"REJECT!" The voices of torment scream. "You. Are. A. Reject." They roar incessantly.
They are somewhat bothersome no more... their presence has sunk into the ignored pits of meaninglessness. Yet a Life without them is something I would never dare my imagination to paint a picture of...
For I'm glad for all the rejection I've faced in my Life. Despite its brutality, the Spirit that dwells on the throne of rejection... pushed me to search the isolated corners of Life no one ever speaks of, so that I could find the treasures many only dream of having.
And when I close my eyes and look at myself with the sight of my Spirit, the truth is so vivid and crystal clear... undeniably real.
"I... Am... My. Own. Work. Of. Art."310Please respect copyright.PENANAdQaSwoVWac
It's an illusion... the fear of rejection. The reality of it.
An illusion, that when you are ready, reveals to you the one secret they are afraid to let you know... that in truth, you are complete, just the way you are.