Running away was nothing new. It had become part of his persona, something that defined him. Not only did he run away physically, but mentally as well. Nothing was great, nothing had meaning. Rules and relationships were meant to be broken.
He was a lone wolf in a sea of people.
The sea. The only place that he had ever felt the serenity he wished for at that moment. The salty waves, the mesmerizing sound of the water, the sand between his toes. All were things that calmed him as he looked towards the horizon. Unfortunately, there was no such place near him. Instead he was surrounded by the dense forest, the songs of birds echoing in his ears.
He had long lost his pursuers, his father and sister. They had chased him for as long as they could, but Lucas was more athletic and agile. He had no place with them. Not after his mother passed away. These two were strangers and had been his whole life. Only in the last few months had they tried to insert themselves into his life, telling him what to do, criticizing every aspect of his lifestyle. He wanted to go back to what it was like before. With those who actually care about him, who loved him. Here he was a nuisance, unwanted, and hated.
Now Lucas was lost in more ways than one. His mind was confused, his physical state had become tired from the endless maze of trees, and his stomach grumbled. He was in an unfamiliar territory and knew well that there was no one searching for him anymore.
His body found refuge against one of the tall trees, his legs burying themselves into the dirt below. The roots of the old oak surrounded his body, cradling him, but it did little to comfort him.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, the overwhelming emotions finally taking hold. Everything that he had buried deep down was beginning to rise to the surface. Endless questions spilled from his lips in frustration, the words only heard by the animals around him. His fists slammed the ground below him, the tears only intensifying. Why was his life like this? Why?
A question that would never be answered.
The sound of a branch breaking made his swollen chestnut eyes scour the woodland floor around him. There was no telling what had found interest in him. Was it a predator? A small part of him did not care at that point.
Two beady eyes stared at him from a small distance away. The body was hidden in the shadows as dusk began to turn into nighttime. From what Lucas could tell, the animal was smaller but not much smaller than the bush it dwelled in.
Their gazes never drifted from one another. Seconds turned into minutes and the minutes turned into what felt like hours.
Lucas found himself with his hand outstretched, making small motions and clicking noises with his tongue to encourage the animal to come forth. With little light left, his heart was beating faster than normal, the feeling of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Was this animal going to make a midnight meal out of him?
Light footsteps moved their way in his direction and finally he could make out what had been stalking him.
A little brown nose, large ears, and red fur colorings immediately told him. A fox. His heart fluttered as he peered at the stunning animal. It stopped only centimeters from the tips of his fingers, the light sound of sniffing made his lips pull slightly upwards.
Never had he been so close to a wild animal nor had he ever laid eyes on a fox before. Lucas knew very little about the species but memories of his mother filtered through his mind. She loved animals and having been a photographer, loved taking pictures of them. Just as he had found peace with the ocean, she had found them in wild animals. The young male never understood her fascination with them until now.
Although his body was screaming to run away, his mind was at ease. The animal before him did not look threatening, only curious. Afterall, Lucas was the one invading its home.
A wet tongue licked at his fingers, making him shiver. A soft smile broke out on his features as he watched the animal investigate him. Maybe it was just getting a taste but he was mesmerized by it.
Its head soon brushed up against the palm of his hand, the softness of its fur surprising him. Slowly, the animal inched closer, its eyes focused on him. Time stopped and only his slow breathing could be noticed. All the other sounds were drowned out. Lucas had to stop himself from giving into his desire to treat this animal like a domesticated dog. He sat there as still as he could, allowing the other to make all the movements.
There was something almost mystical about this scenario. All his troubles from before had slowly started to melt away and it felt as if he had transcended somewhere else.
The animal soon found comfort in his lap, lying peacefully between his legs in a curled position. Lucas slowly placed the palm of his hand on top of its head, only a slight twitch of the creature’s ear came as a response.
Peace and serenity filled his body, finding every crevice and numbing him with joy. In that moment he felt love, hope, and happiness. Feelings that he had not felt in what seemed like forever. Simply because of the beautiful animal in his lap. A moment that he would never forget. Not one that he would ever share.
A secret between the two of them.
Lucas did not remember when he had fallen asleep. His body and eyes were greeted by the warm sun peeking through the leaves. Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, his eyes shooting open to find his lap empty. A pang of sadness stabbed his heart but a smile still etched itself onto his features. Even though there was no changing his current life situation, that brief moment left him loved.
A memory he would cherish forever.