Eva was having the same dream again. Pelor, the god of the sun and healing, began speaking to her once more. He was the one who gifted her the power of healing. She could see a white figure in the distance. Although it seemed small since it was so far away, she could tell the figure would be far larger if she even dared to walk closer. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAZ6rOmv3EcB
“Eva,” his voice spoke in her head. “You have done well with the power you were given. But,” his hand reached out toward her. The arm of the figure stretched far as his hand was placed over her face. “You were meant for something greater.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANADdCS8GBnUF
Her eyes snapped open, as her hand was gently wrapped around her face the same way she saw Pelor’s hand. She lifted her hand up, staring at it. These hands were meant to heal, but The gods and goddesses never really tell what path they want you to go on. Being a healer for the people here seemed to not be the path that was meant for her. For years, she has tried to become a healer for the adventurers guild. Although that wasn’t her primary dream job. Eva specifically wanted to become a healer for a bounty hunter. 299Please respect copyright.PENANArKLPGaG9P8
Regardless, it was time for her to ready herself for work again. Whenever she looked at the time her eyes widened. “Oh crap!” Quickly, she gathered her work clothes. As she stood in front of her mirror she adjusted the buttoned down white shirt, rolling up the long sleeves a bit. She also adjusted the long blue skirt up to her waist as she tucked her shirt in. Lastly, she brushed her long blonde hair. Although she wanted to cut it, her mother would never permit it.299Please respect copyright.PENANAYVj9oensPA
“Eva dear! You’re going to be late!” She could hear her mothers calls from downstairs.299Please respect copyright.PENANA1eRNis2kkh
“I’m coming!” Eva hastily gathered her messenger bag which she held essential medicines and healing spells for specific injuries and illnesses. Anyone could hear the pitter patter of her feet before she stopped at the entrance hall to put her shoes on. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAjmZq0yKbo6
Her mother shook her head with crossed arms. “You missed breakfast! At least take some toast with you.” Eva smiled brightly at her mother as she placed the piece of toast in her mouth before she left. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAltBZK8TxWv
“Thanks mom! I’ll be back later!” Eva ran out of the house and waved at the neighbors. “Gotta run!”299Please respect copyright.PENANAL07lvcA2Rq
"Late again?” Her neighbor gave a big belly laugh. His wife also chuckled softly while watching Eva. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAJVrt6cTkqT
It wasn’t too far of a walk from her mom's house to the clinic. But since Eva was such an essential worker, it was no surprise that her boss looked furious as she walked in. “Eva! How many times have you been late in this month alone?!” 299Please respect copyright.PENANARje7eRWCQY
Eva laughed nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck. “Sorry Mr. Wheeler…” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAViVfWoOClm
He pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed deeply. “If healers weren’t needed so desperately and if this were any other job you would be fired, Eva. You know this.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAn2MHqSzKPX
Eva pouted. “I’m sorry once again, Mr. Wheeler. I keep having dreams that keep me sleeping longer than I should.” Dreams were always signs from the Gods. Although she does get yelled at often by her boss, he still cared for her like a daughter. He can be harsh, but he is also worried about her. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAbaAUwuLR44
“I’m worried about you with your tardiness, what do these dreams tell you?” He asked. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAF5shjZwnkt
“I… I shouldn’t say. Mother told me to not talk about them.” Eva fiddled with her fingers. 299Please respect copyright.PENANADmAHz08YB3
He sighed again. Eva’s mother was a pain in his ass but she has been a family friend for a long time. “Fine, go get to it.” He shooed her away. Eva skipped over to her station. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAx2y3AbdQxK
It was a long day, there were plenty of adventurers and even some refugees arriving in their town who needed medical attention. Eva always healed the most people per day. It made her wonder why she was always rejected with both the adventurers guild and the bounty hunter guilds. At this point she was debating sending some letters to rogue bounty hunters. They worked under no one but themselves. The thing is, they are very stubborn usually when it comes to even gaining a partner. They liked their solo missions. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAnCGG9e6wEg
