I am typing this outside my bedroom door, on the only device that was not in my room at the time things got out of control.
You see, 5 minutes ago, I was sitting at my desk playing games in the dark. It's Sunday night. I will squeeze every ounce of fun I can out of the weekend. Anyways, I'm sitting there in the dark, volume on the low because I'm exploring a burial ground in the game and the sounds of the mobs terrify me. There's also eerie music in the area. Point is, I'm already in a heightened state of jumpy af. In a moment of silence, I hear a thud on the bed. Slight panic, but my logical brain already dismissed it as kitty jumping on the bed. I glance over my shoulder but I can't see kitty on the bed. Yes, it's dark, I know, but he's got white fur, so the white should show up in the dark.
I turn my character to look at the sky, the sun in the game should be bright enough to light up the room a bit more. Okay, kitty's definitely not on the bed... So what the floop just landed on my bed! I paused the game, in a shitty spot, mind you, I'm about to be attacked by 4 mobs see, getting back into things is gonna be tricky.
As I was saying, I paused the game and headed for the light switch. The lights turn on, and at first I see nothing wrong with the bed. The books are in their corner, none have toppled from the stacks, my bag and pile of clothes are all as I left them earlier. I scrutinise the bed slowly, then my eyes rest on its beady eyes. A frog, sitting near the head of the bed. I scan the bed again, as well as the drapes and windows. Okay, just the one. How the floop did it get in here— oh, right, I left the window open longer tonight wile watching anime. Well, shit.
Of course, I did what any sane person would do; I called kitty. He didn't answer or show up, so I left the room to go look for him. Dumb idea I know. But if the bastard does disappear, kitty can sniff him out again.
I stalked the dark house, whispering kitty's name with no luck. On my way back to the room, I see him chilling at the top of the stairs, like he was waiting on me, the little shit. I snatched him up and brought him back to the room. The good thing was that the frog hadn't moved. The bad thing was that it really didn't move.
Let me tell you, all those science articles about cats being deadly hunters and serial killers of bugs and critters are all rubbish. Rubbish, I tell you! Kitty had zero interest in the little bastard. When he got to the bed, the frog jumped to the headboard. Kitty never saw or smelled him! I tried several times to point him out to kitty, but this cat was only interested in watching a lone little moth fly about. Why do I feed him?!!
Anyway, after a minute of trying to get kitty to butcher it, he hopped off the bed and went on his way. I decided then that bug spray ought to do the trick. So I fetched the can. I sprayed the bugger good. He hid in one of the decorative cuts, but I got 4 good long presses on him. He made a curling, fidgety motion, and I relaxed at last.
Only that SOB wasn't dying! He was coiling himself to spring after me. He sprung from the headboard, across the bed, across the desk, and leapt for me. I screamed and ducked behind my chair so he landed on the chair instead. Okay, some critters go rage mode just before they die. I looked him over. He looked nearing the end, so I thought to leave him alone and return the spray. On my way out, I find kitty lying outside the door like he's on vacation or something.
When I got back to the room, the bugger was frelling gone! No body on the chair, no body or dying stains on the tiles. Where the floop did he go?!! Wasn't he dead or near there? I probably should have shot him again when he hit the chair, but the thought that he might fly at me is why I didn't in the first place.
I left the room and fetched my tablet to type this. Now I should update you. While typing this, Kitty had a new found inspiration and could tell something was wrong with my behaviour, so he started to investigate the room.
He made his way under the bed, and the only thought in my mind was, seriously, how wrong can you be. But I jumped onto the bed. While I slowly surveyed the room kitty goes sprinting for my laundry basket. At this point, I think he's pulling my leg. I didn't see anything go there. Sure enough, a few minutes out hop the bastard, and kitty is right on his tail.
They circle the room a few times, under the bed, the chair, and even under the bookshelves in the far corner. Kitty seems to have lost him there. I'm not happy about that though, as those shelves meet the desk on the other end. Kitty's systematically checking the shelves, but he can't find it. I want to finish my game objective for the night before I go to bed, but I'm too scared to leave my spot on the bed.
My heightened state is disturbing...My phone's dying and the low battery alert near sent me out of my skin. Help. It's 12:30 now. I wanna play my game and I need to sleep. I have to get up in a few hours. This might not be scary to you, but I get CSF leaks. My brain's practically bleeding here! (Not really but it feels like that) Why do we need bugs and critters??!!!
I know this is all in my head. I know my imagination will be the death of me. But... And a big but too. I can't help it. My male cousins scared the shit out of me as a brat with bugs. Caterpillars, grasshoppers, crickets, and bulky spiders give me the shakes. Just remembering my childhood will send shivers down my spine.
I'm sleepy now, but I'm afraid to turn off the lights. What if there was more than one frog?! Help. Want to see a grown ass woman who's not afraid of hostile dogs, burglars, snakes, scorpions, or centipedes break down in tears over a frog the size of a quarter? Look no further. I am a senseless coward. I know. Maybe my younger brother will see the light on and check on me.
Thank God it wasn't a roach with aspirations of flight.209Please respect copyright.PENANA4xhpxR9A8D
209Please respect copyright.PENANA6V7hpjR4v6
It's Monday, woke up to a normal room. Maybe he died in the corner he hid in last night. Let this be a warning to others with Ranidaphobia, Entomophobia or Zoophobia. Bug spray not very effective on frogs. Salt might be the best thing to use idk... been chased by frogs after using salt on them too... maybe a combination of bug spray and salt?