So I don't even know if I can explain this well. But I was about 8 years old. And it was about 10pm give or take. It was a school night so I had to go to bed at this time. But my older brother was allowed to stay up. Now I knew that my mother and brother were downstairs in the living room. I could hear them talking. Now I had a habit when I was young where I would hide under the covers and just sleep like that. To me it was the best way to avoid monsters getting you. So I cant see anything. And I just here this stomping coming up the stairs. this THUNK THUNK THUNK. And its real heavy sounding. Then I continue to hear this noise until it reaches my open bedroom door. And I just hear really deep breathing. Panting even. Now I get annoyed because this is my brother trying to scare me. He was always doing this. So I take off my covers slightly. And I get a look at his lower body. And its a lot thicker than usual. He's wearing these big boots and thick camo pants. Now my brother was an army cadet so he had a bunch of gear like this. But then I heard him laugh. Downstairs in the living room. I now his laugh. He has a distinct nasally laugh. And whoever it is that's standing in my doorway is still panting. So I look up to try and see his face. And it just keeps going. He's monstrously tall. I finally see the top of him and I cant see his face. Just an outline. And he was wearing a bunch of weird militarised clothing. He was wearing this netting sort of thing which I now know was a ghillie suit but at the time I had no idea. And as I look at this man trembling in fear he just turns left and walks into my brothers room. Then a few hours later my brother goes into his room and says nothing. I get up and look into his room and its only him. I am not a visually imaginative person. My mind does not play tricks on me. I know what I saw and it was a huge man in my house. Who stomped up the stairs alerting no one. And disappeared into nothing. This has driven me mad over the years and no one believes me. I still live in the house it happened in. And every night since I keep my door shut. Whenever someone leaves it open I freak out a little. And they tell me to calm down. But I don't want to look out there in the dark again. I already saw something once. Never again.