There was lots of gossip going around today. Many of the most famous adventurers have returned today. They successfully stopped an orc invasion in the northern region. Eva always reserved her excitedness whenever she would overhear this type of gossip. One thing that did catch her attention though was the news of Silas Ewing heading this way. He was an extremely notorious bounty hunter. And extremely infamous. It has been rumored that he burned down a whole city with the people inside to kill the monsters that were overtaking it. No matter how many rumors come around about him, there’s no doubt he is one of the best. If there was a way she could somehow meet him… not not even that. Just to see him would be exciting. 299Please respect copyright.PENANA3WsWpz4uvu
The day continued onward until it was the end of Eva’s shift. She always stayed a bit later since she always showed up late. As she gathered her things she looked for Mr. Wheeler, as the postman should’ve already delivered the mail. “Mr. Wheeler!” Eva power walked over to him, her eyes hopeful. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAxIrrpQW5fY
As he turned around to see her, he made a face she didn’t understand. “Eva?”299Please respect copyright.PENANAHivnJexIIZ
“Is there any mail for me from the Adventurers Guild? Or maybe the Bounty Hunters?” Eva could feel her heart beat faster as it always did when she anticipated their answer once again. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAE4mMrPYv9F
“You mean she didn’t tell you?” His face looked a bit angered.299Please respect copyright.PENANAlpdF03MFGW
“Who?” Eva was now confused. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAyp7UumUYLE
He sighed and waved his arm to follow him. “Come to my office for a minute.” Eva felt nervous now, as she followed him. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAwdym8ozKzZ
“What’s wrong Mr. Wheeler?” Eva asked timidly. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAMGnbcObhZD
“I’m sorry Eva, your mother was supposed to tell you but… I did give her an ultimatum to either tell you herself or that I would.” He sat back in his chair looking guilty and defeated.299Please respect copyright.PENANAsQR1ikbHlU
“What are you talking about?” Eva couldn’t grasp what he meant. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAlXE7rmliyk
“Eva, your letters have never made it to either guilds. Your mother has been bribing me and the postman to make sure they weren’t meant to go out. And I would type up a rejection letter in response. Do you understand now?” He hesitated to look at her, as he knew he was doing something so backhanded to such a sweet girl. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAbBRIzhZewQ
“Oh I… I see.” Eva sat there, dumbfounded. As she sat there and thought about all the times she attempted to join them, more and more things started to add up. Her mother never wanted her to become a battle healer. It was because they already lost her father to a monster. He was one of the best bounty hunters in all of history. But, he was a rogue hunter. He worked by himself. Perhaps if he had a healer with him that day… no! There was no need to have those thoughts now. The point was, her letters never even reached the guilds. Which means she was never rejected either. Eva stood up and looked at her boss. “I’ve got to get going! I don’t want to be too late going home or mom will get worried.” Before she left she looked back to him, “Thank you for telling me. I’ll have to figure something else out.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANA7NthR0R0Bk
Whenever she walked home, she noticed a giant shadow in the shape of a dragon roaming closer to the town. As she looked up, it was a beautiful golden dragon. On his back sat Silas. The gossip was true! He was heading toward the town. Although Eva wanted to run back into town to stare at him with the rest of the townsfolk, there wasn’t much of an option for her. She continued down the path back home. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAhTN1JQn3nq
It had been a while since Eva felt anger. She knew her mother didn’t want her to go out into the battles with adventurers. But she didn’t think her mom would go so far as to make sure her letters never made it to the guilds. Eva began formulating a plan. It was rash, oh, it was so rash. But the free spirit her father had burned bright within her. She has sat in one place for too long, obliviously thinking she was not good enough to travel out. But she could see clearly now, that she was indeed an amazing healer. Eva wanted to become a part of something bigger, maybe even saving lives. She wasn’t much of a fighter, but she would always be there to support them. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAr2SsmYD5zm
Whenever she returned home, she slipped her shoes off in the entrance room. “Mom! I’m home!” She shouted. Their butler was there to greet her and took her messenger bag to be hung up in her room. 299Please respect copyright.PENANArrm9h2NehW
“Hello dear! How was work? Did you get any letters back?” Her mother sat in the study. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAR5akCIKdpz
