Prompt: anagapesis (no longer feeling attraction for someone you once loved); “I must leave there is no reason for me to stay,”; “Do you love me?” “How I wish I could say yes.”
Writing: I get home from college and immediately go to my room. Why you may ask? I’m moving out of my boyfriend’s house. Does he know? Well I am planning on telling him once he gets home or I could just write a note. That isn’t the point! The point is the why I am moving out. You see about a month ago was our 3 year anniversary and everything seemed so perfect. We were deeply madly in love but then something happened. It all just stopped. What stopped you may be asking? Well my love just stopped out of nowhere. We were cuddling watching a movie and I looked up at him and I couldn’t place my finger on it but something was off about him. That thing is something I still don’t know but all is that I stopped loving him the moment I realized it. I turned a cold shoulder to him and in return he turned a cold shoulder to me and starting taking longer shifts at work. We just stopped working but the one thing that always continued was him telling me he loves me before going to bed but I didn’t say it back I just pretended to sleep. I’m halfway finished with packing when I hear the front door open. “Ann! I’m home!” He yells unsure of where I am at. “I’m in the bedroom I just got out the shower don’t come in yet!” I yell back lying, obviously. I finish my packing which consists of clothes, toiletries, brushes, makeup, any photos I have without him, and my laptop. Looking to my beside table I see our anniversary picture and for the first time ever I feel a disgust to him. I zip up the suitcase and start heading toward the door. Once out the door I try to avoid him but like usual he is lounging on the couch waiting for ME to cook for him. He quickly looks up confused by the sound of the suitcase rolling on the floor. “Where are you going?” He asks, pausing the Tv. I look down and take a deep breath. “I’m leaving there is no reason for me to stay here any longer,” I simply say walking towards the door. He quickly runs in front of me his auburn locks swishing to the side in what I once thought to be charming but now I feel overwhelmed by the urge to chop it off. I just look at him as he is trying to find something to say. “Do you love me?” Is what he asked which shocked me. I regain my composure quickly not wanting to be near him any longer. “How I wish I could say yes,” I reply sidestepping him and walking out the front door. I simply hear it shut behind me and I walk to my car. “Where will you you?” Is the last thing I hear as I get in my car and drive off. That indeed is the question. Where will I go?