OH MY GODDDDDDD ONE OF MY STORIES PAST 100 VIEWS I AM THRILLEDDDDDDDDD EEEEEEEEEEEEEE I finished my first contest I made and posted the winners! There were only 2 entries so I just ranked 1st and 2nd go read them they are great!!!!! Anywho I’ve been having a bad time today and yesterday even got told to commit die and that I was a waste of space because I didn’t want to be friends with my friend group anymore but then my friend wanted to be in the gc when I told them I didn’t want to be apart of that friend group anymore so then he and the people got in arguments which went a bit far tbh and it all got blamed on me when it wasn’t my fault! I only ever tried to be nice but then I stopped caring so apparently I was rude? I know I could be a bit rude I accept that but not all the time because my motto now is treat people the way you wanted to be treated they said but I say treat people the way they treat you because you can only control what you do not them. Anyway hope everyone is having a good day!