So I got the idea from Mira who commented this.
I’ve been stressed a lot lately and maybe it’s because 6 out 7 days a week I have marching band and this Saturday is the only day I don’t have marching band competitions. (Monday-Thursday I have practice Friday I have football games) so I don’t really have a life outside of marching band and then I keep getting yelled at by my director while at school I have to do all my work during tutorials and other classes because I don’t have time after school and on weekends. I don’t know what else to do because I love band it’s amazing but it’s and stressful because I also have to deal with annoying people saying rude things to me then I keep feeling like I’m not a good girlfriend anymore because I’m always tired. Life is just hard and I haven’t even gotten into how I feel I’ve not grieved properly and also I didn’t spend a lot of time with my great grandfather and now he’s gone and I’ll never know him like how almost everyone else does. But uh how are you guys?