Grá held his gun to his chest, the pirate's ship has been mostly repaired, at least it isn’t in danger of spontaneously combusting, it’ll need some professional help to be completely safe but it will do. Picking up his radio Grá called into Vine.
“What’s our ETT”.
“We’re 20 minutes away, hold on”.
“alright out”
Grá looked at the pirates, they didn’t look like they would rush him but you never know, they could be hiding a weapon or maybe plotting a way to escape.
“You're paranoid” he muttered to himself.
“What was that?” the Pantuse said. He considered starting some small talk but that seemed inappropriate. His thoughts drifted to Terek, although they only knew each other for a short while he was concerned for his companion. He had no clue who the kidnappers were or their affiliations. He knows that Vine has fond memories of the group, but you never know especially with the mental trauma and physical trauma. This situation did not sit well with Grá but what could he do, it’s not like he could abandon him to whoever took him. Grá stood like this lost in thought until finally, Vine called in over the radio.
“We are approaching Sancu prepare for re-entry.”
“Copy that. Out” Grá turned to his prisoners.
“You heard them, prepare for landing.” He grabbed the loop of rope above his head and secured himself to it. Looking over he saw them doing the same. The shuttle rattled like hell and for a moment Grá thought that it would fall apart in the atmosphere, after a minute of teeth-rattling violent shaking it stopped. Glancing out the window Grá saw the beautiful tree tops of Sancu. He let out a sigh of relief. It was uncharacteristically hard to travel only 5 light years, but they were finally here. Hopefully, it isn’t like earth and the UGU still have control but with the ‘Free Galactic Movement' operating from here it’s unlikely. Hopefully, they still have most of the same laws. The engines hummed as they slowly descended onto the landing platforms. The ship bounced to a stop. Grá quickly switched his attention to the prisoners.
“Alright you four let’s get moving.” Without a word, they marched out with minimal glares. Grá paraded them to the most important-looking person around.
“Hi there, are you in charge here?” He asked a human female.
“Yes I am. What are you looking for?”
“You see these people here tried to rob me and I was wondering if there is some kind of cell I can put them in?”
“There should be an open cell in that building, fifth door on the left.” She said pointing to a building on her right. Grá gestured to the prisoners and they started walking in, after a quick chat with the Sancture at the door he finally locked them up.
“Good luck guys,” He said. It felt wrong to leave them without a goodbye.
“Thanks” the Pantuse responded. The other three stared at him coldly. Grá awkwardly walked out and met up with Vine, Lily and Katie.
“So, what now?” Vine asked.
“I guess we go to the Old Tree.” Lily responded.
“But where is it?” Katie questioned.
“I’ll look it up.” Lily replied pulling out her phone. After a couple minutes of tapping she looked up at the group.
“It's this way, let’s go.” It took them over an hour of walking through cobbled streets, to finally reach the bar but they finally did.
“Are you sure this is it?” Grá asked.
“Don’t you trust your sister Grá?” Lily asked back
“Just making sure.” Grá responded raising his hands in mock surrender. “Let’s grab Terek then.” He raised his hand and considered knocking, his hand stayed there for a moment before deciding to just go in. He opened the door and was met by silence.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” Grá shouted wondering if he was in the right place. Suddenly the lights flicked on, and people began to stream out of the doors and hallways.
“Drop your weapons.” Was said a few times. With a reluctant sigh, Grá dropped his gun. The other three threw their hands up.
“Well, shit” Grá muttered.