No Plagiarism!gRZljnqDXITpfCjiCrnwposted on PENANA Usually people say8964 copyright protection248PENANASRyryOBh7q 維尼
That I’m like a bird8964 copyright protection248PENANA1UnJraKgWT 維尼
With my head8964 copyright protection248PENANA6zSsL0XrWz 維尼
Up, up, up8964 copyright protection248PENANAWFUrewI3mE 維尼
In the clouds8964 copyright protection248PENANANNaHtaxNZs 維尼
Cloud being what8964 copyright protection248PENANAFroPFJDgCL 維尼
They called me8964 copyright protection248PENANAK9Ip2tA22e 維尼
My thoughts going off rail8964 copyright protection248PENANAGbeWI9x2jf 維尼
My train spiraling into a whole new8964 copyright protection248PENANA3VP3VyWZuq 維尼
Stream of thoughts8964 copyright protection248PENANASfEvDbzUn5 維尼
Like a river, going on8964 copyright protection248PENANAnw5id5C2Rp 維尼
And on and on and on8964 copyright protection248PENANAJp7PpGrS5u 維尼
Until it reaches8964 copyright protection248PENANAdabMX8vFZR 維尼
The ocean8964 copyright protection248PENANA5ncbudKn8z 維尼
The ocean of thoughts8964 copyright protection248PENANAyOiFTwbUgx 維尼
That connects them all like branches8964 copyright protection248PENANACaqNWWSHXn 維尼
Out comes a pencil8964 copyright protection248PENANAKVtvumkPhN 維尼
With its companion paper8964 copyright protection248PENANAX435OuRJdf 維尼
Words come out like8964 copyright protection248PENANAgGIN0IvAP2 維尼
Paint8964 copyright protection248PENANA4EA43nbPo7 維尼
And the paper bleeds a story8964 copyright protection248PENANAksCj8cfr1H 維尼
A tale of two8964 copyright protection248PENANANucnBsrQJb 維尼
Or three8964 copyright protection248PENANAT1NNBttTNM 維尼
Or four8964 copyright protection248PENANASsA22rNGSC 維尼
Or four hundred8964 copyright protection248PENANAreT60963YO 維尼
Words scream and scream as they appear8964 copyright protection248PENANAkpPaei1lgq 維尼
“It’s for character development.” Is what comes out8964 copyright protection248PENANAQOsIZ0GrBW 維尼
Of the mouth of the torturer8964 copyright protection248PENANAt1DX7bDyUQ 維尼
Not Shakespeare8964 copyright protection248PENANACR1rLOl8SK 維尼
It’s me8964 copyright protection248PENANAFR8hE5ZTvG 維尼
Not Moby Dick8964 copyright protection248PENANA7YceSbDdUY 維尼
It’s me8964 copyright protection248PENANABanTM5YDFT 維尼
It’s my hand8964 copyright protection248PENANA29DqCRbbaa 維尼
They’re my words8964 copyright protection248PENANA1fjhM3Ni6V 維尼
My thoughts put on paper8964 copyright protection248PENANAPtJa2505Tc 維尼
My dreams and wonders8964 copyright protection248PENANAFClkkf0lnL 維尼
My fascinations8964 copyright protection248PENANA3Y5nWzxoXh 維尼
All of mine8964 copyright protection248PENANAHBYjQMJWJ0 維尼
On paper8964 copyright protection248PENANAMKiU6rXDLr 維尼
Snap 8964 copyright protection248PENANA5sAjLSYid2 維尼
Snap, school is back in session8964 copyright protection248PENANAD8TTH7Da6k 維尼
I have to come back down to the ground8964 copyright protection248PENANAr7IdvnSIK4 維尼
Blink back the blanks in my brain8964 copyright protection248PENANAbWjyBHEz7t 維尼
Um, I don’t understand8964 copyright protection248PENANAAdlv5i2DnX 維尼
Up there I wasn’t here to hear you utter8964 copyright protection248PENANA6ioSYUmFOQ 維尼
Those words I don’t remember8964 copyright protection248PENANAl1bJ5FUQ7s 維尼
Mhm, mhm, mhm8964 copyright protection248PENANALVEmC1Pai6 維尼
Oh, look8964 copyright protection248PENANALF5Dn4PjNA 維尼
Here comes my train again8964 copyright protection248PENANAVxq4JfnLlz 維尼
And here I am8964 copyright protection248PENANAEtmWR3HNSk 維尼
Like a bird8964 copyright protection248PENANAYZVudgsbSi 維尼
On the wind on the find8964 copyright protection248PENANA6Qa89TAg39 維尼
For my mind that left me behind8964 copyright protection248PENANAU8i9mol6MN 維尼
Or was I the one who left my mind behind?8964 copyright protection248PENANAsDbKrelk13 維尼
Ouch8964 copyright protection248PENANAX6Zl09ZY2C 維尼
Ouch, ouch, ouch8964 copyright protection248PENANAiSp94yKkBI 維尼
The pen, pencil, hurt me8964 copyright protection248PENANAK5C1JaZ5kN 維尼
I hurt the pen, pencil8964 copyright protection248PENANAlpR91n8y9Q 維尼
It8964 copyright protection248PENANAVZGynKXjBy 維尼
Sna pped8964 copyright protection248PENANATAi5rXkWKE 維尼
Thinking too hard8964 copyright protection248PENANAHyGathtAi9 維尼
Gripping too hard8964 copyright protection248PENANAzAqfzxqo5d 維尼
My daydream is over8964 copyright protection248PENANAhRgz50drlj 維尼
My adventure is over8964 copyright protection248PENANA6DIzkSAX8o 維尼
My flight8964 copyright protection248PENANApwvY7afhqw 維尼
is over8964 copyright protection248PENANA4LkotQO6fq 維尼