I happened upon some information regarding armor, some of it interesting, some of it disturbing. Consider this, some metal armor designs were either too heavy or awkward to put on by oneself, that help and a good bit of time was needed to get ready. Now consider that leather is relatively easier to get into and required no additional assistance. Granted leather also means less protection and possibly less prestige.
Women will always admire men who stand out, especially in appearance. A knight atop his horse in fine metal, was a man who not only had money to more than take care of himself, but enough that he could flaunt it and see to his own protection in combat. He would likely survive a battle and return with more wealth, possibly even in the company of one higher in stature than himself. And then there are the rogues, whether they are on horseback or not they are hardly worth the attention, though a rogue on a horse is guaranteed to draw attention. He without a doubt has coin enough to flaunt. But his armor is dull and in no way allows him to distinguish himself. He would be no different than the spaces between words, there, but not the focus of people's attention, unless he's in thew rong place.
Now consider how we perceive the knight and the rogue. A knight is typically the pinnacle of female desires for men. They are strong, fearless, fight on the side of justice—righting all the evils in the world— loyal, and gentlemanly in their handling of women— enough to make a girl swoon. The rogue on the other hand, often believed a cut-purse—a thief— they were the the worst among men. They are cowardly, care not for right or wrong—they decide what was right— disloyal, and sly in their interactions with women. Of course not all women could attract the attention of knights and so rogues had their fair share of ladies. Let's not also forget, some ladies like the danger and adventure that cling to rogues.
For the sake of equality, the rogue of this particular setting is one who owns his own horse. Let us now put these two men on the field of battle. A battle that wages on for a week, there are skirmishes at night even after the soldiers have left the killing field of the day. While the knight expends most of his energy during the day, the rogue is most active at night. Both men spend much of the battle in their armor, eating, sleeping and killing in them. Both the knight and the rogue earn prestige in combat. The battle is won, the enemy decimated and the army presses forward to the castle you have been held captive in.
The knight and the rogue are at the front of the procession, having gained equal glory, they both qualify to free you. They stand at the door of your chamber offering their hands to free you from your cage. Which champion will you pick bestow your favour on? Which of these two men who have rescued you, will you choose to ride off into the sunset with? The knight in shining armor or the rogue in leather garb?
Which I say?!! Which of them?!!!
I have not given much in my ramblings, but I trust the little I have given is a big enough clue that everything is not what it seems when you think about it realistically. Every girl has dreamt of a knight in shining armor who comes to whisk her away to happily ever after. Or maybe of a daring rogue who sneaks into her bedroom for a night of passion.
I choose the rogue.
Due to the nature of his shining armor, as pretty and handsome he looks, as gentlemanly as his manners maybe, as wealthy as he is. The knight has spent the better part of a week, sleeping, eating, fighting and travelling in his own shit and piss. He stinks and has been breeding—LORD KNOWS WHAT! —something in his breeches. I do not want him, I will not bed him. If he is that comfortable to sit in his shit and piss for a week, I shudder to think what his normal hygiene might be like. And don't get on my back, 'But he was fighting all day and night for a week to rescue you.'. This was not his first battle, he is a knight! He has seen battles before, he knows the stink and discomfort of being in the presence of one who reeks! And he still chose to wear a full suit of armor to rescue me... and I should welcome him? I think not.
Granted they both stink.
But the rogue on the other hand, I am inclined to believe—because he can afford a horse— he pays better care to his personal hygiene and understands that women aren't fond of overly stink men. Not only that, but sexy time may be uncomfortable if you attempt to get busy with the lady right after her rescue. Besides, who said a man in rogue leather garb would have a rogue's disposition, or that a knight in shining armor would be as such. The rogue maybe your loyal gentlemanly lover, and you live a short happy life with him. The knight maybe a cowardly knave incapable of love, and you live long a miserable life with him.
I'd pick the rogue and get him some armor to protect his tender bits, maybe a chainmail shirt or a metal breastplate hidden under the leather.
Now who would you pick?