There was once a small town in the countryside. The founder of the town, years ago, had dubbed it the perfect place to settle. Some say, at this point in time, the town founder was crazy. Only weeks after his settlement began to thrive in the valley he had said to be "Perfect," three men vanished without a trace. Everyone searched for days and days, but all to avail, the men were gone. Some of the men's friends had suggested they search the nearby woods, but none of them dared venture into where they suspected danger may lurk. One of the men's wives questioned whether or not the settlement was cursed, but either way the people of the newly branded town called off the search and blamed the disappearance on wild animals. How perfect, that the following month something unexplainable happened. Early in the morning the baker's son went out to fetch some water from the river, but instead of the clear water he was expecting, he saw red bloodied water. This time nobody had an explanation, but all the while the town founder was still convinced the settlement was the best spot. How perfect, it was when they realized that the woods were the only thing upstream from them, and where the source of which the blood came from, but still nobody would volunteer to go anywhere near the woods. In the days that followed nobody went near the woods or the river. they had a good supply of water so they believed it would be ok, and that the river would run clean of blood at some point. How perfect, that only a few days after they grew custom to drinking the stale bottled water, the river dried up. How perfect, now they had no choice but to send a team to follow the river and see what had happened, but the argument of who should go lasted many days. They thought it was ok to take time since they had water to spare, but without the river, all the crops in town dried up and died. On the night in which they discovered the dead vegetables and grains, a terrible fire broke out burning everything it touched. Very little survived, but those who did say it started at the edge of the woods... How perfect.