Eva shook her head, “No letters today. But!” Eva’s eyes twinkled, “I saw Silas’s golden dragon fly over on my way home. I heard some rumors he is going to be staying here for the night. He must have some amazing stories.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANApucxqUeBMh
Her mother wrinkled her nose in disapproval. “Him? He puts all the good bounty hunters to shame with his convoluting tactics.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAxekOnAKczm
“Cmon mom, they’re just rumors. Dad got his fair share of rumors about himself too. I doubt the guild would let him continue working rogue if he really did everything the rumors say.” Eva pointed out. “It’s not every day you get to see a dragon though.” She smiled. “He was really beautiful.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAaAE52W1KVe
“You’re father only got a few rumors, this man has many. Burning down villages, making contracts with demons, following evil gods? These are no small rumors,” her mother went on a tangent for a while. Eva listened all the while, not showing any sign of her newfound knowledge nor her anger. “Your father would’ve put him in his place.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANApRCAuK62y7
“Really? I feel like dad would’ve tried to guide him on better paths.” Eva sat up. 299Please respect copyright.PENANABnaPK8X5j2
“Sorry to intrude Lady Merideth and Lady Eva,” the butler lightly knocked on the door. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAc340vHOtJW
“Come in,” Eva’s mother nodded her head toward the butler. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAU0S21Q8t5g
He merely bowed at the doorway before announcing, “Dinner is ready for you both.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAL1b3N232q5
“Perfect! Eva, dear, go get changed before you meet me at the dinner table.” Her mother stood up and bookmarked the book she was reading. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAa74DhCQhI0
Eva made her way upstairs to her room to change out of her work clothes into casual attire. She let her long blonde hair down. As she looked over herself in the mirror again, she could see some of the freckles on her nose coming out more from the bright sunlight. Her mind was still working until she went into the dining area. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAzkpy8caoZM
As Eva sat down, her mother continued to talk about Eva’s future. “Eva dear, are you sure you won’t consider going to The Academy of Healing and Alchemy? Our family is close friends with the Dean, he’s seen your power himself and has said you’d be one of their top students if you ever joined.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAjHAT2Nesj3
“Well, I do keep getting rejected by the Guilds. I will consider it.” Eva used her best table manners as she ate and talked with her mother. This got her mother all excited and happy. Little did she know that somehow, some way, Eva will take the path she wanted to take. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAMe14L7OWRl
Whenever evening came around, Eva’s mother excused herself to go to bed. Eva said she would follow suit, also going to her room. But instead of going to bed, she started to pack essentials. All the money she had, travel clothes, water skins, and some rations she kept on hand just in case of emergencies. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAjnxeHZpXLZ
Eva’s heart was racing. Not only was she going to have to figure a way to sneak out without being caught, but she was also supposed to somehow find Silas? And somehow convince him to bring her with him? The probability of any of this working was really low. But if she doesn’t go then it’s a 0% chance of her finally being a healer who goes out on adventures. She bit her lip nervously as she snuck around the halls, making sure to avoid the maids and butler. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAQ6t1n1eP4w
When outside, the sound of crickets reached her ears. And the smell of the grass tickled her nose. Eva’s best bet was to go toward the tavern. The only thing that will make this easier for her was to find out where the golden dragon is. Silas would not be far from his dragon, or so Eva assumed. Her walk down the path was peaceful. There was still some paranoia that someone must know she was gone and was coming for her. But there was no one to be seen until she was closer to the town. It was bustling at night too, since the adventurers finally arrived after their long journey. 299Please respect copyright.PENANA3QOiFMJJ15
Eva spotted the dragon immediately. He was behind the barns and tavern. The lights of the town glistened off his scales one by one. Eva couldn’t do much besides stare in awe. That’s when she shook her head and looked toward the tavern. It was time to focus! Eva peeked into the tavern. There was a huge crowd of rowdy and loud people as they drunkenly sang, shouted, and laughed. There was definitely a figure who stood out from the rest at the bar. His left arm looked normal, while his right arm looked to be as black as coal. Instead of human fingers they reminded her more of pointed talons. It was the arm of a demon. A curse. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAbgMK3tX37A
