,” he said getting up. “Who are you and where is Jackle?!” I questioned him backing away. “My name is Johan I’m but a humble warlock. As for Jackle’s whereabouts they are unknown but he is not to be trusted,” Johan explained. I felt relatively safe but the look in Johan’s eyes sparked some fear in me. “Let’s go then,” I said grabbing his hand. I let myself look at his hair which I for some reason had the urge to ruffle it up. It looked so soft. The auburn locks were so inviting. Johan gulps loudly pulling my attention from his hair. Oh how weird I am staring at somebody’s hair like it was nothing! “Jackle is a traitor,” he says out of the blue. I stop taken aback looking at him bewildered. “He was meant to explain everything to you and make sure you never drank a single drop of blood so they wouldn’t find you,” he continued sounding annoyed. “It isn’t his fault he most likely forgot because we were having fun!” I tried reasoning. “You aren’t meant to drink blood until you produce a healthy daughter to ensure your coven’s safety and your own safety!” He said turning back to me. A healthy daughter. They wanted me to give birth. So soon. “You guys wanted me to give birth to a child when I am 20!” I yelled at him. He looked at me like I was crazy. “Of course not you come here at 20 because you will start your transition then over the years you will learn to rule then mate, give birth to a baby girl, then become queen,” he explained like it was nothing and was a common subject. “Ah! Delfina-“ someone said from behind me before getting cut off. “Princess to you,” Johan said. I turn to look and see no other than Jackle. “Oh shut it Johan your just mad I am still chosen,” Jackle retorted. “Chosen for what exactly,” I cut in. “Oh your wonderful traitorous Jackle is meant to be your guard, mate, and confident,” Johan said. “So I don’t get to choose the person I want have kids with!” I exclaimed. Both Johan and Jackle looked at me weirdly. “Princess, calm down I never finished,” Johan said wearily. “Johan don’t,” Jackle warned. “Shut it Jackle, Johan continue,” I said with authority. “Jackle is your ancestor as well as your future mate. He was the first mate to the first queen, Queen Relai, the queen after birth to her daughter almost died due to birth complications. Her sister, Princess Coria, gave her the blood of a vampire. Marking the first vampire queen of our coven. She noticed she had become immortal and never wanted her true love to leave her side. That being Jackle here.” Johan continued while Jackle looked at his hands. “Anyway so this marking tradition Jackle was the only one trusted to help a future queen give birth. He is the only one permitted to fertilize a royal’s egg. Seeing as he is half warlock half vampire he is still fertile.” Johan finished. I was stunned. Jackle is my ancestor. My ancestor’s true love. I was infuriated. He wasn’t denying it either and before I knew it I slapped Jackle. I actually slapped him. Not only did I slap him I kneed him as well. He groaned and dropped to the floor. Johan looked at me shocked. Johan then started laughing. “Let’s go Johan I don’t want to be anywhere near that rat,” I say grabbing Johan. Johan stops laughing and starts leading me away. “I can’t believe I was actually falling for him. Does he seduce every princess?” I ask Johan. “As far as I know Your Grace,” Johan responds. My mind starts reeling with questions. “How isn’t there incest,” I blurt. He stops and looks at me as if I’m crazy for not figuring it out. “Vampiric blood cures any incest abnormalities,” Johan answers uncomfortable. I nod and we continue down the medieval halls. “Princess Delfina, Warlock Johan this way,” a guard says, walking in front of us. Johan nods and follows the guard so I do too. The guard opens a huge door almost like the training room door but this one was golden. We step into a grand room filled with many thrones in a circle. As we step inside Johan let’s go of my hand immediately. On the thrones are women varying ages most likely from 25-35 in appearance. Though the color of their eyes tell me otherwise. These women are wearing crowns and are in ornate dresses. The woman on the grandest throne stands up and the others follow shortly after. “Princess Delfina you drank blood!” The woman on the right to me yells. I look at these women’s expressions they are mostly fear or discomfort. “Mother I told you Jackle’s loyalties no longer lay with the coven,” another woman, whose throne was next to the grandest, says. That’s when I realize. These are the queens. Oh why didn’t I realize earlier I don’t know maybe I was too busy freaking out. The woman on the grand throne nods solemnly. “My name is Queen Lore I’m your mother so I will help you through this,” the woman on the right says stepping off her throne. What have I gotten myself into…