生而為人,一生最重要的是,過一個不犯罪,不留陰影的人生。關於何謂「罪」的問題,無論是宗教或哲學界都有很多的爭論,但有一點很清楚的,那就是凡違背良心的事情就不要做,假如做了愧對良心之事,則必然會在心中留下陰影。——摘自《熱愛和平的世界公民 文鮮明》——
To be born, the most important thing in life is to live a life that does not commit crimes and leave no shadows. Regarding the question of what is meant by "sin", there are many controversies in both religious and philosophical circles, but one thing is very clear, that is, anything that goes against the conscience is not to be done. If you do something that is ashamed of your conscience, it will definitely happen. Leave a shadow in the heart.