Eventually the battle was over. Each and every single warrior who participated had died, except for a handful. There were a few Yemars who lived. There were a few Markavs who lived. There were a few Tzimars, both light and dark, who lived. There were a few Wolf-People who lived. And there were a few animals of each and every kind who lived.
And all the children of all the races, who were not a part of the battle, they also lived, being hidden deep in the wood of trees by Puri’s forests themselves.
The Uzras who lived were all on the Yemars’ side. Sheen and Monnia and Holder were alive. They were ready to build a new world that would be free of all the suffering and the subjugation of the previous world that had preceded it. And they knew what they needed to do in order to make that happen.
The surviving adults said to the children that now it was time to hide deep underground. And the children emerged from the tree trunks that were protecting them and all gathered together. Children of all types, all standing on the same blood-soaked field. Markavs, Tzimars, Wolf-Children, Yemars, Uzras. The animals were all there too, standing with the people.
Puri’s earth came up and swallowed them all, so that they were hidden in a pocket deep inside of Them, so that they were all safe from the final birthing pains of the new world, which was very nearly about to be born.
And so from the side of the universe that was cold and the dark, darkness and chill came all upon the lands, freezing everything solid. And then, from the side of the universe with the heat and the light, a fire came, burning everything to ash. And finally, the world was free of everything the Uzras had built and created to subjugate it and its people.
The survivors all emerged into this world of ash, and they looked around, stunned.
Oella, now a spirit, came forth and brought the rains that she was so at one with. The sky, with its new sun and moon, clouded over in a vast, unending stretch of glowing grey clouds that blanketed the whole world. And then the rains came down, cool and filled with energy and life, torrential as they fell upon the earth, mingling with the ash and sending the ash down into into the ground.
The ash all mingled with the soil, fertilizing it. And from that fertilized soil sprang all sorts of new life. There were fields and prairies and savannah and grassland. There were deserts and badlands. There were forests of all types, with all types of trees. There was frozen tundra. There were coral reefs and kelp forests. There were lakes and rivers and ponds and streams and brooks. There was everything that had once been part of Puri, so many years ago.
Everything was wild and free, unfettered and indomitable and unharmed. Just as it was so very many years ago before Karkion had emerged into the world. And Puri was fully alive, fully in Their power, and stronger than ever.
These new wild lands would protect everyone. One only had to go within them and they would find food that did not have to be farmed and cultivated, they would find food that would just be available to be picked and eaten. And they would find so much more, as well.
They could all feel Puri, all feel the greatness of Puri, all around them.
All the Yemars and allied people went back to their people, their family, their friends, their communities. All the Yemars and allied people went back to their loved ones. All the Yemars and allied people went back to where they belonged. And they all belonged all together. And they all spent the rest of eternity all together. 97Please respect copyright.PENANAZNUxnZxL9O
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Holder and Sheen and Monnia took the Uzra children up upon a hill that overlooked the wild lands. And there they told them the truth. They told them the truth about who Karkion was and what he had done, about who his followers were and what they had done. They told them the truth about all the suffering and the grief and the injustices that the Uzras had caused and all the tribulations that the Yemars had to suffer through. They told them of all the things they themselves had learned in Oellon, and the children listened.
Holder and Sheen and Monnia also told the children that they could embark on a new path, they could lead their people on a new path. They told the children that the Uzras were capable of kindness and softness and humility. They were capable of oneness with nature and Puri and all people. They just had to learn how to embody those qualities and share them with others. They just had to turn away from what their parents taught them and turn instead to what the people needed them to learn. And again, the children listened.
And so the new world was wild and beautiful, and everyone embraced their differences and embraced their equality to work together and to make better lives for everyone. There were no hierarchies anymore. And community spread farther than anyone had previously thought it capable of spreading.
Sheen and Monnia had a child and they named the child Reconciliation. Because in this harmonious, young world, that was what the Uzra children needed to be and that was what the Uzra children needed to bring.
They raised all the Uzra children into kind teenagers and young adults.
But there was still trouble around the corner. A sneaky Uzra, Hali, had managed to survive the birthing pains of the new era. And he was out to get revenge against the traitor Uzras and bring the Uzra children back into the side of evil.
He challenged Sheen and Holder and Monnia to fight. And so they fought. In a world of peace, they fought. And they all died. This was the last battle that the world would ever see, and after this the youths from all backgrounds and heritages would come together to pave the new way forwards. A way of peace.
A way of community, a way of equality, a way of harmony with the natural world and a way of solidarity between all the different types of people and animals. A way of peace that was stronger even than the peace that had preceded it. Way of peace that could never be broken, not by anyone or anything.
Because now everyone knew the consequences of breaking the peace. Now everyone knew the consequences of breaking the solidarity. And now everyone knew what to do if anyone tried to subjugate them ever again. The sordid history of the world gave the world strength and protection, it gave the people strength and protection.
And all the people gave strength and protection and life and love to all of each other.
And all the martyrs looked out from Oellon and saw that they had succeeded, that their sacrifices were truly meaningful.
And Puri was in the fullness of Their life, and the fullness of Their protection, and the fullness of Their power. And They would be forever. 97Please respect copyright.PENANApSOsoaxk5f
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