Silas downed the two shots he ordered easily. Before he left the money on the counter and left the bar. He headed toward the back exit. Shoot! Eva thought to herself as she scrambled her way toward the back of the tavern. It was there she got to see the golden dragon and all his beauty. This was also the first time she got to see Silas up close. Besides his cursed arm, he had a chiseled jaw, jet black hair, and eyes so brown, they might as well have been black too. He put on his hunter’s hat, lighting a cig as he walked over to the dragon. “How’re you holding up bud?” He asked gruffly. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAfTv2FrEGwy
Eva slowly tried to approach them, feeling her stomach churn. Now wasn’t the time to let her nerves get to her! But once the dragon's eyes landed on her, she gulped loudly. Silas pulled out a flame sword, as black as night and adorned with red design against the blade. In a blink of an eye he was right in front of her, the tip of his blade at her throat. This surprised her and made her yelp. “Ah!” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAZfFkBVWDEt
As their eyes met, Silas spoke. “State your business.” Despite her being an unarmed woman, he still treated her as a threat. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAezgMJMrwkh
Eva gulped again. “My name is Eva, I’m a healer. I wanted to make a proposition with you.” She kept looking at him. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAPYS0IYv3qi
“What does a healer want to do with me?” He didn’t let his guard down. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAxNnwkCXpEs
“I want to travel with you,” Eva gripped onto the strap of her bag tightly. 299Please respect copyright.PENANATucRfhsO40
“You want to travel with a man who’s burned down villages, accepted contracts with demons, and follows evil deities?” He listed out the main rumors that surround his name. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAxIV60wOA0l
“Any trained eye can see that you are cursed and not in a contract.” Eva took note of his arm. “I have studied for years to become a combat healer.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAL6GaKMb8Xt
“If you want to be one so bad then join the guilds, don’t bother a rogue bounty hunter.” He withdrew his sword. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAnInsiw02OZ
“I… I can’t. Any letter I send to the guilds gets intercepted.” Eva bit her lip nervously. “Can I ask you something?” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAI8nPuprE9e
“I have a feeling you’ll ask anyway,” he turned his back to her, walking over to the golden dragon. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAgIZkdJGUXF
Eva cautiously walked behind him. “Have you found a cure yet?” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAXIgG91RTFC
“There is no cure for a curse like this,” he tossed his stuff up as the dragon caught it. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAZkTg1SVVsl
“There’s a cure for all curses,” she stated. Eva paused and spoke more confidently. “How about this: I promise to find a cure for the curse within a year. If I don’t then you can go back to traveling by yourself. Also, taking me means you spend less money on potions. I’ve spent years studying all types of monsters and magical creatures and how to be prepared for them.” Eva kept rambling on before Solis held up his hand.299Please respect copyright.PENANAgkn5bWmSoJ
“Tell me what you know of Basilisks, Hydras, Archdemons.” He demanded flatly.299Please respect copyright.PENANAqWpX2F6ClZ
“Basilisks… they’re a giant serpentine creature. They can kill their prey with a look in their eyes. Even trying to use a mirror will still kill their prey. To kill one you’d need to subject it to the odor of weasels, or griffin tears, or having the Basilisk see its own reflection. Hydras live in freshwater. It’s a snake-like monster with multiple heads that can spit acid. Trying to cut off one of their heads creates two more in its place. Ice and damaging the heads without cutting them off is the only way to slow the hydra down and kill it. But Archdemons…” Eva wrinkled her eyebrows. “It’s rare to see one in the physical realm. Extremely rare.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAMTTGjVWPtX
“Do you know what it is though? What they do?” He stared at her sharply. This is so much worse than taking a test in school. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAm7aUBrHvqX
