Grá bolted upwards, quickly grabbing his pistol he rushed out of his room, still in his pj’s, and yelled at the ship
“Viai! What’s happening?”
“Several enemy ships are attacking us, our defences seem to be holding up so far.”
“How many Vaia?”
“Thank you” Grá sighed through clenched teeth. He threw himself into the pilot’s seat and glanced over the warning popping up on all the consoles, he yanked the radio down and yelled at Katie over the comms
“Katie? KATIE? DO YOU COPY?” He yelled in frustration as he put the radio back. He will have to do this with one ship. Grá called out over the intercom
“Vine hop on the rear guns and strap yourself in, we’re doing evasive manoeuvres.” He dodged in between a missile or two, cursing the whole time before he got the message from Vine.
“Locked and loaded cap’n, let’s do this” with a sly smile Grá dove, he thought back to all the hours on the simulation and let muscle memory take over, without thinking he initiated the autocannons and rose beneath the ship attacking the Cu Chulainn as soon as they were in range the cannons laid into them, ripping up the hull of the ship. The ship darted away, circling them like a shark in the water, Grá hovered around the Cu Chulainn firing at any ship that dared to close the gap. After several minutes of this game, the third ship approached, instead of attacking the third ship flagged them down.
“This is Captain Void at your service, you fight valiantly though in vain. Hand over your goods and I won’t be forced to hand your souls to the devil.”
“ Oh shut up you pretentious prick. I’ve been in the military for 10 years, you have to be the sorriest bunch of pirates I’ve ever seen.”
“H..How dare suggests that. I’m no common pirate, I’m Captain Void, now what is your choice?” Ignoring the captain, Grá sped towards his ship, unloading the cannons as he approached. As Blasé as he seemed, Grá knew without the Cu Chulainn he wouldn’t last long as he zipped in between the enemy ships, he made one last desperate call to his sister's ship.
“Katie? Lily? Anyone? We need you at the wheel. We have 3 pirate ships who want our blood. Katie?” There was no answer. The only hope now was that there was some Disney hero who could swoop in and save them. Knowing that wouldn’t happen Grá started setting up the self-destruction protocol, If death was going to take him he might as well take some of those bastards with him. Moving in close to one of the ships he emptied all he could into their engines, Hopefully taking them out of the fight. The ship rocked as Captain Void managed a direct hit, killing the right engine.
“You must be regretting your choices now you insolent soldier, any last words before you die? Doesn’t matter, goodbye” Grá shut his eyes closed, so this is it, this was his end, his hand reached for the big red button, hoping his sisters wouldn't be affected. A boom reverberated through the ship. Snapping his eyes open he saw the Captain’s ship flames billowing out before being snuffed by the vacuum of space
“How about that for last words” Katie grinned. The last ship quickly sped off, leaving their comrade for dead.
“KATIE what took you so long, I could’ve died!”
“Sorry, those bastards hit us with an EMP before they attacked, we could hear everything but do nothing. Thankfully it ran out when it did. It was like something from Disney. It’s really good planning on their part.”
“So it was. Now, enough with the chit-chat. Let's talk with our prisoners”