“So! Today we will be joined by a guest with quite a tale to tell. She has chosen to remain unnamed, and is only willing to tell her story based on one rule; that this live not be recorded, and deleted once the broadcast has ended. Guess you can say this is some VIP content ey folks?Well.. without furtherado! Welcome entry #4!”
”Hello, thank you for having me.”
“No problem! So I came to understand from your letter sent, that this story is based off of your personal experience yes?”
”Yes, that is right.”
”Interesting, interesting! Shall we get into it then folks?!”
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Tick...tock... Tick... tock...
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Ever since I was young I’ve never had a normal dream.
All those random scenarios I would hear about from others about their own dreams, never happened to me.
People would ask me what I dreamt about, but I would have to warn them beforehand; making them more curious of course, only to then leave them with a concerned face.
Those are my dreams. But not just any regular nightmares with normal monsters chasing you around. No. These weren’t monsters, these were beings far worse.
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Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...
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For a couple of years I was terrified of the night, I dreaded falling asleep. Because whenever I’d close my eyes, they’d show themselves to me in my mind. But being human, I have to fall asleep sometime.
One night I was walking around in my mind, until I felt someone following me, making me stop as I could feel my heart pounding throughout my entire body. Everything was red as this smiling man attacked me. Throwing me on the floor, I tried to scream, but he choked me before I could; and I couldn’t breathe. Laughter, smiles, he bore them in his face as he strangled me to death. I could feel the pain, the terror, his hands on my throat. And when I woke up... I gasped for air, looking around myself in the darkness, with my neck red, and in pain; like there was someone in my room who was choking me in my sleep. Like it actually happened.
Another night, I was alone in alleyways, silence never sounded so loud. Until I heard a growl. A yellow-eyed, shadow of a dog stared at me from afar, and I knew I had to run. Through the maze of metal fences, I ran and ran, as the growl chased me wherever I went. I couldn’t find a way out, until I told myself... WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Shaking my head I screamed at myself to wake up. And as the yellow-eyes turned red, it charged at me, but as it was inches from my face, I woke up.
Shaking, panting like I had been running a marathon, I was dead tired. Yet falling asleep again somehow, only to see the dogs friend.
The same night, a different street, a tall man in robes. He made me believe the grim reaper is real.
We looked at each other for a long time, well, I looked at him, as he had barely any face. This time however, I knew what he was, so I asked him...
”Are you the devil?” fear clenched my throat as he smiled at me with a nod, saying words I couldn’t understand. His voice sounded like darkness, if that makes sense. Low-toned, but earbud penetrating at the same time; it sounded like static, yet echoed into the atmosphere so clearly, like we were in a large abyss.
“You... you can’t touch me! You can’t come near me! I know you can’t! God is with me! So you can’t touch me!” Is what I yelled at him, over and over as he circled around me like a vulture.
Then I woke up.
To repeat it all again the next night.
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You might not think this is too much to be afraid of, but it wasn’t just in my mind where I could see these devils face to face.
One night, I was going to bed as usual, afraid. But this night was different from all the other nights. Throughout the entire day I felt eyes following me, you know how you can feel when someone’s staring at you? Yeah, that’s what I felt all day. You might be thinking that I am perhaps paranoid, and you’d be right; I am. So I shrugged it off as me being silly.
Then night came... and it felt like a countdown was ticking with every heartbeat. Like I was waiting for something to happen, because I knew something was going happen. I stayed awake till 3am, lying there, motionless, until my body gave in to sleep.
In my dream I was drunk, acting like a fool. My family was telling me to go to bed since I was so out of it. I was in my house, everything looked normal as my siblings helped me walk up the stairs to my room. And that’s when I saw it.
A small, cute little monkey. It was waiting for me on the top of the stairwell, “Aww look! It’s so cute!” is what I said. My siblings suddenly disappeared as the monkey approached me, but then something changed. It was now a black, murky shadow in the shape of a monkey, with red eyes; staring into mine. All of a sudden I was paralyzed, couldn’t say a word, couldn’t even stutter. But I could think, and I yelled at myself in my mind to wake up.
I woke up. I jolted upright in my bed, and saw my dog shaking behind the door to my bedroom, as she stared at something. I was panting, shaking, and couldn’t say a word. As I saw the shadow with red eyes, sitting on my lap.
I could feel it sitting there, but luckily I rummaged some strength to move, and so I did. I climbed on top of my sisters bed, and watched the creature walk around my room for at least an hour. The entire time it stared at me, and I watched it. I tried to wake my sister up, but I still couldn’t speak. So all I could do is sit there and wait for the demon to leave.
By the coming of dawn it had left, and I immediately searched up online what the meaning of seeing a monkey in your dreams meant, and it showed an image of a monkey clamping his mouth close, signifying the inability to speak; silence.
Having not being able to utter a word that entire night, even when I do desperately tried to, it made me believe that what I saw was all the more real.
These are just three nightmares from a 18yr span of nightmares, paranoia of the night still remains, and it’s safe to say I cannot sleep without a nightlight.