Eva took this time to recall the stories her father told her. “As far as I know, they can take any form they choose. But most often, it’s in the form of a dragon. Black scales… a leader of demons. Wherever the Archdemon goes, his army of demons follow. If an archdemon would ever show, it could mean the end of the world as we know it.” Eva bit her lip again whenever she continued. “I… don’t know how one gets slayed. The only information I know of them is from thousands of years ago.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAoH89xOJ9S9
“There are seven archdemons. The only two slayed in all of history are named Belphegor and Mammon. Mammon was in the shape of a dragon. Belphegor however, was more demon-looking.” Silas explained. Eva thought to herself that he could be a good teacher. His expression wasn’t as hardened as it was earlier. “What’s your name kid?” 299Please respect copyright.PENANA53Krx9vvoJ
Kid? He must’ve been at most 4 years older than her. “Eva…” She began to panic as she quickly tried to come up with a fake last name. “Winters.” She could smack herself in the face right now. Eva Summers was her true name. Winters? Great job, Eva. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAksdRiauKiz
“Silas Ewing. Eva, those creatures I’ve listed out, those are the types I slay. Adventurers guild go for hoards of monsters that are smaller. They aren’t as well equipped for battles against the bigger and more potent monsters. Your likelihood of dying goes up at least by ninety five percent.” He looked over to her once more, awaiting some sort of reaction or response. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAQO8vuyasJt
“I want to be a part of something greater than all I am able to offer here. Besides, with me around, the likelihood of you dying decreases by at least thirty five percent.” Eva cracked a cheeky smile. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAbN2aDiqTLW
Silas didn’t respond for a second, glancing over to his dragon. The dragon glanced back. Dragons are known for communicating telepathically. Eva wouldn’t be surprised if they were conversing that way. Silas took one step toward the dragon, looking over his shoulder at her. “You’ve got six months to find a cure before I kick your ass to the curb. Any missing information on any creature or monster you might have, I’ll fill you in. You’ll have to get used to flying, and we get two separate rooms whenever we make a pit stop in any town. Do not get any ideas.” Silas turned a bit more to face her, with a hand out toward her. “Do we have a deal?” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAeRxVG4JGYo
As he continued to talk Eva brightened up. It was no secret she was excited to take this opportunity. Eva shook his hand respectably. “It’s a deal!” With that, Silas grabbed a hold of her.299Please respect copyright.PENANAoCJfmBCNVV
“Hang on tight.” He warned her. They were lifted off the ground. Eva yelped and instinctively grabbed onto Silas to keep from falling. The dragon had placed the two on his back. Eva sat in front of Silas. “Please excuse us, Chryses usually has a saddle of sorts. It needed some repairs. We will travel toward the nearby kingdom to go pick it up.” 299Please respect copyright.PENANAgE3Mme5564
Eva was about to say something until Chryses began to stand up and flapped his wings. Chryses showed no modesty as he took off at great speed. Eva screamed a bit in surprise and fear. Silas made sure that she would not fall off, which is easier to take control of if he sat in the back. They stabilized high in the sky. Eva’s eyes were shut tightly. Slowly, she allowed herself to open them. She was met with the most beautiful sight of the town below. 299Please respect copyright.PENANA1oJoWUy7Io
They did fly for a bit before they descended to a bit of a clearing close by the forests and the dirt road that lead to the kingdom. It was far enough away from bandits but it did put them closer to the wolves that roamed the woodlands. It was a perfect snack for Chryses if the wolves even dared try. Silas began setting up camp.
“We aren’t going directly to the Kingdom?” Eva asked.299Please respect copyright.PENANAjziyKAA2lR
“Not yet, Chryses and I haven’t gotten proper rest.” Solid spent his time creating a fire. 299Please respect copyright.PENANAMQjvC2LkIm
“Why rest here and not back at the tavern?” Eva asked curiously.299Please respect copyright.PENANAVD0TBzrSta
“Because I’m less likely to be harassed out here by monsters than I am of the people back in town.” With all the wood gathered, Solis used magic to start the fire from his hands. His flames were well controlled, and the wood caught fire easily. They both sat around the fire, Chryses close by. Eva rummaged through her bag and pulled out a grey cloak. It looked like it was too big for her, since it was her fathers. She wrapped herself in it, watching the flames flicker before slowly moving her eyes back over to Silas every so often. He smoked another pipe, leaning his back against the tree behind him and sliding his hat over his eyes.299Please respect copyright.PENANAzmvD8gVUqT
It wasn’t long until Eva propped her bag up and laid her head on it. She listened to the sound of the fire until she fell asleep.
299Please respect copyright.PENANAnSSM3KcCIo