There will be days that feel more hopeless than others, days that feel like the sun and its colour and beauty have become nothing but dust, days that feel like what once gave you happiness no longer has meaning in your Life.
You can't give in to those days, no matter how difficult or painful what they are putting you through is. You have to see to it that you get up, prepare to push forward and continue with the journey.
Many are counting on you: people you know of and the secret admirers you have. Be not the source of disappointment in their lives. Be the bright light that they need you be.
Do what your dreams need you to.
Be who your Life's Calling needs you to be, so that every morning you wake up to the Life you were meant to live.
It is in the darkest of times we realize how brightly the treasures within us glow.
It is in the darkest of times we realize the strength of the light we hold with us.
It is in the darkest of times we realize what it is that makes us bright.
I won't say don't give up, you've heard that too many times.
I will say this: if you give up on what matters to you the most, you will no longer have a reason to live.