The urge to insult the boys mother came in like rain, I was just as Insane as the worst behaved patient in the hospital. But something stopped me.. a sudden thought, I would lose in a fair fight against this brute. I looked at the boy with a look of pity.
"I am sure she would love to hear you say that about her. I honestly do... But, who are we to say what she would look like. She's a 4'11 anime girl. And we are merely at odds. Let us settle this with words, mediated by a nurse or doctor, So Ian I am not mad. But shaken by your words."
He looked at me, and his mouth was wide open.
"It's not your fault your surroundings and your relatives have let you fall into this pit of sadness, but it is your fault on what you plan to do at this moment" I said. Giving him a smile.
"You're right.... I.. I dunno what I was thinking getting ready to attack you.. I lost control" He smiled sadly.
And we never had another negative interaction.